protobuf- Google Protocol Buffers via GHC.Generics

Safe HaskellNone




type Tag = Word32

Field identifiers

data WireField

A representation of the wire format as described in


VarintField !Tag !Word64

For: int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, enum

Fixed64Field !Tag !Word64

For: fixed64, sfixed64, double

DelimitedField !Tag !ByteString

For: string, bytes, embedded messages, packed repeated fields

StartField !Tag

For: groups (deprecated)

EndField !Tag

For: groups (deprecated)

Fixed32Field !Tag !Word32

For: fixed32, sfixed32, float


getVarInt :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Get a

putVarSInt :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> Put

This can be used on any Integral type and is needed for signed types; unsigned can use putVarUInt below. This has been changed to handle only up to 64 bit integral values (to match documentation).

putVarUInt :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> Put

This should be used on unsigned Integral types only (not checked)

newtype Field n a

Fields are merely a way to hold a field tag along with its type, this shouldn't normally be referenced directly.

This provides better error messages than older versions which used Tagged




runField :: a


Functor (Field n) 
Foldable (Field n) 
Traversable (Field n) 
Bounded a => Bounded (Field n a) 
Enum a => Enum (Field n a) 
Eq a => Eq (Field n a) 
Ord a => Ord (Field n a) 
Show a => Show (Field n a) 
Monoid a => Monoid (Field n a) 
NFData a => NFData (Field n a) 
HasField (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Enumeration a))))

Iso: FieldType (Packed n (Enumeration a)) = [a]

HasField (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Value a))))

Iso: FieldType (Packed n (Value a)) = [a]

HasField (Field n (RepeatedField [Enumeration a]))

Iso: FieldType (Repeated n (Enumeration a)) = [a]

HasField (Field n (RepeatedField [Value a]))

Iso: FieldType (Repeated n (Value a)) = [a]

HasField (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Enumeration a))))

Iso: FieldType (Optional n (Enumeration a)) = Maybe a

HasField (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Value a))))

Iso: FieldType (Optional n (Value a)) = Maybe a

HasField (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Enumeration a))))

Iso: FieldType (Required n (Enumeration a)) = a

HasField (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Value a))))

Iso: FieldType (Required n (Value a)) = a

HasField (Field n (RepeatedField [Message a]))

Iso: FieldType (Repeated n (Message a)) = [a]

HasField (Field n (OptionalField (Maybe (Message a))))

Iso: FieldType (Optional n (Message a)) = Maybe a

HasField (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Message a))))

Iso: FieldType (Required n (Message a)) = a

(EncodeWire a, KnownNat n, Foldable f) => GEncode (K1 i (Field n (f a))) 
(DecodeWire (PackedList a), KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Packed n a)) 
(DecodeWire a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Value a))))) 
(DecodeWire a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Repeated n a)) 
(Enum a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Enumeration a))))) 
(Enum a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Enumeration a))))) 
(DecodeWire a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Value a))))) 
(Decode a, Monoid (Message a), KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (OptionalField (Maybe (Message a))))) 
(Decode a, Monoid (Message a), KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Message a))))) 
type FieldType (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Enumeration a)))) = [a] 
type FieldType (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Value a)))) = [a] 
type FieldType (Field n (RepeatedField [Enumeration a])) = [a] 
type FieldType (Field n (RepeatedField [Value a])) = [a] 
type FieldType (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Enumeration a)))) = Maybe a 
type FieldType (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Value a)))) = Maybe a 
type FieldType (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Enumeration a)))) = a 
type FieldType (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Value a)))) = a 
type FieldType (Field n (RepeatedField [Message a])) = [a] 
type FieldType (Field n (OptionalField (Maybe (Message a)))) = Maybe a 
type FieldType (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Message a)))) = a 

newtype Value a

Value selects the normal/typical way for encoding scalar (primitive) values.




