proctest- An IO library for testing interactive command line programs

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




An IO library for testing interactive command line programs.

Read this first:

  • Tests using Proctests need to be compiled with -threaded for not blocking on process spawns.
  • Beware that the Haskell GC closes process Handles after their last use. If you don't want to be surprised by this, use hClose where you want them to be closed (convenience: closeHandles). Really do this for EVERY process you create, the behaviour of a program writing to a closed handle is undefined. For example, getProcessExitCode run on such a program somtimes seems to always return ExitSuccess, no matter what the program actually does.
  • Make sure handle buffering is set appropriately. run sets LineBuffering by default. Change it with setBuffering or hSetBuffering.
  • Do not run the program in a shell (e.g. runInteractiveCommand) if you want to be able to terminate it reliably (terminateProcess). Use processes without shells (runInteractiveProcess) instead.


Let's say you want to test an interactive command line program like cat, and integrate your test into a test framework like Test.HSpec, using Test.HSpec.HUnit for the IO parts (remember that Proctest is stateful IO).

 main = hspec $ describe "cat" $ do

   it "prints out what we put in" $ do

     -- Start up the program to test
     (hIn, hOut, hErr, p) <- run "cat" []

     -- Make sure buffering doesn't prevent us from reading what we expect
     -- ('run' sets LineBuffering by default)
     setBuffering NoBuffering [hIn, hOut]

     -- Communicate with the program
     hPutStrLn hIn "hello world"

     -- Define a convenient wrapper around 'waitOutput'.
     -- It specifies how long we have to wait
     -- (malfunctioning programs shall not block automated testing for too long)
     -- and how many bytes we are sure the expected response fits into
     -- (malfunctioning programs shall not flood us with garbage either).
     let catWait h = asUtf8Str <$> waitOutput (seconds 0.01) 1000 h -- Wait max 10 ms, 1000 bytes

     -- Wait a little to allow `cat` processing the input
     sleep (seconds 0.00001)

     -- Read the response
     response <- catWait hOut

     -- Test if it is what we want (here using HUnit's 'expectEqual')
     response @?= "hello world\n"


String conversion

asUtf8 :: ByteString -> TextSource

Treats a ByteString as UTF-8 decoded Text.

asUtf8Str :: ByteString -> StringSource

Treats a ByteString as UTF-8 decoded String.

Running and stopping programs

type ProcessHandles = (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle)Source

Short cut. ALWAYS use the order stdin, stdout, stderr, process handle.

run :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle)Source

Runs a program with the given arguemtns.

Returns (stdout, stderr, stdin, process). See runInteractiveProcess.

Directly runs the process, does not use a shell.

Sets the 'BufferMode to LineBuffering if successful.

Throws CommandNotFound if the command doesn't exist. Due to createProcess not throwing an exception (, this is currently implemented by checking if the program returns early with error code 127.

data RunException Source

Exception to be thrown when a program could not be started.


CommandNotFound String 

isRunning :: ProcessHandle -> IO BoolSource

Tells whether the given process is still running.

terminateProcesses :: [ProcessHandle] -> IO ()Source

Terminates all processes in the list.

closeHandles :: [Handle] -> IO ()Source

Closes all handles in the list.

closeProcessHandles :: [ProcessHandles] -> IO ()Source

Closes all file handles to all given handle-process-tuples.

Use this to make sure that handles are not closed due to garbage collection (see System.IO) while your processes are still running.

It is safe to call this on processes which have already exited.


data Timeout Source

A microsecond timeout, or NoTimeout.



data InvalidTimeoutError Source

An error to be thrown if something is to be converted into Timeout that does not fit into Int.

mkTimeoutUs :: Integer -> TimeoutSource

Turns the given number of microseconds into a Timeout.

Throws an exception on Int overflow.

mkTimeoutMs :: Integral a => a -> TimeoutSource

Turns the given number of milliseconds into a Timeout.

Throws an exception on Int overflow.

mkTimeoutS :: Integral a => a -> TimeoutSource

Turns the given number of seconds into a Timeout.

Throws an exception on Int overflow.

seconds :: Double -> TimeoutSource

Turns floating seconds into a Timeout.

Throws an exception on Int overflow.

Example: (seconds 0.2) are roughly Micros 200000.

Communicating with programs

data TimeoutException Source

Exception to be thrown when a program did not terminate within the expected time.

timeoutToSystemTimeoutArg :: Timeout -> IntSource

Converts a Timeout milliseconds suitable to be passed into timeout.

withTimeout :: Timeout -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)Source

Overflow-safe version of timeout, using Timeout.



:: Timeout

Timeout after which reading output will be aborted.

-> Int

Maximum number of bytes after which reading output will be aborted.

-> Handle

The handle to read from.

-> IO ByteString

What was read from the handle.

Blocking wait for output on the given handle.

Throws a TimeoutException if the timeout is exceeded.

Based on waitOutputNoEx.



:: Timeout

Timeout after which reading output will be aborted.

-> Int

Maximum number of bytes after which reading output will be aborted.

-> Handle

The handle to read from.

-> IO (Maybe ByteString)

What was read from the handle.

Blocking wait for output on the given handle.

Returns Nothing timeout is exceeded.

setBuffering :: BufferMode -> [Handle] -> IO ()Source

Sets the buffering of the all given handles to the given BufferMode.

sleep :: Timeout -> IO ()Source

Suspends execution for the given timeout; uses threadDelay internally. For NoTimeout, threadDelay will not be called.

Convenience module exports

module System.IO