{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide, not-home #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Prim.Memory.Internal
-- Copyright   : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2020
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Alexey Kuleshevich <alexey@kuleshevi.ch>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
module Data.Prim.Memory.Internal
  ( module Data.Prim.Memory.Internal
  , module Data.Prim.Memory.Bytes.Internal
  ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Prim.Monad
import Control.Prim.Monad.Unsafe
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Kind
import Data.List as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Prim
import Data.Prim.Memory.Bytes.Internal
import Data.Prim.Memory.ByteString
import Data.Prim.Memory.ForeignPtr
import Data.Prim.Memory.Ptr
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import qualified Data.Prim.Memory.Text as T
import Foreign.Prim
import Numeric (showHex)

-- | Type class that can be implemented for an immutable data type that provides
-- read-only direct access to memory
class MemRead mr where

  -- | Number of bytes allocated by the data type available for reading.
  -- ====__Example__
  -- >>> :set -XDataKinds
  -- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
  -- >>> byteCountMem (fromByteListMem [1,2,3] :: Bytes 'Inc)
  -- Count {unCount = 3}
  -- @since 0.1.0
  byteCountMem :: mr -> Count Word8

  -- | Read an element with an offset in number of elements, rather than bytes as is the
  -- case with `indexByteOffMem`.
  -- [Unsafe] Bounds are not checked. When precondition for @off@ argument is violated the
  -- result is either unpredictable output or failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  indexOffMem :: Prim e
    => mr -- ^ /memRead/ - Memory to read an element from
    -> Off e
    -- ^ /off/ - Offset in number of elements from the beginning of @memRead@
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= off
    -- > unOffBytes off <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead - byteCountType @e)
    -> e
  indexOffMem mr off = indexByteOffMem mr (toByteOff off)
  {-# INLINE indexOffMem #-}

  -- | Read an element with an offset in number of bytes. Bounds are not checked.
  -- [Unsafe] When precondition for @off@ argument is violated the result is either
  -- unpredictable output or failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  indexByteOffMem :: Prim e
    => mr -- ^ /memRead/ - Memory to read an element from
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /off/ - Offset in number of elements from the beginning of @memRead@
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= unOff off
    -- > unOff off <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead - byteCountType @e)
    -> e

  -- | Copy contiguous chunk of memory from the read only memory into the target mutable
  -- `MBytes`. Source and target /must not/ refer to the same memory region, otherwise
  -- that would imply that the source is not immutable which would be a violation of some
  -- other invariant elsewhere in the code.
  -- [Unsafe] When a precondition for either of the offsets @memSourceOff@, @memTargetOff@
  -- or the element count @memCount@ is violated the result is either unpredictable output or
  -- failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  copyByteOffToMBytesMem ::
       (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => mr -- ^ /memSourceRead/ - Source from where to copy
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memSourceOff/ - Offset into source memory in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memSourceOff
    -- > unOff memSourceOff <= unCount (byteCountMem memSourceRead - byteCountType @e)
    -> MBytes p s -- ^ /memTargetWrite/ - Target mutable memory
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memTargetOff/ -  Offset into target memory in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
    -- > unOff memTargetOff <= unCount (byteCountMem memTargetWrite - byteCountType @e)
    -> Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to copy
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- > unCountBytes memCount + unOff memSourceOff <= unCount (byteCountMem memSourceRead - byteCountType @e)
    -- > unCountBytes memCount + unOff memTargetOff <= unCount (byteCountMem memTargetRead - byteCountType @e)
    -> m ()

  -- | Copy contiguous chunk of memory from the read only memory into the target mutable
  -- `Ptr`. Source and target /must not/ refer to the same memory region, otherwise that
  -- would imply that the source is not immutable which would be a violation of some other
  -- invariant elsewhere in the code.
  -- [Unsafe] When any precondition for one of the offsets @memSourceOff@, @memTargetOff@
  -- or the element count @memCount@ is violated a call to this function can result in:
  -- copy of data that doesn't belong to @memSourceRead@, heap corruption or failure with
  -- a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  copyByteOffToPtrMem ::
       (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => mr -- ^ /memSourceRead/ - Source from where to copy
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memSourceOff/ - Offset into source memory in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memSourceOff
    -- > unOff memSourceOff <= unCount (byteCountMem memSourceRead - byteCountType @e)
    -> Ptr e
    -- ^ /memTargetWrite/ - Pointer to the target mutable memory
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- Once the pointer is advanced by @memTargetOff@ the next @unCountBytes memCount@ bytes must
    -- still belong to the same region of memory @memTargetWrite@
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memTargetOff/ - Number of bytes to advance the pointer @memTargetWrite@ forward
    -- /__Precondition:__/
    -- Once the pointer is advanced by @memTargetOff@ it must still refer to the same
    -- memory region @memTargetWrite@
    -> Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to copy
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- > unCountBytes memCount + unOff memSourceOff <= unCount (byteCountMem memSourceRead - byteCountType @e)
    -> m ()

  -- | Same as `compareByteOffMem`, but compare the read-only
  -- memory region to a region addressed by a `Ptr` inside of a `MonadPrim`.
  -- [Unsafe] When any precondition for either of the offsets @memOff1@, @memOff2@, the
  -- pointer @memRead2@ or the element count @memCount@ is violated the result is either
  -- unpredictable output or failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  compareByteOffToPtrMem ::
       (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => mr -- ^ /memRead1/ - First memory region
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memOff1/ - Offset for @memRead1@ in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memOff1
    -- > unOff memOff1 <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead1 - byteCountType @e)
    -> Ptr e
    -- ^ /memRead2/- Second memory region that can be accessed by a pointer
    -- /__Preconditions__/
    -- Once the pointer is advanced by @memOff2@ the next @unCountBytes memCount@ bytes must
    -- still belong to the same region of memory @memRead2@
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memOff2/ - Number of bytes to advance the pointer @memRead2@ forward
    -- /__Precondition:__/
    -- Once the pointer is advanced by @memOff2@ it must still refer to the same memory
    -- region @memRead2@
    -> Count e -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to compare as binary
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to compare as binary
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- > unCountBytes memCount + unOff memOff1 <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead1 - byteCountType @e)
    -> m Ordering

  -- | Same as `compareByteOffMem`, but compare the read-only memory region to `Bytes`.
  -- [Unsafe] When any precondition for either of the offsets @memOff1@, @memOff2@ or the
  -- element count @memCount@ is violated the result is either unpredictable output or
  -- failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  compareByteOffToBytesMem ::
       Prim e
    => mr -- ^ /memRead1/ - First memory region
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memOff1/ - Offset for @memRead1@ in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memOff1
    -- > unOff memOff1 <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead1 - byteCountType @e)
    -> Bytes p -- ^ /memRead2/- Second memory region that is backed by `Bytes`
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memOff2/ - Offset for @memRead2@ in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memOff2
    -- > unOff memOff2 <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead2 - byteCountType @e)
    -> Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to compare as binary
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- > unCountBytes memCount + unOff memOff1 <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead1 - byteCountType @e)
    -- > unCountBytes memCount + unOff memOff2 <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead2 - byteCountType @e)
    -> Ordering

  -- | Compare two read-only regions of memory byte-by-byte. The very first mismatched
  -- byte will cause this function to produce `LT` if the byte in @memRead1@ is smaller
  -- than the one in @memRead2@ and `GT` if it is bigger. It is not a requirement to
  -- short-circuit on the first mismatch, but it is a good optimization to have for
  -- non-sensitive data. Memory regions that store security critical data may choose to
  -- implement this function to work in constant time.
  -- This function is usually implemented by either one of `compareByteOffToPtrMem` or
  -- `compareByteOffToBytesMem`, depending on the nature of @mr@ type. However it differs
  -- from the aforementioned functions with a fact that it is pure non-monadic
  -- computation.
  -- [Unsafe] When any precondition for either of the offsets @memOff1@, @memOff2@ or the
  -- element count @memCount@ is violated the result is either unpredictable output or
  -- failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  compareByteOffMem ::
       (MemRead mr', Prim e)
    => mr' -- ^ /memRead1/ - First memory region
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memOff1/ - Offset for @memRead1@ in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memOff1
    -- > unOff memOff1 <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead1 - byteCountType @e)
    -> mr -- ^ /memRead2/ - Second memory region
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memOff2/ - Offset for @memRead2@ in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memOff2
    -- > unOff memOff2 <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead2 - byteCountType @e)
    -> Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to compare as binary
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- > unCountBytes memCount + unOff memOff1 <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead1 - byteCountType @e)
    -- > unCountBytes memCount + unOff memOff2 <= unCount (byteCountMem memRead2 - byteCountType @e)
    -> Ordering

-- | Type class that can be implemented for a mutable data type that provides direct read
-- and write access to memory
class MemWrite mw where
  -- | Read an element with an offset in number of elements, rather than bytes as it is
  -- the case with `readByteOffMem`.
  -- [Unsafe] Bounds are not checked. When precondition for @off@ argument is violated the
  -- result is either unpredictable output or failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  readOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => mw s -- ^ /memRead/ - Memory region to read an element from
    -> Off e
    -- ^ /off/ - Offset in number of elements from the beginning of @memRead@
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= off
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > count <- getByteCountMem memRead
    -- > unOff (toByteOff off) <= unCount (count - byteCountType @e)
    -> m e
  readOffMem mw off = readByteOffMem mw (toByteOff off)
  {-# INLINE readOffMem #-}

  -- | Read an element with an offset in number of bytes.
  -- [Unsafe] Bounds are not checked. When precondition for @off@ argument is violated the
  -- result is either unpredictable output or failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  readByteOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => mw s -- ^ /memRead/ - Memory region to read an element from
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /off/ - Offset in number of elements from the beginning of @memRead@
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= off
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > count <- getByteCountMem memRead
    -- > unOff (toByteOff off) <= unCount (count - byteCountType @e)
    -> m e

