polysemy-zoo- Experimental, user-contributed effects and interpreters for polysemy

Safe HaskellNone





data Final m z a where Source #

An effect for embedding higher-order effects in the final target monad of the effect stack.

This is very useful for writing interpreters that interpret higher-order effects in terms of the final monad - however, these interpreters are subject to very different semantics than regular ones.

For more information, see interpretFinal.


WithWeaving :: (forall f. Functor f => f () -> (forall x. f (z x) -> m (f x)) -> (forall x. f x -> Maybe x) -> m (f a)) -> Final m z a 
type DefiningModule Final Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Final

type DefiningModule Final = "Polysemy.Final"


withWeaving :: forall m a r. Member (Final m) r => (forall f. Functor f => f () -> (forall x. f (Sem r x) -> m (f x)) -> (forall x. f x -> Maybe x) -> m (f a)) -> Sem r a Source #

Allows for embedding higher-order actions of the final monad by providing the means of explicitly threading effects through Sem r to the final monad.

Consider using withStrategic instead, as it provides a more user-friendly interface to the same power.

You are discouraged from using withWeaving directly in application code, as it ties your application code directly to the underlying monad.

withStrategic :: Member (Final m) r => Strategic m (Sem r) a -> Sem r a Source #

Allows for embedding higher-order actions of the final monad by providing the means of explicitly threading effects through 'Sem r' to the final monad. This is done through the use of the Strategic environment.

You are discouraged from using withStrategic in application code, as it ties your application code directly to the underlying monad.

embedFinal :: Functor m => Member (Final m) r => m a -> Sem r a Source #

withWeaving admits an implementation of sendM.

Just like sendM, you are discouraged from using this in application code.

Combinators for Interpreting to the Final Monad

interpretFinal :: forall e m r a. (Member (Final m) r, Functor m) => (forall x n. e n x -> Strategic m n x) -> Sem (e ': r) a -> Sem r a Source #

Like interpretH, but may be used to interpret higher-order effects in terms of the final monad.

Beware: Any interpreters built using this (or Final in general) will not respect local/global state semantics based on the order of interpreters run. You should signal interpreters that make use of Final by adding a "-Final" suffix to the names of these.

State semantics of effects that are not interpreted in terms of the final monad will always appear local to effects that are interpreted in terms of the final monad.

State semantics between effects that are interpreted in terms of the final monad depend on the final monad. I.e. if the final monad is a monad transformer stack, then state semantics will depend on the order monad transformers are stacked.


Strategy is a domain-specific language very similar to Tactics (see Tactical), and is used to describe how higher-order effects are threaded down to the final monad.

Much like Tactics, computations can be run and threaded through the use of runS and bindS, and first-order constructors may use pureS. In addition, liftS may be used to lift actions of the final monad.

Unlike Tactics, the final return value within a Strategic must be a monadic value of the target monad with the functorial state wrapped inside of it.

type Strategic m n a = forall f. Functor f => Sem (WithStrategy m f n) (m (f a)) Source #

Strategic is an environment in which you're capable of explicitly threading higher-order effect states to the final monad. This is based upon Tactics, (see Tactical), and usage is extremely similar.

type WithStrategy m f n = WithTactics (Embed m) f n '[] Source #

pureS :: Applicative m => a -> Strategic m n a Source #

Embed a value into Strategic.

liftS :: Functor m => m a -> Strategic m n a Source #

Lifts an action of the final monad into Strategic.

Note: you don't need to use this function if you already have a monadic action with the functorial state woven into it, by the use of runS or bindS. In these cases, you need only use pure to embed the action into the Strategic environment.

runS :: Monad m => n a -> Sem (WithStrategy m f n) (m (f a)) Source #

Lifts a monadic action into the stateful environment, in terms of the final monad. The stateful environment will be the same as the one that the target monad is initially run in. Use bindS if you'd prefer to explicitly manage your stateful environment.

bindS :: Monad m => (a -> n b) -> Sem (WithStrategy m f n) (f a -> m (f b)) Source #

Embed a kleisli action into the stateful environment, in terms of the final monad. You can use bindS to get an effect parameter of the form a -> n b into something that can be used after calling runS on an effect parameter n a.

getInspectorS :: Sem (WithStrategy m f n) (Inspector f) Source #

Get a natural transformation capable of potentially inspecting values inside of f. Binding the result of getInspectorS produces a function that can sometimes peek inside values returned by bindS.

This is often useful for running callback functions that are not managed by polysemy code.

See also getInspectorT

getInitialStateS :: Sem (WithStrategy m f n) (f ()) Source #

Get the stateful environment of the world at the moment the target monad is to be run. Prefer pureS, runS or bindS instead of using this function directly.


runFinal :: Monad m => Sem '[Final m, Embed m] a -> m a Source #

Lower a Sem containing only a lifted, final monad into that monad. The appearance of Lift as the final effect is to allow the use of operations that rely on a LastMember (Lift m) constraint.

runFinalLift :: Monad m => (forall x. n x -> m x) -> Sem [Final m, Embed m, Embed n] a -> m a Source #

Lower a Sem containing two lifted monad into the final monad, by interpreting one of the monads in terms of the other one.

This allows for the use of operations that rely on a LastMember (Lift m) constraint, as long as m can be transformed to the final monad; but be warned, this breaks the implicit contract of LastMember (Lift m) that m is the final monad, so depending on the final monad and operations used, runFinalLift may become unsafe.

For example, runFinalLift is unsafe with asyncToIO if the final monad is non-deterministic, or a continuation monad.

runFinalLiftIO :: MonadIO m => Sem [Final m, Embed m, Embed IO] a -> m a Source #

runFinalLift, specialized to transform IO to a MonadIO.