phkdf- Toolkit for self-documenting password hash and key derivation functions.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides an interface to the following function. This simplified presentation elides the fact that the variable-length padding between the args parameter and the initial counter depends on the tag itself.

phkdfStream :: BitString -> [BitString] -> Word32 -> BitString -> Stream ByteString
phkdfStream key args counter tag = [output0, output1 ..]
    output0 = hmac key (encode args ++ encode  counter      ++ tag)
    output1 = hmac key (output0     ++ encode (counter + 1) ++ tag)
    output2 = hmac key (output1     ++ encode (counter + 2) ++ tag)

This hash function exhibits a misleading resemblance to HKDF, with the key corresponding to HKDF's salt, the msgs parameter corresponding to HKDF's ikm (initial keying material), and the counter and tag parameters corresponding to HKDF's info parameter.

hkdf :: BitString -> BitString -> ByteString -> [ByteString]
hkdf salt ikm info = [output1, output2 .. output255]
    key = hmac salt ikm
    output1 = hmac key            (info ++ encodeWord8 1)
    output2 = hmac key (output1 ++ info ++ encodeWord8 2)
    output3 = hmac key (output2 ++ info ++ encodeWord8 3)

However this is a false cognate. The first thing to notice about phkdfStream is that it doesn't matter how secure the args parameter is, if you use a publicly known key, counter, and tag, then revealing a full output block reveals the remainder of the output stream.

This is in contrast to hkdf, which allows secret initial keying material and publicly-known salt and info parameters to be expanded into a large number of output blocks. These blocks can be divvied up into non-overlapping pieces that may be revealed independently of each other.

Thus phkdfStream is actually a much lower-level hash function than hkdf. As such has it's own modes of operation, which provide various different answers for this issue of output stream predictability. Building a proper replacement for hkdf requires combining two or more calls to phkdfStream in different modes of operation.

The first and simplest mode of operation for phkdfStream is to simply discard all but the first output block. In this case, phkdfStream simplifies to a call to HMAC with the addition of TupleHash style encoding, and custom end-of-message padding determined by the counter and tag. Thus we can use this mode to implement the key extraction portion of an HKDF-like hash function.

In this mode of operation, we can safely use phkdfStream with secret initial keying materials and optionally non-secret salt, counter, and tag, and possibly even reveal the output. After all it doesn't matter if anybody can predict the remainder of the stream if it's never been granted any meaning.

The second mode of operation is to use phkdfStream with a secret key, non-secret arguments, and optionally secret counter and tag. In this mode, we can reveal arbitrary non-overlapping portions of the output stream to third parties, without worry that one portion can be derived from another.

Thus we can implement a variant of the HKDF construction using these two modes of operation in conjunction with each other:

hkdfSimple :: BitString -> [BitString] -> BitString -> Stream ByteString
hkdfSimple salt ikms tag = out
    key = head $ phkdfStream salt ikms inCtr tag
    out = phkdfStream key echoArgs outCtr tag

    echoArgs = ["hkdf-simple"]
    inCtr    = word32 "INx00x00"
    outCtr   = word32 "OUTx00"

If the recommendations of NIST SP 800-108 are to be followed strictly, one shouldn't examine more than 2^32 output blocks which is about 137.4 GB of output from hkdfSimple. I don't think this will be a problem in practice, as this particular CSPRNG is not overly well suited to generating large amounts of pseudorandom data.

However, we must be aware of the echo args gotcha: for reasons intimately related to the predictability of phkdfStream with a non-secret key, counter, and tag, the echoArgs parameter must not include any important new secrets.

This time we are deriving a secret key using initial keying material. However, if that material is potentially guessable, then introducing a high-entropy secret in the echoArgs parameter will secure the first output block, but revealing two output blocks would re-reveal the ability to guess the original keying material.

Thus all secrets should be included in the derivation of the key, or possibly included in the tag parameter. A secret counter can also help, but cannot provide a sufficient level of entropy tmo secure the output all by itself.

One of HKDF's design principles was to obtain a clean seperation between the extraction and expansion phases. This seperation allows HKDF's design to avoid the echo args gotcha by specifying that the echo args is the empty string.