  -- | Write an element with an offset in number of elements, rather than bytes as it is
  -- the case with `writeByteOffMem`.
  -- [Unsafe] Bounds are not checked. When precondition for @off@ argument is violated the
  -- outcome is either heap corruption or failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  writeOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => mw s -- ^ /memWrite/ - Memory region to write an element into
    -> Off e
    -- ^ /off/ - Offset in number of elements from the beginning of @memWrite@
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= off
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > count <- getByteCountMem memWrite
    -- > unOff (toByteOff off) <= unCount (count - byteCountType @e)
    -> e -- ^ /elt/ - Element to write
    -> m ()
  writeOffMem mw off = writeByteOffMem mw (toByteOff off)
  {-# INLINE writeOffMem #-}

  -- | Write an element with an offset in number of bytes.
  -- [Unsafe] Bounds are not checked. When precondition for @off@ argument is violated the
  -- outcome is either heap corruption or failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  writeByteOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => mw s -- ^ /memWrite/ - Memory region to write an element into
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /off/ - Offset in number of elements from the beginning of @memWrite@
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= off
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > count <- getByteCountMem memWrite
    -- > unOff (toByteOff off) <= unCount (count - byteCountType @e)
    -> e -> m ()

  -- | Copy contiguous chunk of memory from the source mutable memory into the target
  -- mutable `MBytes`. Source and target /may/ refer to overlapping memory regions.
  -- [Unsafe] When any precondition for one of the offsets @memSourceOff@, @memTargetOff@
  -- or the element count @memCount@ is violated a call to this function can result in:
  -- copy of data that doesn't belong to @memSource@, heap corruption or failure with
  -- a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  moveByteOffToMBytesMem ::
    (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => mw s -- ^ /memSource/ - Source memory from where to copy
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memSourceOff/ - Offset in number of bytes into source memory
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memSourceOff
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > sourceByteCount <- getByteCountMem memSource
    -- > unOff (toByteOff memSourceOff) <= unCount (sourceByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> MBytes p s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Target memory into where to copy
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memTargetOff/ - Offset in number of bytes into target memory where writing will start
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTarget
    -- > unOffBytes memTargetOff <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to copy
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- Both source and target memory regions must have enough memory to perform a copy
    -- of @memCount@ elements starting at their respective offsets. For types that also
    -- implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > sourceByteCount <- getByteCountMem memSource
    -- > unOff memSourceOff + unCountBytes memCount <= unCount (sourceByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTarget
    -- > unOff memTargetOff + unCountBytes memCount <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> m ()

  -- | Copy contiguous chunk of memory from the source mutable memory into the target
  -- `Ptr`. Source and target /may/ refer to overlapping memory regions.
  -- [Unsafe] When any precondition for one of the offsets @memSourceOff@ or
  -- @memTargetOff@, a target pointer @memTarget@ or the element count @memCount@ is
  -- violated a call to this function can result in: copy of data that doesn't belong to
  -- @memSource@, heap corruption or failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  moveByteOffToPtrMem ::
    (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => mw s -- ^ /memSource/ - Source memory from where to copy
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memSourceOff/ - Offset in number of bytes into source memory
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memSourceOff
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > sourceByteCount <- getByteCountMem memSource
    -- > unOff (toByteOff memSourceOff) <= unCount (sourceByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> Ptr e
    -- ^ /memTarget/ - Target memory into where to copy
    -- /__Precondition:__/
    -- Once the pointer is advanced by @memTargetOff@ the next @unCountBytes memCount@ bytes must
    -- still belong to the same region of memory @memTargetWrite@
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memTargetOff/ - Offset in number of bytes into target memory where writing will start
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
    -- Once the pointer is advanced by @memTargetOff@ it must still refer to the same
    -- memory region @memTarget@
    -> Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to copy
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- Both source and target memory regions must have enough memory to perform a copy
    -- of @memCount@ elements starting at their respective offsets. For /memSource/ that also
    -- implements `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > sourceByteCount <- getByteCountMem memSource
    -- > unOff memSourceOff + unCountBytes memCount <= unCount (sourceByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> m ()

  -- | Copy contiguous chunk of memory from the read only memory region into the target
  -- mutable memory region. Source and target /must not/ refer to the same memory region,
  -- otherwise that would imply that the source is not immutable which would be a
  -- violation of some other invariant elsewhere in the code.
  -- [Unsafe] When any precondition for one of the offsets @memSourceOff@, @memTargetOff@
  -- or the element count @memCount@ is violated a call to this function can result in:
  -- copy of data that doesn't belong to @memSourceRead@, heap corruption or failure with
  -- a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  copyByteOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, MemRead mr, Prim e)
    => mr -- ^ /memSourceRead/ - Read-only source memory region from where to copy
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memSourceOff/ - Offset into source memory in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memSourceOff
    -- > unOff memSourceOff <= unCount (byteCountMem memSourceRead - byteCountType @e)
    -> mw s -- ^ /memTargetWrite/ - Target mutable memory
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memTargetOff/ -  Offset into target memory in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTargetWrite
    -- > unOffBytes memTargetOff <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to copy
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- Both source and target memory regions must have enough memory to perform a copy
    -- of @memCount@ elements starting at their respective offsets. For @memSourceRead@:
    -- > unOff memSourceOff + unCountBytes memCount <= unCount (byteCountMem memSourceRead - byteCountType @e)
    -- and for @memTargetWrite@ that also implements `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTargetWrite
    -- > unOff memTargetOff + unCountBytes memCount <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> m ()

  -- | Copy contiguous chunk of memory from a mutable memory region into the target
  -- mutable memory region. Source and target /may/ refer to the same memory region.
  -- [Unsafe] When any precondition for one of the offsets @memSourceOff@, @memTargetOff@
  -- or the element count @memCount@ is violated a call to this function can result in:
  -- copy of data that doesn't belong to @memSourceRead@, heap corruption or failure with
  -- a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  moveByteOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, MemWrite mw', Prim e)
    => mw' s -- ^ /memSource/ - Source memory from where to copy
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memSourceOff/ - Offset in number of bytes into source memory
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memSourceOff
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > sourceByteCount <- getByteCountMem memSource
    -- > unOffBytes memSourceOff <= unCount (sourceByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> mw s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Target memory into where to copy
    -> Off Word8
    -- ^ /memTargetOff/ -  Offset into target memory in number of bytes
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTarget
    -- > unOffBytes (toByteOff memTargetOff) <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to copy
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- Both source and target memory regions must have enough memory to perform a copy
    -- of @memCount@ elements starting at their respective offsets. For types that also
    -- implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > sourceByteCount <- getByteCountMem memSource
    -- > unOff memSourceOff + unCountBytes memCount <= unCount (sourceByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTarget
    -- > unOff memTargetOff + unCountBytes memCount <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> m ()

  -- TODO: Potential feature for the future implementation. Will require extra function in `Prim`.
  --setByteOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => w s -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> e -> m ()

  -- | Write the same value @memCount@ times into each cell of @memTarget@ starting at an
  -- offset @memTargetOff@.
  -- [Unsafe] Bounds are not checked. When precondition for @memTargetOff@ argument is
  -- violated the outcome is either heap corruption or failure with a segfault.
  -- @since 0.1.0
    :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => mw s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Target memory into where to write the element
    -> Off e
    -- ^ /memTargetOff/ - Offset into target memory in number of elements at which element
    -- setting should start.
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
    -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
    -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTarget
    -- > unOffBytes memTargetOff <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of times the element @elt@ should be written
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- Target memory region should have enough memory to perform a set operation of the
    -- supplied element @memCount@ number of times starting at the supplied offset. For
    -- types that also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
    -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTarget
    -- > unCountBytes memCount + unOff memTargetOff <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
    -> e
    -- ^ /elt/ - Element to write into memory cells. This function is strict with
    -- respect to element, which means that the even @memCount = 0@ it might be still
    -- fully evaluated.
    -> m ()

-- | Generalized memory allocation and pure/mutable state conversion.
class (MemRead (FrozenMem ma), MemWrite ma) => MemAlloc ma where
  -- | Memory region in the immutable state. Types for frozen and thawed states of
  -- memory region are in one-to-one correspondence, therefore @ma <-> FrozeMem ma@ will
  -- always uniquely identify each other, which is an extremely useful property when it
  -- comes to type inference.
  type FrozenMem ma = (fm :: Type) | fm -> ma

  -- | Extract from the mutable memory region information about how many bytes it can hold.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  getByteCountMem :: MonadPrim s m => ma s -> m (Count Word8)

  -- | Allocate a mutable memory region for specified number of elements. Memory is not
  -- reset and will likely hold some garbage data, therefore prefer to use `allocZeroMem`,
  -- unless it is guaranteed that all of allocated memory will be overwritten.
  -- [Unsafe] When precondition for @memCount@ argument is violated the outcome is
  -- upredictable. One possible outcome is termination with
  -- `Control.Exception.HeapOverflow` async exception. In a pure setting, such as when
  -- executed within `runST`, if memory is not fully overwritten it can result in
  -- violation of referential transparency, because content of newly allocated
  -- region is non-determinstic.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  allocMem :: (Prim e, MonadPrim s m)
    => Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements to allocate.
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- Possibility of overflow:
    -- > unCount memCount <= fromByteCount @e (Count maxBound)
    -- When converted to bytes the value should be less then available physical memory
    -> m (ma s)

  -- | Convert the state of an immutable memory region to the mutable one. This is a no
  -- copy operation, as such it is fast, but dangerous. See `thawCopyMem` for a safe alternative.
  -- [Unsafe] It makes it possible to break referential transparency, because any
  -- subsequent destructive operation to the mutable region of memory will also be
  -- reflected in the frozen immutable type as well.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  thawMem :: MonadPrim s m => FrozenMem ma -> m (ma s)

  -- | Convert the state of a mutable memory region to the immutable one. This is a no
  -- copy operation, as such it is fast, but dangerous. See `freezeCopyMem` for a safe alternative.
  -- [Unsafe] It makes it possible to break referential transparency, because any
  -- subsequent destructive operation to the mutable region of memory will also be
  -- reflected in the frozen immutable type as well.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  freezeMem :: MonadPrim s m => ma s -> m (FrozenMem ma)

