pipes-shell-0.1.3: Create proper Pipes from System.Process

Safe HaskellNone




This module contains a few functions to use unix-y shell commands as Pipes.

The output ByteStrings from pipeCmdEnv and friends are not line-wise, but chunk-wise. To get proper lines use the pipes-bytestring and the upcoming pipes-text machinery. Note that exit code handling is not yet implemented.

All code examples in this module assume following qualified imports: Pipes.Prelude as P, Pipes.ByteString as PBS, Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC


Basic combinators

pipeCmdEnv :: MonadSafe m => Maybe [(String, String)] -> String -> Pipe (Maybe ByteString) (Either ByteString ByteString) m () Source

This is the workhorse of this package.

It provides the direct interface from a shell command string to a proper Pipe.

>>> runShell $ yield (BSC.pack "aaa") >?> pipeCmdEnv Nothing "tr 'a' 'A'" >-> PBS.stdout

pipeCmd :: MonadSafe m => String -> Pipe (Maybe ByteString) (Either ByteString ByteString) m () Source

Like pipeCmdEnv but doesn't set enviorment varaibles

pipeCmd' :: MonadSafe m => String -> Pipe (Maybe ByteString) ByteString m () Source

Like pipeCmd but ignores stderr

producerCmdEnv :: MonadSafe m => Maybe [(String, String)] -> String -> Producer (Either ByteString ByteString) m () Source

Like pipeCmdEnv but closes the input end immediately.

Useful for command line tools like ls

producerCmd :: MonadSafe m => String -> Producer (Either ByteString ByteString) m () Source

Like producerCmdEnv but doesn't set enviorment varaibles

producerCmd' :: MonadSafe m => String -> Producer ByteString m () Source

Like producerCmd but ignores stderr

consumerCmdEnv :: MonadSafe m => Maybe [(String, String)] -> String -> Consumer (Maybe ByteString) m () Source

Like pipeCmd but closes the output end immediately.

Useful for command line tools like cat > test.file

consumerCmd :: MonadSafe m => String -> Consumer (Maybe ByteString) m () Source

Like consumerCmdEnv but doesn't set enviorment varaibles

Fancy overloads

class Cmd cmd where Source

An ad-hoc typeclass to get the varadic arguments and DWIM behavoir of cmdEnv

Minimal complete definition



cmdEnv :: Maybe [(String, String)] -> String -> cmd Source

Like pipeCmdEnv, producerCmdEnv or consumerCmdEnv depending on the context. It also supports varadic arguments.


As Pipe:

>>> runShell $ yield (BSC.pack "aaa") >?> cmd "tr 'a' 'A'" >-> ignoreErr >-> PBS.stdout

As Producer:

>>> runShell $ cmd "ls" >-> ignoreErr >-> PBS.stdout
<output from ls on the current directory>

As Consumer:

>>> runShell $ yield (BSC.pack "aaa") >?> cmd "cat > test.file"
<a new file with "aaa" in it>

cmd :: Cmd cmd => String -> cmd Source

Like cmdEnv but doesn't set enviorment varaibles

class Cmd' cmd where Source

An ad-hoc typeclass to get the varadic arguments and DWIM behavoir of cmd'. This class is seperate from Cmd to make the return types work out.


cmd' :: String -> cmd Source

Like cmd but uses ignoreErr automatically. So it's like pipeCmd', producerCmd' or consumerCmd depending on context. It supports the same style of varadic arguments as cmd



(>?>) :: Monad m => Proxy a' a () b m r -> Proxy () (Maybe b) c' c m r -> Proxy a' a c' c m r infixl 7 Source

Like >-> but marks the end of the left pipe with markEnd. It's needed because pipeCmdEnv has to know when the upstream Pipe finishes.

The basic rule is:

 Replace every >-> with >?> when it's in front of
   pipeCmdEnv or similar.

markEnd :: Monad m => Proxy a' a b' b m r -> Proxy a' a b' (Maybe b) m r Source

Mark the end of a pipe. It wraps all values in a Just and yields *one* Nothing after the upstream pipe finished.

runShell :: Effect (SafeT IO) r -> IO r Source

A simple run function for Pipes that live in SafeT IO