postgresql-orm-0.4.0: An ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and migrations DSL for PostgreSQL.

Safe HaskellNone



Functions for creating a table from a model. These are mostly useful in development, for very rigid applications, or to compare what would be created against what is actually in the database. In practice, production settings should create and update tables using migrations.

Note that often it is more interesting to see what would be created than to create an actual table. For that reason, functions creating the statements are exposed.



modelCreateStatement :: forall a. (Model a, Generic a, GDefTypes (Rep a)) => a -> Query Source

Statement for creating the table corresponding to a model. Not strict in its argument.

modelCreate :: (Model a, Generic a, GDefTypes (Rep a)) => Connection -> a -> IO Int64 Source

Create a the database table for a model.

class GDefTypes f where Source

This is a helper class used to extract the row types. You don't need to use this class. If you are creating custom types, just declare an instance of SqlType.


gDefTypes :: f p -> [ByteString] Source


SqlType c => GDefTypes (K1 i c) 
(GDefTypes a, GDefTypes b) => GDefTypes ((:*:) a b) 
GDefTypes f => GDefTypes (M1 i c f) 

jtCreateStatement :: (Model a, Model b) => JoinTable a b -> Query Source

Create the database table corresponding to a JoinTable.

jtCreate :: (Model a, Model b) => Connection -> JoinTable a b -> IO Int64 Source

Create a join table in the database.