  -- | Either grow or shrink currently allocated mutable region of memory. For some
  -- implementations it might be possible to change the size of the allocated region
  -- in-place, i.e. without copy. However in all implementations there is a good chance
  -- that the memory region has to be allocated anew, in which case all of the contents
  -- up to the minimum of new and old sizes will get copied over. After the resize
  -- operation is complete the supplied @memSource@ region must not be used
  -- anymore. Moreover, no reference to the old one should be kept in order to allow
  -- garbage collection of the original in case a new one had to be allocated.
  -- [Unsafe] Undefined behavior when @memSource@ is used afterwards. The same unsafety
  -- notice from `allocMem` with regards to @memCount@ is applcable here as well.
  -- @since 0.1.0
  resizeMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => ma s
    -- ^ /memSource/ - Source memory region to resize
    -> Count e
    -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements for the reallocated memory region
    -- /__Preconditions:__/
    -- > 0 <= memCount
    -- Should be less then available physical memory
    -> m (ma s)
  resizeMem = defaultResizeMem
  {-# INLINE resizeMem #-}

instance MemRead ByteString where
  byteCountMem = Count . BS.length
  {-# INLINE byteCountMem #-}
  indexOffMem bs i = unsafeInlineIO $ withPtrAccess bs (`readOffPtr` i)
  {-# INLINE indexOffMem #-}
  indexByteOffMem bs i = unsafeInlineIO $ withPtrAccess bs (`readByteOffPtr` i)
  {-# INLINE indexByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffToMBytesMem bs srcOff mb dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess bs $ \srcPtr -> copyByteOffPtrToMBytes srcPtr srcOff mb dstOff c
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffToPtrMem bs srcOff dstPtr dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess bs $ \srcPtr -> copyByteOffPtrToPtr srcPtr srcOff dstPtr dstOff c
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToPtrMem bs off1 ptr2 off2 c =
    withPtrAccess bs $ \ptr1 -> pure $! compareByteOffPtrToPtr ptr1 off1 ptr2 off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToBytesMem bs off1 bytes off2 c =
    unsafeInlineIO $ withPtrAccess bs $ \ptr1 ->
      pure $! compareByteOffPtrToBytes ptr1 off1 bytes off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToBytesMem #-}
  compareByteOffMem mem1 off1 bs off2 c =
    unsafeInlineIO $ withPtrAccess bs $ \ptr2 -> compareByteOffToPtrMem mem1 off1 ptr2 off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffMem #-}

instance MemAlloc MByteString where
  type FrozenMem MByteString = ByteString
  getByteCountMem (MByteString bs) = pure $! Count (BS.length bs)
  {-# INLINE getByteCountMem #-}
  allocMem c = do
    let cb = toByteCount c
    fp <- mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtr cb
    pure $ MByteString (PS fp 0 (coerce cb))
  {-# INLINE allocMem #-}
  thawMem bs = pure $ MByteString bs
  {-# INLINE thawMem #-}
  freezeMem (MByteString bs) = pure bs
  {-# INLINE freezeMem #-}
  resizeMem bsm@(MByteString (PS fp o n)) newc
    | newn > n = defaultResizeMem bsm newc
    | otherwise = pure $ MByteString (PS fp o newn)
    where -- constant time slice if we need to reduce the size
      Count newn = toByteCount newc
  {-# INLINE resizeMem #-}

instance MemWrite MByteString where
  readOffMem (MByteString mbs) i = withPtrAccess mbs (`readOffPtr` i)
  {-# INLINE readOffMem #-}
  readByteOffMem (MByteString mbs) i = withPtrAccess mbs (`readByteOffPtr` i)
  {-# INLINE readByteOffMem #-}
  writeOffMem (MByteString mbs) i a = withPtrAccess mbs $ \ptr -> writeOffPtr ptr i a
  {-# INLINE writeOffMem #-}
  writeByteOffMem (MByteString mbs) i a = withPtrAccess mbs $ \ptr -> writeByteOffPtr ptr i a
  {-# INLINE writeByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffToPtrMem (MByteString fsrc) srcOff dstPtr dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess fsrc $ \srcPtr -> moveByteOffPtrToPtr srcPtr srcOff dstPtr dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  moveByteOffToMBytesMem (MByteString fsrc) srcOff dst dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess fsrc $ \srcPtr -> moveByteOffPtrToMBytes srcPtr srcOff dst dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffMem src srcOff (MByteString fdst) dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess fdst $ \dstPtr -> copyByteOffToPtrMem src srcOff dstPtr dstOff c
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffMem src srcOff (MByteString fdst) dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess fdst $ \dstPtr -> moveByteOffToPtrMem src srcOff dstPtr dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffMem #-}
  setMem (MByteString mbs) off c a = withPtrAccess mbs $ \ptr -> setOffPtr ptr off c a
  {-# INLINE setMem #-}

instance MemRead T.Array where
  byteCountMem = byteCountMem . T.toBytesArray
  {-# INLINE byteCountMem #-}
  indexOffMem a = indexOffMem (T.toBytesArray a)
  {-# INLINE indexOffMem #-}
  indexByteOffMem a = indexByteOffMem (T.toBytesArray a)
  {-# INLINE indexByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffToMBytesMem a = copyByteOffToMBytesMem (T.toBytesArray a)
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffToPtrMem a = copyByteOffToPtrMem (T.toBytesArray a)
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToPtrMem a = compareByteOffToPtrMem (T.toBytesArray a)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToBytesMem a = compareByteOffToBytesMem (T.toBytesArray a)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToBytesMem #-}
  compareByteOffMem mem off1 a = compareByteOffMem mem off1 (T.toBytesArray a)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffMem #-}

instance MemAlloc T.MArray where
  type FrozenMem T.MArray = T.Array
  getByteCountMem = getByteCountMBytes . T.toMBytesMArray
  {-# INLINE getByteCountMem #-}
  allocMem = fmap T.fromMBytesMArray . allocUnpinnedMBytes
  {-# INLINE allocMem #-}
  thawMem = fmap T.fromMBytesMArray . thawBytes . T.toBytesArray
  {-# INLINE thawMem #-}
  freezeMem = fmap T.fromBytesArray . freezeMBytes . T.toMBytesMArray
  {-# INLINE freezeMem #-}
  resizeMem m = fmap T.fromMBytesMArray . reallocMBytes (T.toMBytesMArray m)
  {-# INLINE resizeMem #-}

instance MemWrite T.MArray where
  readOffMem m = readOffMBytes (T.toMBytesMArray m)
  {-# INLINE readOffMem #-}
  readByteOffMem m = readByteOffMBytes (T.toMBytesMArray m)
  {-# INLINE readByteOffMem #-}
  writeOffMem m = writeOffMBytes (T.toMBytesMArray m)
  {-# INLINE writeOffMem #-}
  writeByteOffMem m = writeByteOffMBytes (T.toMBytesMArray m)
  {-# INLINE writeByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffToPtrMem m = moveByteOffMBytesToPtr (T.toMBytesMArray m)
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  moveByteOffToMBytesMem m = moveByteOffMBytesToMBytes (T.toMBytesMArray m)
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  moveByteOffMem src srcOff m = moveByteOffToMBytesMem src srcOff (T.toMBytesMArray m)
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffMem src srcOff m = copyByteOffToMBytesMem src srcOff (T.toMBytesMArray m)
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffMem #-}
  setMem m = setMBytes (T.toMBytesMArray m)
  {-# INLINE setMem #-}

instance MemRead T.Text where
  byteCountMem (T.Text _ _ n) = toByteCount (Count n :: Count Word16)
  {-# INLINE byteCountMem #-}
  indexByteOffMem (T.Text a o _) i = indexByteOffMem a (toByteOff (Off o :: Off Word16) + i)
  {-# INLINE indexByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffToMBytesMem (T.Text a o _) i =
    copyByteOffToMBytesMem a (toByteOff (Off o :: Off Word16) + i)
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffToPtrMem (T.Text a o _) i =
    copyByteOffToPtrMem a (toByteOff (Off o :: Off Word16) + i)
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToPtrMem (T.Text a o _) off =
    compareByteOffToPtrMem a (toByteOff (Off o :: Off Word16) + off)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToBytesMem (T.Text a o _) off =
    compareByteOffToBytesMem a (toByteOff (Off o :: Off Word16) + off)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToBytesMem #-}
  compareByteOffMem mem off1 (T.Text a o _) off2 =
    compareByteOffMem mem off1 a (toByteOff (Off o :: Off Word16) + off2)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffMem #-}

instance MemRead ShortByteString where
  byteCountMem = byteCountMem . fromShortByteStringBytes
  {-# INLINE byteCountMem #-}
  indexOffMem sbs = indexOffMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE indexOffMem #-}
  indexByteOffMem sbs = indexByteOffMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE indexByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffToMBytesMem sbs = copyByteOffToMBytesMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffToPtrMem sbs = copyByteOffToPtrMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToPtrMem sbs = compareByteOffToPtrMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToBytesMem sbs = compareByteOffToBytesMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToBytesMem #-}
  compareByteOffMem mem off1 sbs = compareByteOffMem mem off1 (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffMem #-}