In a literal, low-level sense, phkdfStream intentionally violates this seperation. In a metaphorical, higher-level sense, phkdf affirms this design principle, rather phkdfs goal is to allow a single primitive to serve both roles. This unification makes it easy to create cryptographic hash protocols where every call to HMAC is covered by a directly self-documenting plaintext tag.

Moreover, the alternative to PBKDF2 is phkdf's slow extraction function, which makes crucial use of the echo args gotcha. This brings us to the third mode of operation, which keeps the output stream secret, except possibly for the very last output block examined.

Each mode of operation provides an answer to the predictability of phkdfStream. Our first answer is to make it irrelevant that the output stream is predictable. Our second answer achieves unpredictability by using a key, counter, and/or tag that is secret. The third answer achieves unpredictability by keeping the output stream secret, allowing a publicly-known key, counter, and tag to be used as self-documenting domain seperation constants.

Thus phkdf's slow extraction function calls phkdfStream to generate a stream that is allowed to be predictable, but at an unpredictable starting point. This predictable stream remains secret, and is immediately consumed by a second call to phkdfStream. After rounds + 1 blocks have been produced and consumed, the second call to phkdfStream has an opportunity to add some additional post-key-stretching tweaks before the output stream is finalized.

Conceptually, the slow extraction function looks like this:

phkdfSlowExtract ::
    BitString -> [BitString] -> Word32 -> BitString ->
    ByteString -> Word32 -> [BitString] -> Stream ByteString
phkdfSlowExtract key args counter tag fnName rounds tweaks = out
    blocks = take (rounds + 1) $ phkdfStream key args counter tag
    header = [makePadding fnName rounds, makeLongString tag blocks]
    out = phkdfStream key (header ++ tweaks) (counter + rounds + 1) tag

Compared to PBKDF2, phkdfSlowExtract uses essentially the same stream generator, but enhanced with counters and contextual parameters. PBKDF2 proper then condenses that stream by xor-ing all the output blocks together. phkdfSlowExtract condenses it's internal stream by feeding it to another call to HMAC. So phkdfSlowExtract is very likely at least as strong as PBKDF2.

Again, assuming key, counter, rounds, and tag are all publicly known, which is the primary intended use case of this function, then the output stream is predictable. Thus the output of phkdfSlowExtract must itself be subjected to the first or third mode of operation.

If more than 32 bytes ever need to be revealed, then another call to phkdfStream with a secret key in the second mode of operation is required for final output expansion. We do just this in our next example.

phkdfVerySimple uses our flavor of not-quite-PBKDF2 to produce a pseudorandom key to use with our flavor of not-quite-HKDF for final output expansion. Thus the algorithm behind this construction is a portmanteau of the algorithms behind PBKDF2 and HKDF. Thus the name.

phkdfVerySimple ::
    BitString -> BitString -> BitString -> BitString ->
    Word32 -> Stream ByteString
phkdfVerySimple seguid tag username password rounds = out
    inArgs = [myLabel, username, password, encode rounds]

    key = head $ phkdfSlowExtract seguid inArgs inCtr tag myLabel rounds []

    out = phkdfStream key [myLabel] outCtr tag

    myLabel = "phkdf-very-simple"
    inCtr   = word32 "INx00x00"
    outCtr  = word32 "OUTx00"

phkdfVerySimple is a distillation of the core features of the phkdfSimple function exported from the Crypto.PHKDF module, containing the most salient features of that more fully worked construction.

Not only does phkdfVerySimple provide key stretching very similar in flavor to PBKDF2, but it also infuses the entire key-stretching process with cryptoacoustic repetitions of the plaintext of the tag. This amplifies the minimum obfuscation overhead associated with any tag obscuration attack that is truly secure against the best reverse engineers. This in turns reduces the minimum obfuscation overhead associated with a single application of SHA256 in order for the overall construction to be cryptoacoustically viable.

phkdfVerySimple encodes the number of rounds to be performed in the key-stretching phase in order to ensure that changing the number of rounds requires a full key-stretching recomputation. This is necessary because it is possible to share portions of phkdfSlowExtract's key-stretching computation when the rounds parameter is varied while holding the input arguments constant. Including an encoding of the rounds parameter in the input arguments forces both to be varied, thus forcing a full recomputation.



data HmacKey Source #

A precomputed HMAC key. Computing an HMAC key costs two SHA256 blocks.

