module ProjectM36.Atom where
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Interval
import qualified Data.Text as T
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
import Data.Monoid
relationForAtom :: Atom -> Either RelationalError Relation
relationForAtom (RelationAtom rel) = Right rel
relationForAtom _ = Left $ AttributeIsNotRelationValuedError ""
atomToText :: Atom -> T.Text
atomToText (IntegerAtom i) = (T.pack . show) i
atomToText (IntAtom i) = (T.pack . show) i
atomToText (DoubleAtom i) = (T.pack . show) i
atomToText (TextAtom i) = (T.pack . show) i
atomToText (DayAtom i) = (T.pack . show) i
atomToText (DateTimeAtom i) = (T.pack . show) i
atomToText (ByteStringAtom i) = (T.pack . show) i
atomToText (BoolAtom i) = (T.pack . show) i
atomToText (RelationAtom i) = (T.pack . show) i
atomToText (ConstructedAtom dConsName typ atoms)
| isIntervalAtomType typ = case atoms of
[b, e, BoolAtom bo, BoolAtom be] ->
let beginp = if bo then "(" else "["
begin = atomToText b
end = atomToText e
endp = if be then ")" else "]" in
beginp <> begin <> "," <> end <> endp
_ -> "invalid interval"
| otherwise = dConsName <> dConsArgs
parensAtomToText a@(ConstructedAtom _ _ []) = atomToText a
parensAtomToText a@ConstructedAtom{} = "(" <> atomToText a <> ")"
parensAtomToText a = atomToText a
dConsArgs = case atoms of
[] -> ""
args -> " " <> T.intercalate " " (map parensAtomToText args)