-- | A wrapper that adds a phantom state token. It can be used with types that either
-- doesn't have such state token or are designed to work in `IO` and therefore restricted
-- to `RW`. Using this wrapper is very much unsafe, so make sure you know what you are
-- doing.
newtype MemState a s = MemState { unMemState :: a }

instance MemWrite (MemState (ForeignPtr a)) where
  readOffMem (MemState fptr) i = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> readOffPtr (castPtr ptr) i
  {-# INLINE readOffMem #-}
  readByteOffMem (MemState fptr) i =
    withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> readByteOffPtr (castPtr ptr) i
  {-# INLINE readByteOffMem #-}
  writeOffMem (MemState fptr) i a = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> writeOffPtr (castPtr ptr) i a
  {-# INLINE writeOffMem #-}
  writeByteOffMem (MemState fptr) i a =
    withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> writeByteOffPtr (castPtr ptr) i a
  {-# INLINE writeByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffToPtrMem (MemState fsrc) srcOff dstPtr dstOff c =
    withForeignPtr fsrc $ \srcPtr -> moveByteOffPtrToPtr (castPtr srcPtr) srcOff dstPtr dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  moveByteOffToMBytesMem (MemState fsrc) srcOff dst dstOff c =
    withForeignPtr fsrc $ \srcPtr -> moveByteOffPtrToMBytes (castPtr srcPtr) srcOff dst dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffMem src srcOff (MemState fdst) dstOff c =
    withForeignPtr fdst $ \dstPtr ->
       copyByteOffToPtrMem src srcOff (castPtr dstPtr) dstOff c
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffMem src srcOff (MemState fdst) dstOff c =
    withForeignPtr fdst $ \dstPtr ->
       moveByteOffToPtrMem src srcOff (castPtr dstPtr) dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffMem #-}
  setMem (MemState fptr) off c a = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> setOffPtr (castPtr ptr) off c a
  {-# INLINE setMem #-}

modifyFetchOldMem ::
     (MemWrite mw, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => mw s -> Off e -> (e -> e) -> m e
modifyFetchOldMem mem o f = modifyFetchOldMemM mem o (pure . f)
{-# INLINE modifyFetchOldMem #-}

modifyFetchNewMem ::
     (MemWrite mw, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => mw s -> Off e -> (e -> e) -> m e
modifyFetchNewMem mem o f = modifyFetchNewMemM mem o (pure . f)
{-# INLINE modifyFetchNewMem #-}

modifyFetchOldMemM ::
     (MemWrite mw, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => mw s -> Off e -> (e -> m e) -> m e
modifyFetchOldMemM mem o f = do
  a <- readOffMem mem o
  a <$ (writeOffMem mem o =<< f a)
{-# INLINE modifyFetchOldMemM #-}

modifyFetchNewMemM ::
     (MemWrite mw, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => mw s -> Off e -> (e -> m e) -> m e
modifyFetchNewMemM mem o f = do
  a <- readOffMem mem o
  a' <- f a
  a' <$ writeOffMem mem o a'
{-# INLINE modifyFetchNewMemM #-}

defaultResizeMem ::
     (Prim e, MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m) => ma s -> Count e -> m (ma s)
defaultResizeMem mem c = do
  let newByteCount = toByteCount c
  oldByteCount <- getByteCountMem mem
  if oldByteCount == newByteCount
    then pure mem
    else do
      newMem <- allocMem newByteCount
      oldMem <- freezeMem mem
      newMem <$ copyMem oldMem 0 newMem 0 oldByteCount
{-# INLINE defaultResizeMem #-}

-- | Place @n@ copies of supplied region of memory one after another in a newly allocated
-- contiguous chunk of memory. Similar to `stimes`, but the source memory @memRead@ does
-- not have to match the type of `FrozenMem` ma.
-- ====__Example__
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> let b = fromListMem @Word8 @(MBytes 'Inc) [0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef]
-- >>> cycleMemN @(MBytes 'Inc) 2 b
-- [0xde,0xad,0xbe,0xef,0xde,0xad,0xbe,0xef]
-- @since 0.1.0
cycleMemN ::
     forall ma mr. (MemAlloc ma, MemRead mr)
  => Int
  -> mr
  -> FrozenMem ma
cycleMemN n r
  | n <= 0 = emptyMem
  | otherwise =
    runST $ do
      let bc@(Count chunk) = byteCountMem r
          c@(Count c8) = Count n * bc
      mem <- allocMem c
      let go i = when (i < c8) $ copyByteOffMem r 0 mem (Off i) bc >> go (i + chunk)
      go 0
      freezeMem mem
{-# INLINE cycleMemN #-}

-- | Construct an immutable memory region that can't hold any data. Same as @`mempty` ::
-- `FrozenMem` ma@
-- ====__Example__
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> toListMem (emptyMem @(MBytes 'Inc)) :: [Int]
-- []
-- @since 0.1.0
emptyMem ::
     forall ma. MemAlloc ma
  => FrozenMem ma
emptyMem = createMemST_ (0 :: Count Word8) (\_ -> pure ())
{-# INLINE emptyMem #-}

-- | Allocate a region of immutable memory that holds a single element.
-- ====__Example__
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> toListMem (singletonMem @Word16 @(MBytes 'Inc) 0xffff) :: [Word8]
-- [255,255]
-- @since 0.1.0
singletonMem ::
     forall e ma. (MemAlloc ma, Prim e)
  => e -- ^ The single element that will be stored in the newly allocated region of memory
  -> FrozenMem ma
singletonMem a = createMemST_ (1 :: Count e) $ \mem -> writeOffMem mem 0 a
{-# INLINE singletonMem #-}

-- | Same as `allocMem`, but also use `setMem` to reset all of newly allocated memory to
-- zeros.
-- [Unsafe] When precondition for @memCount@ argument is violated the outcome is
-- upredictable. One possible outcome is termination with `Control.Exception.HeapOverflow`
-- async exception.
-- ====__Example__
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> mb <- allocZeroMem @Int @(MBytes 'Inc) 10
-- >>> b <- freezeMem mb
-- >>> toListMem b :: [Int]
-- [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
-- @since 0.1.0
allocZeroMem ::
     forall e ma m s. (MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => Count e
  -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements to allocate.
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memCount
  -- Converted to bytes should be less then available physical memory
  -> m (ma s)
allocZeroMem n = do
  m <- allocMem n
  m <$ setMem m 0 (toByteCount n) (0 :: Word8)
{-# INLINE allocZeroMem #-}

createMemST ::
     forall e b ma. (MemAlloc ma, Prim e)
  => Count e
  -> (forall s. ma s -> ST s b)
  -> (b, FrozenMem ma)
createMemST n f = runST $ allocMem n >>= \m -> (,) <$> f m <*> freezeMem m
{-# INLINE createMemST #-}

createMemST_ :: (MemAlloc ma, Prim e)
  => Count e
  -> (forall s . ma s -> ST s b)
  -- ^ /fillAction/ -- Action that will be used to modify contents of newly allocated
  -- memory.
  -- /__Required invariant:__/
  -- It is important that this action overwrites all of newly allocated memory.
  -> FrozenMem ma
createMemST_ n f = runST (allocMem n >>= \m -> f m >> freezeMem m)
{-# INLINE createMemST_ #-}

createZeroMemST ::
     forall e ma b. (MemAlloc ma, Prim e)
  => Count e
  -> (forall s. ma s -> ST s b)
  -> (b, FrozenMem ma)
createZeroMemST n f = runST $ allocZeroMem n >>= \m -> (,) <$> f m <*> freezeMem m
{-# INLINE createZeroMemST #-}

-- | Same as `createMemST_`, except it ensures that the memory gets reset with zeros prior
-- to applying the @ST@ filling action @fillAction@.
-- [Unsafe] Same reasons as `allocZeroMem`: violation of precondition for @memCount@ may
-- result in undefined behavior or `Control.Exception.HeapOverflow` async exception.
-- ====__Example__
-- Note that this example will work correctly only on little-endian machines:
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> import Data.Prim
-- >>> import Control.Monad
-- >>> let ibs = zip [0, 4 ..] [0x48,0x61,0x73,0x6b,0x65,0x6c,0x6c] :: [(Off Word8, Word8)]
-- >>> let c = Count (length ibs) :: Count Char
-- >>> let bc = createZeroMemST_ @_ @(MBytes 'Inc) c $ \m -> forM_ ibs $ \(i, b) -> writeByteOffMem m i b
-- >>> toListMem bc :: String
-- "Haskell"
-- @since 0.1.0
createZeroMemST_ ::
     forall e ma b. (MemAlloc ma, Prim e)
  => Count e
  -- ^ /memCount/ - Size of the newly allocated memory region in number of elements of
  -- type @e@
  -- /__Precoditions:__/
  -- Size should be non-negative, but smaller than amount of available memory. Note that the
  -- second condition simply describes overflow.
  -- > 0 <= memCount
  -- Possibility of overflow:
  -- > unCount memCount <= fromByteCount @e (Count maxBound)
  -> (forall s. ma s -> ST s b)
  -- ^ /fillAction/ -- Action that will be used to modify contents of newly allocated
  -- memory. It is not required to overwrite the full region, since it was reset to zeros
  -- right after allocation.
  -> FrozenMem ma
createZeroMemST_ n f = runST (allocZeroMem n >>= \m -> f m >> freezeMem m)
{-# INLINE createZeroMemST_ #-}

-- | Copy all of the data from the source into a newly allocate memory region of identical
-- size.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> let xs = fromByteListMem @(MBytes 'Pin) [0..15] :: Bytes 'Pin
-- >>> let ys = cloneMem xs
-- >>> let report bEq pEq = print $ "Bytes equal: " ++ show bEq ++ ", their pointers equal: " ++ show pEq
-- >>> withPtrBytes xs $ \ xsPtr -> withPtrBytes ys $ \ ysPtr -> report (xs == ys) (xsPtr == ysPtr)
-- "Bytes equal: True, their pointers equal: False"
-- @since 0.2.0
cloneMem ::
     forall ma. MemAlloc ma
  => FrozenMem ma -- ^ /memSource/ - immutable source memory.
  -> FrozenMem ma
cloneMem fm =
  runST $ do
    let n = byteCountMem fm
    mm <- allocMem n
    copyMem fm 0 mm 0 n
    freezeMem mm
{-# INLINE cloneMem #-}