runValue :: a


Functor Value 
Foldable Value 
Traversable Value 
Bounded a => Bounded (Value a) 
Enum a => Enum (Value a) 
Eq a => Eq (Value a) 
Ord a => Ord (Value a) 
Show a => Show (Value a) 
Monoid a => Monoid (Value a) 
NFData a => NFData (Value a) 
DecodeWire a => DecodeWire (Last (Value a)) 
DecodeWire a => DecodeWire (Maybe (Value a)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Bool)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Double)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Float)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Int32)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Int64)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Word32)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Word64)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Int32))) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Int64))) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Word32))) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Word64))) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Signed Int32))) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Signed Int64))) 
DecodeWire a => DecodeWire (Always (Value a)) 
DecodeWire a => DecodeWire (Value a) 
EncodeWire a => EncodeWire [Value a] 
EncodeWire a => EncodeWire (Last (Value a)) 
EncodeWire a => EncodeWire (Maybe (Value a)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Bool)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Double)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Float)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Int32)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Int64)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Word32)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Word64)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Int32))) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Int64))) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Word32))) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Word64))) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Signed Int32))) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Signed Int64))) 
EncodeWire a => EncodeWire (Always (Value a)) 
EncodeWire a => EncodeWire (Value a) 
HasField (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Value a))))

Iso: FieldType (Packed n (Value a)) = [a]

HasField (Field n (RepeatedField [Value a]))

Iso: FieldType (Repeated n (Value a)) = [a]

HasField (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Value a))))

Iso: FieldType (Optional n (Value a)) = Maybe a

HasField (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Value a))))

Iso: FieldType (Required n (Value a)) = a

(DecodeWire a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Value a))))) 
(DecodeWire a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Value a))))) 
type Required n (Value a) = Field n (RequiredField (Always (Value a))) 
type Optional n (Value a) = Field n (OptionalField (Last (Value a))) 
type FieldType (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Value a)))) = [a] 
type FieldType (Field n (RepeatedField [Value a])) = [a] 
type FieldType (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Value a)))) = Maybe a 
type FieldType (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Value a)))) = a 

newtype Always a

To provide consistent instances for serialization a Traversable Functor is needed to make Required fields have the same shape as Optional, Repeated and Packed.

This is the Identity Functor with a Show instance.




runAlways :: a

newtype Enumeration a

Enumeration fields use fromEnum and toEnum when encoding and decoding messages.




runEnumeration :: a


Functor Enumeration 
Foldable Enumeration 
Traversable Enumeration 
Bounded a => Bounded (Enumeration a) 
Enum a => Enum (Enumeration a) 
Eq a => Eq (Enumeration a) 
Ord a => Ord (Enumeration a) 
Show a => Show (Enumeration a) 
Monoid a => Monoid (Enumeration a) 
NFData a => NFData (Enumeration a) 
Enum a => DecodeWire (Maybe (Enumeration a)) 
Enum a => DecodeWire (PackedList (Enumeration a)) 
Enum a => DecodeWire (Always (Enumeration a)) 
(Foldable f, Enum a) => EncodeWire (f (Enumeration a)) 
Enum a => EncodeWire (PackedList (Enumeration a)) 
HasField (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Enumeration a))))

Iso: FieldType (Packed n (Enumeration a)) = [a]

HasField (Field n (RepeatedField [Enumeration a]))

Iso: FieldType (Repeated n (Enumeration a)) = [a]

HasField (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Enumeration a))))

Iso: FieldType (Optional n (Enumeration a)) = Maybe a

HasField (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Enumeration a))))

Iso: FieldType (Required n (Enumeration a)) = a

(Enum a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Enumeration a))))) 
(Enum a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Enumeration a))))) 
type Required n (Enumeration a) = Field n (RequiredField (Always (Enumeration a))) 
type Optional n (Enumeration a) = Field n (OptionalField (Last (Enumeration a))) 
type FieldType (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Enumeration a)))) = [a] 
type FieldType (Field n (RepeatedField [Enumeration a])) = [a] 
type FieldType (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Enumeration a)))) = Maybe a 
type FieldType (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Enumeration a)))) = a 

newtype RequiredField a

RequiredField is a newtype wrapped used to break overlapping instances for encoding and decoding values




runRequired :: a

newtype OptionalField a

OptionalField is a newtype wrapped used to break overlapping instances for encoding and decoding values




runOptional :: a

newtype RepeatedField a

RepeatedField is a newtype wrapped used to break overlapping instances for encoding and decoding values




runRepeated :: a

newtype PackedField a

A Traversable Functor used to select packed sequence encoding/decoding.




runPackedField :: a

newtype PackedList a

A list that is stored in a packed format.




