module Polysemy.Plugin.Fundep.Stuff
  ( PolysemyStuff (..)
  , LookupState (..)
  , polysemyStuff
  ) where

import Data.Kind (Type)
import FastString (fsLit)
import GHC (Name, Class, TyCon, mkModuleName)
import GHC.TcPluginM.Extra (lookupModule, lookupName)
import OccName (mkTcOcc)
import TcPluginM (TcPluginM, tcLookupClass, tcLookupTyCon)

-- | All of the things from "polysemy" that we need access to in the plugin.
-- When @l ~ 'Locations@, each of these is just a pair of strings. When @l
-- ~ 'Things@, it's actually references to the stuff.
data PolysemyStuff (l :: LookupState) = PolysemyStuff
  { findClass    :: ThingOf l Class
  , semTyCon     :: ThingOf l TyCon
  , ifStuckTyCon :: ThingOf l TyCon
  , indexOfTyCon :: ThingOf l TyCon

-- | All of the things we need to lookup.
polysemyStuffLocations :: PolysemyStuff 'Locations
polysemyStuffLocations = PolysemyStuff
  { findClass    = ("Polysemy.Internal.Union",                  "Find")
  , semTyCon     = ("Polysemy.Internal",                        "Sem")
  , ifStuckTyCon = ("Polysemy.Internal.CustomErrors.Redefined", "IfStuck")
  , indexOfTyCon = ("Polysemy.Internal.Union",                  "IndexOf")

-- | Lookup all of the 'PolysemyStuff'.
polysemyStuff :: TcPluginM (PolysemyStuff 'Things)
polysemyStuff =
  let PolysemyStuff a b c d = polysemyStuffLocations
   in PolysemyStuff <$> doLookup a
                    <*> doLookup b
                    <*> doLookup c
                    <*> doLookup d

-- | Data kind for 'ThingOf'.
data LookupState
  = Locations
  | Things

-- | HKD indexed by the 'LookupState'; used by 'PolysemyStuff'.
type family ThingOf (l :: LookupState) (a :: Type) :: Type where
  ThingOf 'Locations _ = (String, String)
  ThingOf 'Things    a = a

-- | Things that can be found in a 'TcPluginM' environment.
class CanLookup a where
  lookupStrategy :: Name -> TcPluginM a

instance CanLookup Class where
  lookupStrategy = tcLookupClass

instance CanLookup TyCon where
  lookupStrategy = tcLookupTyCon

-- | Transform a @'ThingOf' 'Locations@ into a @'ThingOf' 'Things@.
doLookup :: CanLookup a => ThingOf 'Locations a -> TcPluginM (ThingOf 'Things a)
doLookup (mdname, name) = do
  md <- lookupModule (mkModuleName mdname) $ fsLit "polysemy"
  nm <- lookupName md $ mkTcOcc name
  lookupStrategy nm