-- | Similar to `copyByteOffMem`, but supply offsets in number of elements instead of
-- bytes. Copy contiguous chunk of memory from the read only memory region into the target
-- mutable memory region. Source and target /must not/ refer to the same memory region,
-- otherwise that would imply that the source is not immutable which would be a violation
-- of some other invariant elsewhere in the code.
-- [Unsafe] When any precondition for one of the offsets @memSourceOff@, @memTargetOff@
-- or the element count @memCount@ is violated a call to this function can result in:
-- copy of data that doesn't belong to @memSourceRead@, heap corruption or failure with
-- a segfault.
-- @since 0.1.0
copyMem ::
     (MonadPrim s m, MemRead mr, MemWrite mw, Prim e)
  => mr -- ^ /memSourceRead/ - Read-only source memory region from where to copy
  -> Off e
  -- ^ /memSourceOff/ - Offset into source memory in number of elements of type @e@
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memSourceOff
  -- > unOff memSourceOff < unCount (countMem memSourceRead)
  -> mw s -- ^ /memTargetWrite/ - Target mutable memory
  -> Off e
  -- ^ /memTargetOff/ -  Offset into target memory in number of elements
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
  -- With offset applied it should still refer to the same memory region. For types that
  -- also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
  -- > targetCount <- getCountMem memTargetWrite
  -- > unOff memTargetOff < unCount targetCount
  -> Count e
  -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements of type @e@ to copy
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memCount
  -- Both source and target memory regions must have enough memory to perform a copy
  -- of @memCount@ elements starting at their respective offsets. For @memSourceRead@:
  -- > unOff memSourceOff + unCount memCount < unCount (countMem memSourceRead)
  -- and for @memTargetWrite@ that also implements `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
  -- > targetCount <- getCountMem memTargetWrite
  -- > unOff memTargetOff + unCount memCount < unCount targetCount
  -> m ()
copyMem src srcOff dst dstOff = copyByteOffMem src (toByteOff srcOff) dst (toByteOff dstOff)
{-# INLINE copyMem #-}

moveMem ::
     (MonadPrim s m, MemWrite mw1, MemWrite mw2, Prim e)
  => mw1 s -- ^ Source memory region
  -> Off e -- ^ Offset into the source in number of elements
  -> mw2 s -- ^ Destination memory region
  -> Off e -- ^ Offset into destination in number of elements
  -> Count e -- ^ Number of elements to copy over
  -> m ()
moveMem src srcOff dst dstOff = moveByteOffMem src (toByteOff srcOff) dst (toByteOff dstOff)
{-# INLINE moveMem #-}

appendMem ::
     forall mr1 mr2 ma. (MemRead mr1, MemRead mr2, MemAlloc ma)
  => mr1
  -> mr2
  -> FrozenMem ma
appendMem r1 r2 =
  createMemST_ (n1 + n2) $ \mem -> do
    copyMem r1 0 mem 0 n1
    copyMem r2 (coerce n1) mem (coerce n1) n2
    n1 = byteCountMem r1
    n2 = byteCountMem r2
{-# INLINABLE appendMem #-}

concatMem ::
     forall mr ma. (MemRead mr, MemAlloc ma)
  => [mr]
  -> FrozenMem ma
concatMem xs = do
  let c = Foldable.foldl' (\ !acc b -> acc + byteCountMem b) 0 xs
  createMemST_ c $ \mb -> do
    let load i b = do
          let cb@(Count n) = byteCountMem b :: Count Word8
          (i + Off n) <$ copyMem b 0 mb i cb
    foldM_ load 0 xs
{-# INLINABLE concatMem #-}

thawCopyMem ::
     forall e mr ma m s. (Prim e, MemRead mr, MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m)
  => mr
  -> Off e
  -> Count e
  -> m (ma s)
thawCopyMem a off c = do
  mem <- allocMem c
  mem <$ copyMem a off mem 0 c
{-# INLINE thawCopyMem #-}

freezeCopyMem ::
     forall e ma m s. (Prim e, MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m)
  => ma s
  -> Off e
  -> Count e
  -> m (FrozenMem ma)
freezeCopyMem mem off c = freezeMem mem >>= \r -> thawCopyMem r off c >>= freezeMem
{-# INLINE freezeCopyMem #-}

thawCloneMem ::
     forall mr ma m s. (MemRead mr, MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m)
  => mr
  -> m (ma s)
thawCloneMem a = thawCopyMem a 0 (byteCountMem a)
{-# INLINE thawCloneMem #-}

freezeCloneMem ::
     forall ma m s. (MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m)
  => ma s
  -> m (FrozenMem ma)
freezeCloneMem = freezeMem >=> thawCloneMem >=> freezeMem
{-# INLINE freezeCloneMem #-}

-- | /O(n)/ - Convert a read-only memory region into a newly allocated other type of
-- memory region
-- >>> import Data.ByteString (pack)
-- >>> bs = pack [0x10 .. 0x20]
-- >>> bs
-- >>> convertMem bs :: Bytes 'Inc
-- [0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x1b,0x1c,0x1d,0x1e,0x1f,0x20]
-- @since 0.1.0
convertMem :: (MemRead mr, MemAlloc ma) => mr -> FrozenMem ma
convertMem a = runST $ thawCloneMem a >>= freezeMem
{-# INLINE convertMem #-}

-- | Figure out how many elements fits into the immutable region of memory. It is
-- possible that there is a remainder of bytes left, see `countRemMem` for getting that
-- too.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> b = fromListMem [0 .. 5 :: Word8] :: Bytes 'Pin
-- >>> b
-- [0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05]
-- >>> countMem b :: Count Word16
-- Count {unCount = 3}
-- >>> countMem b :: Count Word32
-- Count {unCount = 1}
-- @since 0.1.0
countMem ::
     forall e mr. (MemRead mr, Prim e)
  => mr
  -> Count e
countMem = fromByteCount . byteCountMem
{-# INLINE countMem #-}

-- | Compute how many elements and a byte size remainder that can fit into the region of memory.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> b = fromListMem [0 .. 5 :: Word8] :: Bytes 'Pin
-- >>> b
-- [0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05]
-- >>> countRemMem @Word16 b
-- (Count {unCount = 3},Count {unCount = 0})
-- >>> countRemMem @Word32 b
-- (Count {unCount = 1},Count {unCount = 2})
-- @since 0.1.0
countRemMem :: forall e mr. (MemRead mr, Prim e) => mr -> (Count e, Count Word8)
countRemMem = fromByteCountRem . byteCountMem
{-# INLINE countRemMem #-}

getCountMem :: forall e ma m s. (MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => ma s -> m (Count e)
getCountMem = fmap (fromByteCount . coerce) . getByteCountMem
{-# INLINE getCountMem #-}

getCountRemMem ::
     forall e ma m s. (MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => ma s
  -> m (Count e, Count Word8)
getCountRemMem = fmap (fromByteCountRem . coerce) . getByteCountMem
{-# INLINE getCountRemMem #-}

clone ::
     forall ma m s. (MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m)
  => ma s
  -> m (ma s)
clone mb = do
  n <- getByteCountMem mb
  mb' <- allocMem n
  mb' <$ moveMem mb 0 mb' 0 n
{-# INLINE clone #-}

-- | Compare two memory regions byte-by-byte. `False` is returned immediately when sizes
-- reported by `byteCountMem` do not match. Computation may be short-circuited on the
-- first mismatch, but it is `MemRead` implementation specific.
-- @since 0.1.0
eqMem :: (MemRead mr1, MemRead mr2) => mr1 -> mr2 -> Bool
eqMem b1 b2 = n == byteCountMem b2 && compareByteOffMem b1 0 b2 0 n == EQ
    n = byteCountMem b1
{-# INLINE eqMem #-}

-- | Compare two regions of memory byte-by-byte. It will return `EQ` whenever both regions
-- are exactly the same and `LT` or `GT` as soon as the first byte is reached that is less
-- than or greater than respectfully in the first region when compared to the second
-- one. It is safe for both regions to refer to the same part of memory, since this is a
-- pure function and both regions of memory are read-only.
compareMem ::
     forall e mr1 mr2. (MemRead mr1, MemRead mr2, Prim e)
  => mr1 -- ^ First region of memory
  -> Off e -- ^ Offset in number of elements into the first region
  -> mr2 -- ^ Second region of memory
  -> Off e -- ^ Offset in number of elements into the second region
  -> Count e -- ^ Number of elements to compare
  -> Ordering
compareMem r1 off1 r2 off2 = compareByteOffMem r1 (toByteOff off1) r2 (toByteOff off2)
{-# INLINE compareMem #-}

-- =============== --
-- List conversion --
-- =============== --

-- To List --

-- | Convert an immutable memory region to a list. Whenever memory byte count is not
-- exactly divisible by the size of the element there will be some slack left unaccounted
-- for. In order to get a hold of this slack use `toListSlackMem` instead.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> import Numeric (showHex)
-- >>> let b = fromByteListMem [0x48,0x61,0x73,0x6b,0x65,0x6c,0x6c] :: Bytes 'Inc
-- >>> toListMem b :: [Int8]
-- [72,97,115,107,101,108,108]
-- >>> let xs = toListMem b :: [Word32]
-- >>> xs
-- [1802723656]
-- >>> showHex (head xs) ""
-- "6b736148"
-- @since 0.1.0
toListMem :: forall e mr. (MemRead mr, Prim e) => mr -> [e]
toListMem ba = build (\ c n -> foldrCountMem (countMem ba) c n ba)
{-# INLINE toListMem #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toListMem :: Prim e => Bytes p -> [e] #-}

-- | Same as `toListMem`, except when there is some slack towards the end of the memory
-- region that didn't fit into a list it will be returned as a list of bytes.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Word
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> a = fromListMem [0 .. 10 :: Word8] :: Bytes 'Pin
-- >>> a
-- [0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a]
-- >>> toListSlackMem a :: ([Word8], [Word8])
-- ([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],[])
-- >>> toListSlackMem a :: ([Word16], [Word8])
-- ([256,770,1284,1798,2312],[10])
-- >>> toListSlackMem a :: ([Word32], [Word8])
-- ([50462976,117835012],[8,9,10])
-- >>> toListSlackMem a :: ([Word64], [Word8])
-- ([506097522914230528],[8,9,10])
-- @since 0.1.0
toListSlackMem ::
     forall e mr. (MemRead mr, Prim e)
  => mr
  -> ([e], [Word8])
toListSlackMem mem =
  (build (\c n -> foldrCountMem k c n mem), getSlack (k8 + r8) [])
    (k, Count r8) = countRemMem mem
    Count k8 = toByteCount k
    getSlack i !acc
      | i == k8 = acc
      | otherwise =
        let i' = i - 1
         in getSlack i' (indexByteOffMem mem (Off i') : acc)
{-# INLINABLE toListSlackMem #-}

