pptable- Pretty Print containers in a tabular format

Safe HaskellNone



Module implements the default methods for Tabilize



class Data a => Tabilize a where Source #

Specialized class that provides default methods methods to print List, Map or Vector values as a pretty table


listToBox :: [a] -> [[Box]] Source #

Return a list of values wrapped in a Box. Each entry in input is assumed to be a list of records keyed by any data type. The first entry in the list of values will be used to infer the names of fields

mapToBox :: Show b => Map b a -> [[Box]] Source #

Return a list of values wrapped in Box. Each entry in input is assumed to be a list of records keyed by any data type. The first entry in the list of values will be used to infer the names of fields

vectorToBox :: Vector a -> [[Box]] Source #

Return a list of values wrapped in Box. Each entry in input is assumed to be a list of records keyed by any data type. The first entry in the list of values will be used to infer the names of fields

listToBox :: (Generic a, GTabilize (Rep a)) => [a] -> [[Box]] Source #

Return a list of values wrapped in a Box. Each entry in input is assumed to be a list of records keyed by any data type. The first entry in the list of values will be used to infer the names of fields

mapToBox :: (Generic a, GTabilize (Rep a), Show b) => Map b a -> [[Box]] Source #

Return a list of values wrapped in Box. Each entry in input is assumed to be a list of records keyed by any data type. The first entry in the list of values will be used to infer the names of fields

vectorToBox :: (Generic a, GTabilize (Rep a)) => Vector a -> [[Box]] Source #

Return a list of values wrapped in Box. Each entry in input is assumed to be a list of records keyed by any data type. The first entry in the list of values will be used to infer the names of fields

printMap :: Show b => Map b a -> IO () Source #

import qualified Data.Map as M
-- declare a Map
data Portfolio = M.Map String Stock
Add the Stock values we create
let p = M.fromList [("YHOO", yahoo), ("GOOG", google), ("AMZN" amazon)]

printMap p

Key        ticker     price          marketCap
"amzn"     "AMZN"     799.161717      3.7886e11
"goog"     "GOOG"     774.210101      5.3209e11
"yhoo"     "YHOO"     42.2910101         4.0e10

printList :: [a] -> IO () Source #

-- List of records
let tickers = [yahoo, google, amazon]

printList tickers

ticker     price          marketCap
"YHOO"     42.2910101         4.0e10
"GOOG"     774.210101      5.3209e11
"AMZN"     799.161717      3.7886e11

printVector :: Vector a -> IO () Source #

import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- Vector of records
let tickers = V.fromList [yahoo, google, amazon]

printVector tickers

ticker     price          marketCap
"YHOO"     42.2910101         4.0e10
"GOOG"     774.210101      5.3209e11
"AMZN"     799.161717      3.7886e11

printList :: Tabilize a => [a] -> IO () Source #

-- List of records
let tickers = [yahoo, google, amazon]

printList tickers

ticker     price          marketCap
"YHOO"     42.2910101         4.0e10
"GOOG"     774.210101      5.3209e11
"AMZN"     799.161717      3.7886e11

printMap :: (Tabilize a, Show b) => Map b a -> IO () Source #

import qualified Data.Map as M
-- declare a Map
data Portfolio = M.Map String Stock
Add the Stock values we create
let p = M.fromList [("YHOO", yahoo), ("GOOG", google), ("AMZN" amazon)]

printMap p

Key        ticker     price          marketCap
"amzn"     "AMZN"     799.161717      3.7886e11
"goog"     "GOOG"     774.210101      5.3209e11
"yhoo"     "YHOO"     42.2910101         4.0e10

printVector :: Tabilize a => Vector a -> IO () Source #

import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- Vector of records
let tickers = V.fromList [yahoo, google, amazon]

printVector tickers

ticker     price          marketCap
"YHOO"     42.2910101         4.0e10
"GOOG"     774.210101      5.3209e11
"AMZN"     799.161717      3.7886e11

listToBox :: Tabilize a => [a] -> [[Box]] Source #

Return a list of values wrapped in a Box. Each entry in input is assumed to be a list of records keyed by any data type. The first entry in the list of values will be used to infer the names of fields

mapToBox :: (Tabilize a, Show b) => Map b a -> [[Box]] Source #

Return a list of values wrapped in Box. Each entry in input is assumed to be a list of records keyed by any data type. The first entry in the list of values will be used to infer the names of fields

vectorToBox :: Tabilize a => Vector a -> [[Box]] Source #

Return a list of values wrapped in Box. Each entry in input is assumed to be a list of records keyed by any data type. The first entry in the list of values will be used to infer the names of fields