unPackedList :: [a]


Functor PackedList 
Foldable PackedList 
Traversable PackedList 
Eq a => Eq (PackedList a) 
Ord a => Ord (PackedList a) 
Show a => Show (PackedList a) 
Monoid (PackedList a) 
NFData a => NFData (PackedList a) 
Enum a => DecodeWire (PackedList (Enumeration a)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Bool)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Double)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Float)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Int32)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Int64)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Word32)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value Word64)) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Int32))) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Int64))) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Word32))) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Word64))) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Signed Int32))) 
DecodeWire (PackedList (Value (Signed Int64))) 
Enum a => EncodeWire (PackedList (Enumeration a)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Bool)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Double)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Float)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Int32)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Int64)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Word32)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value Word64)) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Int32))) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Int64))) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Word32))) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Fixed Word64))) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Signed Int32))) 
EncodeWire (PackedList (Value (Signed Int64))) 
HasField (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Enumeration a))))

Iso: FieldType (Packed n (Enumeration a)) = [a]

HasField (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Value a))))

Iso: FieldType (Packed n (Value a)) = [a]

(DecodeWire (PackedList a), KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Packed n a)) 
type FieldType (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Enumeration a)))) = [a] 
type FieldType (Field n (PackedField (PackedList (Value a)))) = [a] 

newtype Message m

The way to embed a message within another message. These embedded messages are stored as length-delimited fields.

For example:

data Inner = Inner
   { innerField :: Required '1' (Value Int64)
   } deriving (Generic, Show)

 instance Encode Inner
instance Decode Inner

 data Outer = Outer
   { outerField :: Required '1' (Message Inner)
   } deriving (Generic, Show)

 instance Encode Outer
instance Decode Outer

It's worth noting that Message a is a Monoid and NFData instance. The Monoid behavior models that of the Protocol Buffers documentation, effectively Last. It's done with a fairly big hammer and it isn't possible to override this behavior. This can cause some less-obvious compile errors for paramterized Message types:

data Inner = Inner{inner :: Required '2' (Value Float)} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance Encode Inner
instance Decode Inner

data Outer a = Outer{outer :: Required '3' (Message a)} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance Encode a => Encode (Outer a)
instance Decode a => Decode (Outer a)

This fails because Decode needs to know that the message can be merged. The resulting error implies that you may want to add a constraint to the internal GMessageMonoid class:

  Could not deduce (protobuf-0.1:GMessageMonoid (Rep a))
    arising from a use of `protobuf-0.1: Decode .$gdmdecode'
  from the context (Decode a)
    bound by the instance declaration at /tmp/tst.hs:18:10-39
  Possible fix:
    add an instance declaration for
    (protobuf-0.1:GMessageMonoid (Rep a))
  In the expression:
  In an equation for decode:
      decode = (protobuf-0.1:Decode .$gdmdecode)
  In the instance declaration for `Decode (Outer a)'

The correct fix is to add the Monoid constraint for the message:

- instance (Encode a) => Decode (Outer a)
+ instance (Monoid (Message a), Decode a) => Decode (Outer a)




runMessage :: m

class GDecode f

Minimal complete definition



GDecode U1 
(DecodeWire (PackedList a), KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Packed n a)) 
(DecodeWire a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Value a))))) 
(DecodeWire a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Repeated n a)) 
(Enum a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Enumeration a))))) 
(Enum a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Enumeration a))))) 
(DecodeWire a, KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (OptionalField (Last (Value a))))) 
(Decode a, Monoid (Message a), KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (OptionalField (Maybe (Message a))))) 
(Decode a, Monoid (Message a), KnownNat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Message a))))) 
(GDecode x, GDecode y) => GDecode ((:+:) x y) 
(GDecode a, GDecode b) => GDecode ((:*:) a b) 
GDecode a => GDecode (M1 i c a) 

class GEncode f

Minimal complete definition



GEncode U1 
(EncodeWire a, KnownNat n, Foldable f) => GEncode (K1 i (Field n (f a))) 
(GEncode a, GEncode b) => GEncode ((:+:) a b) 
(GEncode a, GEncode b) => GEncode ((:*:) a b) 
GEncode a => GEncode (M1 i c a) 

class GMessageMonoid f

Minimal complete definition

gmempty, gmappend