-- | Right fold that is useful for converting to a list while tapping into list fusion.
-- [Unsafe] Supplying Count larger than memory holds will result in reading out of bounds
-- and a potential segfault.
-- @since 0.1.0
foldrCountMem :: forall e b mr. (MemRead mr, Prim e) => Count e -> (e -> b -> b) -> b -> mr -> b
foldrCountMem (Count k) c nil bs = go 0
    go i
      | i == k = nil
      | otherwise =
        let !v = indexOffMem bs (Off i)
         in v `c` go (i + 1)
{-# INLINE[0] foldrCountMem #-}

-- From List --

-- Pure immutable conversion --

-- | Just like `fromListMemN`, except it ensures safety by using the length of the
-- list for allocation. Because it has to figure out the length of the list first it
-- will be just a little bit slower, but that much safer.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> fromListMem "Hi" :: Bytes 'Inc
-- [0x48,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x69,0x00,0x00,0x00]
-- @since 0.1.0
fromListMem ::
     forall e ma. (Prim e, MemAlloc ma)
  => [e]
  -> FrozenMem ma
fromListMem xs =
  let count = coerce (length xs) `countForProxyTypeOf` xs
   in createMemST_ count (loadListMemN_ count xs)
{-# INLINE fromListMem #-}

-- | Same as `fromListMem` but restricted to a list of `Word8`. Load a list of bytes into
-- a newly allocated memory region. Equivalent to `Data.ByteString.pack` for
-- `Data.ByteString.ByteString`
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> fromByteListMem [0..10] :: Bytes 'Pin
-- [0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a]
-- @since 0.1.0
fromByteListMem ::
     forall ma. MemAlloc ma
  => [Word8]
  -> FrozenMem ma
fromByteListMem = fromListMem
{-# INLINE fromByteListMem #-}

-- | Similarly to `fromListMem` load a list into a newly allocated memory region, but
-- unlike the aforementioned function it also accepts a hint of how many elements is
-- expected to be in the list. Because the number of expected an actual elements might
-- not match we return not only the frozen memory region, but also:
-- * either a list with leftover elements from the input @list@, if it did not fully fit
--   into the allocated region. An empty list would indicate that it did fit exactly.
--     @
--     unCount memCount <= length list
--     @
-- * or an exact count of how many elements have been loaded when there was no
--   enough elements in the list
-- In the latter case a zero value would indicate that the list did fit into the newly
-- allocated memory region exactly, which is perfectly fine. But a positive value would
-- mean that the tail of the memory region is still unset and might contain garbage
-- data. Make sure to overwrite the surplus memory yourself or use the safe version
-- `fromListZeroMemN` that fills the surplus with zeros.
-- [Unsafe] Whenever @memCount@ precodition is violated, because on each call with the
-- same input it can produce different output therefore it will break referential
-- transparency.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> fromListMemN @Char @(MBytes 'Inc) 3 "Hello"
-- (Left "lo",[0x48,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x65,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00])
-- >>> fromListMemN @Char @(MBytes 'Inc) 2 "Hi"
-- (Left "",[0x48,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x69,0x00,0x00,0x00])
-- >>> fst $ fromListMemN @Char @(MBytes 'Inc) 5 "Hi"
-- Right (Count {unCount = 2})
-- @since 0.2.0
fromListMemN ::
     forall e ma. (Prim e, MemAlloc ma)
  => Count e
  -- ^ /memCount/ - Expected number of elements in the list, which exactly how much
  -- memory will be allocated.
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memCount
  -- > unCount memCount <= length list
  -> [e]
  -- ^ /list/ - A list of elements to load into the newly allocated memory region.
  -> (Either [e] (Count e), FrozenMem ma)
fromListMemN count xs =
  createMemST count $ \mm -> do
    (ys, loadedCount) <- loadListOffMemN count xs mm 0
    pure $
      if loadedCount /= count && null ys
        then Right loadedCount
        else Left ys
{-# INLINE fromListMemN #-}

-- | Just like `fromListMemN`, except it ensures safety by filling tail with zeros,
-- whenever the list is not long enough.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> fromListZeroMemN @Char @(MBytes 'Inc) 3 "Hi"
-- (Right (Count {unCount = 2}),[0x48,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x69,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00])
-- @since 0.2.0
fromListZeroMemN ::
     forall e ma. (Prim e, MemAlloc ma)
  => Count e -- ^ /memCount/ - Number of elements to load from the list.
  -> [e]
  -> (Either [e] (Count e), FrozenMem ma)
fromListZeroMemN count xs =
  createMemST (max 0 count) $ \mm -> do
    (ys, loadedCount) <- loadListOffMemN count xs mm 0
    let loadedByteCount = toByteCount loadedCount
        surplusByteCount = toByteCount count - loadedByteCount
    when (surplusByteCount > 0) $ setMem mm (countToOff loadedByteCount) surplusByteCount 0
    pure $
      if loadedCount /= count && null ys
        then Right loadedCount
        else Left ys
{-# INLINE fromListZeroMemN #-}

-- | Same as `fromListZeroMemN`, but ignore the extra information about how the loading went.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> fromListZeroMemN_ 3 "Hi" :: Bytes 'Inc
-- [0x48,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x69,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]
-- @since 0.2.0
fromListZeroMemN_ ::
     forall e ma. (Prim e, MemAlloc ma)
  => Count e
  -> [e]
  -> FrozenMem ma
fromListZeroMemN_ !n = snd . fromListZeroMemN n
{-# INLINE fromListZeroMemN_ #-}

-- Mutable loading --

loadListByteOffHelper ::
     (MemWrite mw, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => [e]
  -> mw s
  -> Off Word8 -- ^ Offset
  -> Off Word8 -- ^ Upper bound
  -> Off Word8 -- ^ Element size
  -> m ([e], Count e)
loadListByteOffHelper ys mw byteOff k step =
  let go []       i = pure ([], toLoadedCount i)
      go a@(x:xs) i
        | i < k = writeByteOffMem mw i x >> go xs (i + step)
        | otherwise = pure (a, toLoadedCount i)
      toLoadedCount i = fromByteCount (offToCount (i - byteOff))
   in go ys byteOff
{-# INLINE loadListByteOffHelper #-}

-- | Load elements from the supplied list into a mutable memory region. Loading will
-- start at the supplied offset in number of bytes and will stop when either supplied
-- @elemCount@ number is reached or there are no more elements left in the list to
-- load. This action returns a list of elements that did not get loaded and the count of
-- how many elements did get loaded.
-- [Unsafe] When any precondition for either the offset @memTargetOff@ or the element
-- count @memCount@ is violated then a call to this function can result in heap corruption
-- or failure with a segfault.
-- ====__Examples__
-- For example load the @"Hell"@ somewhere in the middle of `MBytes`:
-- >>> ma <- allocZeroMem (6 :: Count Char) :: IO (MBytes 'Inc RW)
-- >>> loadListByteOffMemN 4 "Hello!" ma (toByteOff (1 :: Off Char))
-- ("o!",Count {unCount = 4})
-- >>> freezeMem ma
-- [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x48,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x65,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]
-- Or something more usful like loading prefixes from nested lists:
-- >>> import Control.Monad
-- >>> foldM_ (\o xs -> (+ o) . countToByteOff . snd <$> loadListByteOffMemN 4 xs ma o) 2 [[x..] | x <- [1..5] :: [Word8]]
-- >>> freezeMem ma
-- [0x00,0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x00,0x00]
-- @since 0.2.0
loadListByteOffMemN ::
     (MemWrite mw, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => Count e
  -- ^ /elemCount/ - Maximum number of elements to load from list into the memory region
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memCount
  -- Target memory region must have enough memory to perform loading of @elemCount@
  -- elements starting at the @memTargetOff@ offset. For types that also implement
  -- `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
  -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTarget
  -- > unOff memTargetOff + unCountBytes elemCount <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
  -> [e] -- ^ /listSource/ - List with elements that should be loaded
  -> mw s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Memory region where to load the elements into
  -> Off Word8
  -- ^ /memTargetOff/ - Offset in number of bytes into target memory where writing will start
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
  -- Once the pointer is advanced by @memTargetOff@ it must still refer to the same memory
  -- region @memTarget@. For types that also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described
  -- as:
  -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTarget
  -- > unOff memTargetOff <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
  -> m ([e], Count e)
  -- ^ Leftover part of the @listSource@ if any and the exact count of elements that have been loaded.
loadListByteOffMemN count ys mw byteOff = loadListByteOffHelper ys mw byteOff k step
    k = byteOff + countToOff (toByteCount count)
    step = countToOff $ byteCountProxy ys
{-# INLINABLE loadListByteOffMemN #-}

-- | Same as `loadListByteOffMemN`, but infer the count from number of bytes that is
-- available in the target memory region.
-- [Unsafe] When a precondition for the element count @memCount@ is violated then a call
-- to this function can result in heap corruption or failure with a segfault.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> ma <- allocZeroMem (5 :: Count Char) :: IO (MBytes 'Inc RW)
-- >>> freezeMem ma
-- [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]
-- >>> loadListByteOffMem "Hello World" ma 0
-- (" World",Count {unCount = 5})
-- >>> freezeMem ma
-- [0x48,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x65,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6f,0x00,0x00,0x00]
-- >>> loadListByteOffMem ([0xff,0xff,0xff] :: [Word8]) ma 1
-- ([],Count {unCount = 3})
-- >>> freezeMem ma
-- [0x48,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x65,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6f,0x00,0x00,0x00]
-- @since 0.2.0
loadListByteOffMem ::
     (MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => [e] -- ^ /listSource/ - List with elements that should be loaded
  -> ma s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Memory region where to load the elements into
  -> Off Word8
  -- ^ /memTargetOff/ - Offset in number of bytes into target memory where writing will start
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
  -- Once the pointer is advanced by @memTargetOff@ it must still refer to the same memory
  -- region @memTarget@. For types that also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described
  -- as:
  -- > targetByteCount <- getByteCountMem memTarget
  -- > unOff memTargetOff <= unCount (targetByteCount - byteCountType @e)
  -> m ([e], Count e)
  -- ^ Leftover part of the @listSource@ if any and the exact count of elements that have been loaded.
loadListByteOffMem ys ma byteOff = do
  bCount <- getByteCountMem ma
  let k = countToOff bCount - byteOff
      step = countToOff $ byteCountProxy ys
  loadListByteOffHelper ys ma byteOff k step
{-# INLINABLE loadListByteOffMem #-}