No additional blocks are incurred for keys that are 64 bytes or less in length. Keys that are longer than 64 bytes long must be first hashed with SHA256 before the key can be derived, incurring extra blocks.

It is not uncommon that implementations of PBKDF2, HKDF, etc unnecessarily redo this computation even though a single HMAC key is used repeatedly.

TODO: FIXME: this data structure is way larger than it should be. We can pack this into a single 64-byte bytestring, but right now it's 208 bytes of data plus extra overhead.

On the other hand, this approach may actually be more efficient for the core PHKDF algorithm as currently implemented. Reducing the size of this data structure while maintaining tight code involves some additional work on cryptohash-sha256


Instances details
Eq HmacKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.PHKDF.HMAC.Subtle


(==) :: HmacKey -> HmacKey -> Bool #

(/=) :: HmacKey -> HmacKey -> Bool #

hmacKey_init :: ByteString -> HmacKey Source #

Precompute an HMAC key for some literal HMAC key.

phkdfCtx_init :: ByteString -> PhkdfCtx Source #

initialize an empty phkdfStream context from a plaintext HMAC key.

phkdfCtx_initFromHmacKey :: HmacKey -> PhkdfCtx Source #

initialize an empty phkdfStream context from a precomputed HMAC key.

phkdfCtx_resetCtx :: PhkdfCtx -> HmacCtx Source #

initialize a new empty HMAC context from the key originally supplied to the PHKDF context, discarding all arguments already added.

phkdfCtx_reset :: PhkdfCtx -> PhkdfCtx Source #

initialize a new empty phkdfStream context from the HMAC key originally supplied to the context, discarding all arguments already added.

phkdfCtx_addArg :: ByteString -> PhkdfCtx -> PhkdfCtx Source #

append a single string onto the end of phkdfStream's list of arguments.

phkdfCtx_addArgs :: Foldable f => f ByteString -> PhkdfCtx -> PhkdfCtx Source #

append zero or more strings onto the end of phkdfStream's list of arguments.

phkdfCtx_finalize :: (Int -> ByteString) -> Word32 -> ByteString -> PhkdfCtx -> ByteString Source #

close out a phkdfStream context using the first mode of operation, examining only the first output block and discarding the rest of the stream.

phkdfCtx_finalizeHmac :: PhkdfCtx -> ByteString Source #

"improperly" close out a PhkdfCtx as if it were a call to hmac instead of phkdfStream, though with a TupleHash message encoding.

phkdfCtx_finalizeHmacCtx :: PhkdfCtx -> HmacCtx Source #

Turn a PhkdfCtx into a incomplete call to hmac, with the option of adding additional data to the end of the message that need not be TupleHash encoded.

phkdfCtx_finalizeStream :: (Int -> ByteString) -> Word32 -> ByteString -> PhkdfCtx -> Stream ByteString Source #

close out a phkdfStream context with a given counter and tag

phkdfSlowCtx_extract :: (Int -> ByteString) -> Word32 -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Word32 -> PhkdfCtx -> PhkdfSlowCtx Source #

close out a phkdfStream context with a call to phkdfSlowExtract, providing the counter, tag, fnName, and number of rounds to compute. Note that fnName is truncated to a length of 25-29 bytes long, depending upon the number of rounds specified. Thus the fnName is primarily intended to be a protocol constant.

phkdfSlowCtx_addArg :: ByteString -> PhkdfSlowCtx -> PhkdfSlowCtx Source #

Add a tweak to a call to phkdfSlowExtract.

phkdfSlowCtx_addArgs :: Foldable f => f ByteString -> PhkdfSlowCtx -> PhkdfSlowCtx Source #

Add zero or more tweaks to a call to phkdfSlowExtract.

phkdfSlowCtx_finalize :: (Int -> ByteString) -> PhkdfSlowCtx -> ByteString Source #

finalize a call to phkdfSlowExtract, discarding all but the first block of the output stream

phkdfSlowCtx_finalizeStream :: (Int -> ByteString) -> PhkdfSlowCtx -> Stream ByteString Source #

finalize a call to phkdfSlowExtract