-- | Same as `loadListByteOffMemN`, but works with offset in number of elements instead of
-- bytes.
-- [Unsafe] When preconditions for either the offset @memTargetOff@ or the element count
-- @memCount@ is violated then a call to this function can result in heap corruption or
-- failure with a segfault.
-- @since 0.2.0
loadListOffMemN ::
     (MemWrite mw, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => Count e
  -- ^ /elemCount/ - Maximum number of elements to load from list into the memory region
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memCount
  -- Target memory region must have enough memory to perform loading of @elemCount@
  -- elements starting at the @memTargetOff@ offset. For types that also implement
  -- `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
  -- > targetCount <- getCountMem memTarget
  -- > unOff memTargetOff + unCount elemCount < unCount targetCount
  -> [e] -- ^ /listSource/ - List with elements that should be loaded
  -> mw s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Memory region where to load the elements into
  -> Off e
  -- ^ /memTargetOff/ - Offset in number of elements into target memory where writing will start
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
  -- Once the pointer is advanced by @memTargetOff@ it must still refer to the same memory
  -- region @memTarget@. For types that also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described
  -- as:
  -- > targetCount <- getByteCountMem memTarget
  -- > unOff memTargetOff < unCount targetCount
  -> m ([e], Count e)
  -- ^ Leftover part of the @listSource@ if any and the exact count of elements that have been loaded.
loadListOffMemN count ys mw off =
  let go []       i = pure ([], toLoadedCount i)
      go a@(x:xs) i
        | i < k = writeOffMem mw i x >> go xs (i + 1)
        | otherwise = pure (a, toLoadedCount i)
      k = off + countToOff count
      toLoadedCount i = offToCount (i - off)
  in go ys off
{-# INLINABLE loadListOffMemN #-}

-- | Same as `loadListOffMemN`, but start loading at @0@ offset.
-- [Unsafe] When any precondition for the element count @memCount@ is violated then a call to
-- this function can result in heap corruption or failure with a segfault.
-- @since 0.2.0
loadListMemN ::
     forall e mw m s. (MemWrite mw, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => Count e
  -- ^ /elemCount/ - Maximum number of elements to load from list into the memory region
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memCount
  -- Target memory region must have enough memory to perform loading of @elemCount@
  -- elements. For types that also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
  -- > targetCount <- getCountMem memTarget
  -- > elemCount <= targetCount
  -> [e] -- ^ /listSource/ - List with elements that should be loaded
  -> mw s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Memory region where to load the elements into
  -> m ([e], Count e)
  -- ^ Leftover part of the @listSource@ if any and the exact count of elements that have been loaded.
loadListMemN count xs mw = loadListOffMemN count xs mw 0
{-# INLINABLE loadListMemN #-}

-- | Same as `loadListMemN`, but ignores the result.
-- [Unsafe] When any precondition for the element count @memCount@ is violated then a call
-- to this function can result in heap corruption or failure with a segfault.
-- @since 0.2.0
loadListMemN_ ::
     forall e mw m s. (Prim e, MemWrite mw, MonadPrim s m)
  => Count e
  -- ^ /elemCount/ - Maximum number of elements to load from list into the memory region
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memCount
  -- Target memory region must have enough memory to perform loading of @elemCount@
  -- elements. For types that also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described as:
  -- > targetCount <- getCountMem memTarget
  -- > elemCount <= targetCount
  -> [e] -- ^ /listSource/ - List with elements that should be loaded
  -> mw s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Memory region where to load the elements into
  -> m ()
loadListMemN_ (Count n) ys mb =
  let go []     _ = pure ()
      go (x:xs) i = when (i < n) $ writeOffMem mb (Off i) x >> go xs (i + 1)
   in go ys 0
{-# INLINABLE loadListMemN_ #-}

-- | Same as `loadListOffMemN`, but infer the count from number of bytes that is available
-- in the target memory region.
-- [Unsafe] When a precondition for the element count @memCount@ is violated then a call
-- to this function can result in heap corruption or failure with a segfault.
-- @since 0.2.0
loadListOffMem ::
     forall e ma m s. (Prim e, MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m)
  => [e] -- ^ /listSource/ - List with elements that should be loaded
  -> ma s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Memory region where to load the elements into
  -> Off e
  -- ^ /memTargetOff/ - Offset in number of elements into target memory where writing will
  -- start
  -- /__Preconditions:__/
  -- > 0 <= memTargetOff
  -- Once the pointer is advanced by @memTargetOff@ it must still refer to the same memory
  -- region @memTarget@. For types that also implement `MemAlloc` this can be described
  -- as:
  -- > targetCount <- getCountMem memTarget
  -- > unOff memTargetOff < unCount targetCount
  -> m ([e], Count e)
  -- ^ Leftover part of the @listSource@ if any and the exact count of elements that have been loaded.
loadListOffMem ys ma off = getCountMem ma >>= \c -> loadListOffMemN (c - offToCount off) ys ma off
{-# INLINE loadListOffMem #-}

-- | Same as `loadListMemN`, but tries to fit as many elements as possible into the mutable
-- memory region starting at the beginning. This operation is always safe.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> ma <- allocMem (5 :: Count Char) :: IO (MBytes 'Inc RW)
-- >>> loadListMem "HelloWorld" ma
-- ("World",Count {unCount = 5})
-- >>> freezeMem ma
-- [0x48,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x65,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6f,0x00,0x00,0x00]
-- >>> loadListMem (replicate 6 (0xff :: Word8)) ma
-- ([],Count {unCount = 6})
-- >>> freezeMem ma
-- [0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6f,0x00,0x00,0x00]
-- @since 0.2.0
loadListMem ::
     forall e ma m s. (Prim e, MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m)
  => [e] -- ^ /listSource/ - List with elements to load
  -> ma s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Mutable region where to load elements from the list
  -> m ([e], Count e)
  -- ^ Leftover part of the @listSource@ if any and the exact count of elements that have been loaded.
loadListMem ys ma = getCountMem ma >>= \c -> loadListOffMemN (c `countForProxyTypeOf` ys) ys ma 0
{-# INLINE loadListMem #-}

-- | Same as `loadListMem`, but ignores the result. Equivalence as property:
-- prop> let c = fromInteger (abs i) :: Count Int in (createZeroMemST_ c (loadListMem_ (xs :: [Int])) :: Bytes 'Inc) == createZeroMemST_ c (void . loadListMem xs)
-- @since 0.2.0
loadListMem_ ::
     forall e ma m s. (Prim e, MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m)
  => [e] -- ^ /listSource/ - List with elements to load
  -> ma s -- ^ /memTarget/ - Mutable region where to load elements from the list
  -> m ()
loadListMem_ ys mb = getCountMem mb >>= \c -> loadListMemN_ (c `countForProxyTypeOf` ys) ys mb
{-# INLINE loadListMem_ #-}

-- | Convert a memory region to a list of bytes. Equivalent to `Data.ByteString.unpack`
-- for `Data.ByteString.ByteString`
-- ====__Example__
-- >>> toByteListMem (fromByteListMem [0..10] :: Bytes 'Pin)
-- [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
-- @since 0.1.0
toByteListMem ::
     forall ma. MemAlloc ma
  => FrozenMem ma
  -> [Word8]
toByteListMem = toListMem
{-# INLINE toByteListMem #-}

-- mapMem ::
--      forall e e' mr ma. (MemRead mr, MemAlloc ma, Prim e, Prim e')
--   => (e -> e')
--   -> mr
--   -> (FrozenMem ma, [Word8])
-- mapMem f = undefined

mapByteMem ::
     forall e mr ma. (MemRead mr, MemAlloc ma, Prim e)
  => (Word8 -> e)
  -> mr
  -> FrozenMem ma
mapByteMem f = imapByteOffMem (const f)

-- Map an index aware function over memory region
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> a = fromListMem [1 .. 10 :: Word8] :: Bytes 'Inc
-- >>> a
-- [0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a]
-- >>> imapByteOffMem (\i e -> (fromIntegral i :: Int8, e + 0xf0)) a :: Bytes 'Pin
-- [0x00,0xf1,0x01,0xf2,0x02,0xf3,0x03,0xf4,0x04,0xf5,0x05,0xf6,0x06,0xf7,0x07,0xf8,0x08,0xf9,0x09,0xfa]
-- @since 0.1.0
imapByteOffMem ::
     (MemRead mr, MemAlloc ma, Prim e) => (Off Word8 -> Word8 -> e) -> mr -> FrozenMem ma
imapByteOffMem f r = runST $ mapByteOffMemM (\i -> pure . f i) r

-- @since 0.1.0
mapByteMemM ::
     (MemRead mr, MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => (Word8 -> m e)
  -> mr
  -> m (FrozenMem ma)
mapByteMemM f = mapByteOffMemM (const f)

-- @since 0.1.0
mapByteOffMemM ::
     forall e mr ma m s. (MemRead mr, MemAlloc ma, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => (Off Word8 -> Word8 -> m e)
  -> mr
  -> m (FrozenMem ma)
mapByteOffMemM f r = do
  let bc@(Count n) = byteCountMem r
      c = Count n `countForProxyTypeOf` f 0 0
  mem <- allocMem c
  _ <- forByteOffMemM_ r 0 bc f
  -- let go i =
  --       when (i < n) $ do
  --         f i (indexByteOffMem r (Off i)) >>=
  --           writeOffMem mem (offAsProxy c (Off i))
  --         go (i + 1)
  -- go 0
  freezeMem mem

-- | Iterate over a region of memory
forByteOffMemM_ ::
     (MemRead mr, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => mr
  -> Off Word8
  -> Count e
  -> (Off Word8 -> e -> m b)
  -> m (Off Word8)
forByteOffMemM_ r (Off byteOff) c f =
  let n = coerce (toByteCount c) + byteOff
      Count k = byteCountProxy c
      go i
        | i < n = f (Off i) (indexByteOffMem r (Off i)) >> go (i + k)
        | otherwise = pure $ Off i
   in go byteOff

loopShortM :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> a -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> m a) -> m a
loopShortM !startAt condition increment !initAcc f = go startAt initAcc
    go !step !acc
      | condition step acc = f step acc >>= go (increment step)
      | otherwise = pure acc
{-# INLINE loopShortM #-}

loopShortM' :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> a -> m Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> m a) -> m a
loopShortM' !startAt condition increment !initAcc f = go startAt initAcc
    go !step !acc =
      condition step acc >>= \cont ->
        if cont
          then f step acc >>= go (increment step)
          else pure acc
{-# INLINE loopShortM' #-}

-- -- | Iterate over a region of memory
-- loopMemM_ ::
--      (MemRead mr, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
--   => r
--   -> Off Word8
--   -> Count e
--   -> (Count Word8 -> a -> Bool)
--   -> (Off Word8 -> e -> m b)
--   -> m (Off Word8)
-- foldlByteOffMemM_ r (Off byteOff) c f =
--   loopShortM byteOff (\i -> f (coerce i))
--   let n = coerce (toByteCount c) + byteOff
--       Count k = byteCountProxy c
--       go i
--         | i < n = f (Off i) (indexByteOffMem r (Off i)) >> go (i + k)
--         | otherwise = pure $ Off i
--    in go byteOff

data MemView a = MemView
  { mvOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Off Word8)
  , mvCount  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Count Word8)
  , mvMem    :: !a

data MMemView a s = MMemView
  { mmvOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Off Word8)
  , mmvCount  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Count Word8)
  , mmvMem    :: !(a s)

izipWithByteOffMemM_ ::
     (MemRead mr1, MemRead mr2, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => mr1
  -> Off Word8
  -> mr2
  -> Off Word8
  -> Count e
  -> (Off Word8 -> e -> Off Word8 -> e -> m b)
  -> m (Off Word8)
izipWithByteOffMemM_ r1 (Off byteOff1) r2 off2 c f =
  let n = coerce (toByteCount c) + byteOff1
      Count k = byteCountProxy c
      go i
        | i < n =
          let o1 = Off i
              o2 = Off i + off2
           in f o1 (indexByteOffMem r1 o1) o2 (indexByteOffMem r2 o2) >>
              go (i + k)
        | otherwise = pure $ Off i
   in go byteOff1

izipWithOffMemM_ ::
     (MemRead mr1, MemRead mr2, MonadPrim s m, Prim e1, Prim e2)
  => mr1
  -> Off e1
  -> mr2
  -> Off e2
  -> Int
  -> (Off e1 -> e1 -> Off e2 -> e2 -> m b)
  -> m ()
izipWithOffMemM_ r1 off1 r2 off2 nc f =
  let n = nc + coerce off1
      go o1@(Off i) o2 =
        when (i < n) $
        f o1 (indexOffMem r1 o1) o2 (indexOffMem r2 o2) >> go (o1 + 1) (o2 + 1)
   in go off1 off2

-- class Mut f => MFunctor f where
--   mmap :: (Elt f a, Elt f b, MonadPrim s m) => (a -> b) -> f a s -> m (f b s)

-- class Mut f => MTraverse f where
--   mmapM :: (Elt f a, Elt f b, MonadPrim s m) => (a -> m b) -> f a s -> m (f b s)

-- class MFunctor f => MApplicative f where
--   pureMut :: (Elt f a, MonadPrim s m) => a -> m (f a s)
--   liftMut ::
--     (Elt f a, Elt f b, Elt f c, MonadPrim s m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> f a s -> f b s -> m (f c s)

-- class MApplicative f => MMonad f where
--   bindMut ::
--     (Elt f a, Elt f b, MonadPrim s m) => f a s -> (a -> m b) -> f b s -> m (f c s)

-- instance MFunctor MAddr where
--   mmap f maddr = do
--     Count n <- getCountMAddr maddr
--     maddr' <- allocMAddr (Count n)
--     let go i =
--           when (i < n) $ do
--             writeOffMAddr maddr' (Off i) . f =<< readOffMAddr maddr (Off i)
--             go (i + 1)
--     maddr' <$ go 0

-- instance MTraverse MAddr where
--   mmapM f maddr = do
--     Count n <- getCountMAddr maddr
--     maddr' <- allocMAddr (Count n)
--     let go i =
--           when (i < n) $ do
--             writeOffMAddr maddr' (Off i) =<< f =<< readOffMAddr maddr (Off i)
--             go (i + 1)
--     maddr' <$ go 0

-- Bytes instances --

instance MemRead (Bytes p) where
  byteCountMem = byteCountBytes
  {-# INLINE byteCountMem #-}
  indexOffMem = indexOffBytes
  {-# INLINE indexOffMem #-}
  indexByteOffMem = indexByteOffBytes
  {-# INLINE indexByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffToMBytesMem = copyByteOffBytesToMBytes
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffToPtrMem = copyByteOffBytesToPtr
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToPtrMem bytes1 off1 ptr2 off2 c =
    pure $! compareByteOffBytesToPtr bytes1 off1 ptr2 off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToBytesMem bytes1 off1 bytes2 off2 c =
    compareByteOffBytes bytes1 off1 bytes2 off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToBytesMem #-}
  compareByteOffMem mem1 off1 bs off2 c =
    compareByteOffToBytesMem mem1 off1 bs off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffMem #-}

instance Typeable p => MemAlloc (MBytes p) where
  type FrozenMem (MBytes p) = Bytes p
  getByteCountMem = getByteCountMBytes
  {-# INLINE getByteCountMem #-}
  allocMem = allocMBytes
  {-# INLINE allocMem #-}
  thawMem = thawBytes
  {-# INLINE thawMem #-}
  freezeMem = freezeMBytes
  {-# INLINE freezeMem #-}
  resizeMem = reallocMBytes
  {-# INLINE resizeMem #-}

instance MemWrite (MBytes p) where
  readOffMem = readOffMBytes
  {-# INLINE readOffMem #-}
  readByteOffMem = readByteOffMBytes
  {-# INLINE readByteOffMem #-}
  writeOffMem = writeOffMBytes
  {-# INLINE writeOffMem #-}
  writeByteOffMem = writeByteOffMBytes
  {-# INLINE writeByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffToPtrMem = moveByteOffMBytesToPtr
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  moveByteOffToMBytesMem = moveByteOffMBytesToMBytes
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  moveByteOffMem = moveByteOffToMBytesMem
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffMem = copyByteOffToMBytesMem
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffMem #-}
  setMem = setMBytes
  {-# INLINE setMem #-}

instance Show (Bytes p) where
  show b =
    Foldable.foldr' ($) "]" $
    ('[' :) : List.intersperse (',' :) (map (("0x" ++) .) (showsHexMem b))

instance Typeable p => IsList (Bytes p) where
  type Item (Bytes p) = Word8
  fromList = fromListMem
  {-# INLINE fromList #-}
  fromListN n = fromListZeroMemN_ (Count n)
  {-# INLINE fromListN #-}
  toList = toListMem
  {-# INLINE toList #-}

instance Eq (Bytes p) where
  b1 == b2 = isSameBytes b1 b2 || eqMem b1 b2
  {-# INLINE (==) #-}

instance Ord (Bytes p) where
  compare b1 b2 =
    compare n (byteCountBytes b2) <> compareByteOffBytes b1 0 b2 0 n
      n = byteCountBytes b1
  {-# INLINE compare #-}

instance Typeable p => Semigroup.Semigroup (Bytes p) where
  (<>) = appendMem
  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
  sconcat (x :| xs) = concatMem (x:xs)
  {-# INLINE sconcat #-}
  stimes i = cycleMemN (fromIntegral i)
  {-# INLINE stimes #-}

instance Typeable p => Monoid.Monoid (Bytes p) where
  mappend = appendMem
  {-# INLINE mappend #-}
  mconcat = concatMem
  {-# INLINE mconcat #-}
  mempty = emptyMem
  {-# INLINE mempty #-}

-- | A list of `ShowS` which covert bytes to base16 encoded strings. Each element of the list
-- is a function that will convert one byte.
-- ====__Example__
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> import Data.Prim.Memory
-- >>> concatMap ($ " ") $ showsHexMem (fromListMem [1 :: Int16 .. 15] :: Bytes 'Inc)
-- "01 00 02 00 03 00 04 00 05 00 06 00 07 00 08 00 09 00 0a 00 0b 00 0c 00 0d 00 0e 00 0f 00 "
-- @since 0.1.0
showsHexMem :: MemRead mr => mr -> [ShowS]
showsHexMem b = map toHex (toListMem b :: [Word8])
    toHex b8 =
      (if b8 <= 0x0f
         then ('0' :)
         else id) .
      showHex b8

-- | Ensure that memory is filled with zeros before and after it gets used. `PtrAccess` is
-- not used directly, but istead is used to guarantee that the memory is pinned and its
-- contents do get moved around by the garbage collector.
-- @since 0.2.0
withScrubbedMem ::
     forall e ma m a.
     (MonadUnliftPrim RW m, Prim e, MemAlloc ma, PtrAccess RW (ma RW))
  => Count e
  -> (ma RW -> m a)
  -> m a
withScrubbedMem c f = do
  mem <- allocZeroMem c
  let _fptr = toForeignPtr mem :: IO (ForeignPtr e) -- Force the `PtrAccess` constraint.
  f mem `finallyPrim` setMem mem 0 (toByteCount c) 0
    finallyPrim m1 m2 = withRunInPrimBase $ \run -> finally (run m1) (run m2)
{-# INLINE withScrubbedMem #-}