{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveFunctor, ViewPatterns, PatternSynonyms #-}

{- |
Module: Data.Morton
Description: Morton reperesention of integer pairs
Copyright: © 2018-2019 Satsuma labs

Morton reperesentation of integer pairs (interleaved bits) used for creating spatial indexes.

Bit interleaving code is originally from the documentation of Data.Sparse by Edward Kmett at

module Data.Morton (
    -- * Intervals
    Interval(..), intersectInterval, intervalElem, intervalSize, intervalSizeMorton,
    -- * Rectangles
    MortonRect(MortonRect,MortonRectSides), mortonRectBounds, intersectMortonRect, mortonRectSize,
    -- * Tiles
    MortonTile(..), mortonTileBounds, mortonTileRect, enclosingMortonTile, splitMortonTile, trimMortonTile,
    mortonTileCoverSized, mortonTileCover, mortonTileCoverTorus,
) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Control.Monad
import Numeric
import Text.Read
import Text.Read.Lex
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (readP_to_Prec)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms

zeropad :: Int -> String -> String
zeropad n s = replicate (n - length s) '0' ++ s

-- | Type implementing a Morton Z-Order Curve.
-- Stores two 'Word32' values with bits interleaved.
-- This allows for spatial indexing by rectangular tiles which form contiguous intervals.
newtype Morton = Morton Word64 deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum)
-- Shows value in hex.
instance (Show Morton) where
    show (Morton m) = "Z" <> zeropad 16 (showHex m [])
instance (Read Morton) where
    readPrec = readP_to_Prec (const readMorton)

readMorton :: ReadP Morton
readMorton = char 'Z' >> fmap Morton readHexP

-- interleaves the bits of two integers by performing AH,AL,BH,BL -> AH,BH,AL,BL then recursing on H and L portions in SIMD fashion
interleaveM :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Morton
interleaveM !x !y = Morton k5 where
    k0 = unsafeShiftL (fromIntegral x) 32 .|. fromIntegral y
    k1 = unsafeShiftL (k0 .&. 0x00000000FFFF0000) 16  .|. unsafeShiftR k0 16 .&. 0x00000000FFFF0000  .|. k0 .&. 0xFFFF00000000FFFF
    k2 = unsafeShiftL (k1 .&. 0x0000FF000000FF00) 8   .|. unsafeShiftR k1 8  .&. 0x0000FF000000FF00  .|. k1 .&. 0xFF0000FFFF0000FF
    k3 = unsafeShiftL (k2 .&. 0x00F000F000F000F0) 4   .|. unsafeShiftR k2 4  .&. 0x00F000F000F000F0  .|. k2 .&. 0xF00FF00FF00FF00F
    k4 = unsafeShiftL (k3 .&. 0x0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C) 2   .|. unsafeShiftR k3 2  .&. 0x0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C  .|. k3 .&. 0xC3C3C3C3C3C3C3C3
    k5 = unsafeShiftL (k4 .&. 0x2222222222222222) 1   .|. unsafeShiftR k4 1  .&. 0x2222222222222222  .|. k4 .&. 0x9999999999999999

uninterleaveM :: Morton -> (Word32,Word32)
uninterleaveM (Morton k0) = (fromIntegral (unsafeShiftR k5 32), fromIntegral (k5 .&. 0x00000000FFFFFFFF)) where
    k5 = unsafeShiftL (k4 .&. 0x00000000FFFF0000) 16  .|. unsafeShiftR k4 16 .&. 0x00000000FFFF0000  .|. k4 .&. 0xFFFF00000000FFFF
    k4 = unsafeShiftL (k3 .&. 0x0000FF000000FF00) 8   .|. unsafeShiftR k3 8  .&. 0x0000FF000000FF00  .|. k3 .&. 0xFF0000FFFF0000FF
    k3 = unsafeShiftL (k2 .&. 0x00F000F000F000F0) 4   .|. unsafeShiftR k2 4  .&. 0x00F000F000F000F0  .|. k2 .&. 0xF00FF00FF00FF00F
    k2 = unsafeShiftL (k1 .&. 0x0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C) 2   .|. unsafeShiftR k1 2  .&. 0x0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C  .|. k1 .&. 0xC3C3C3C3C3C3C3C3
    k1 = unsafeShiftL (k0 .&. 0x2222222222222222) 1   .|. unsafeShiftR k0 1  .&. 0x2222222222222222  .|. k0 .&. 0x9999999999999999

-- | Construct a Morton value from its two coordinates.
pattern MortonPair :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Morton
pattern MortonPair x y <- (uninterleaveM -> (x,y)) where
    MortonPair x y = interleaveM x y
{-# COMPLETE MortonPair #-}

-- | Type for closed intervals. The second field should be greater than the first.
data Interval a = Interval a a deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Functor)

-- | Returns intersection of two intervals, or Nothing if they do not overlap.
intersectInterval :: Ord a => Interval a -> Interval a -> Maybe (Interval a)
intersectInterval (Interval a b) (Interval a' b') = do
    guard (a <= b)
    guard (a' <= b')
    let x = max a a'
        y = min b b'
    guard (x <= y)
    return $ Interval x y

-- | Tests whether an element is contained within a given Interval.
intervalElem :: (Ord a) => a -> Interval a -> Bool
intervalElem x (Interval a b) = a <= x && x <= b

-- | Returns the size of an integer interval.
intervalSize :: (Integral a) => Interval a -> Integer
intervalSize (Interval a b) = fromIntegral b - fromIntegral a + 1

-- | Returns the size of a Morton interval.
intervalSizeMorton :: Interval Morton -> Integer
intervalSizeMorton (Interval (Morton a) (Morton b)) = fromIntegral b - fromIntegral a + 1

-- | Type for retangles in Morton space reperesented by upper-left and lower-right corners
data MortonRect = MortonRect {-# UNPACK #-} !Morton {-# UNPACK #-} !Morton deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

-- | Returns x,y bounds of a rectangle
mortonRectBounds :: MortonRect -> (Interval Word32, Interval Word32)
mortonRectBounds (MortonRect (MortonPair x y) (MortonPair x' y')) = (Interval x x', Interval y y')

-- | Construct/match rectangles by their sides.
pattern MortonRectSides :: Interval Word32 -> Interval Word32 -> MortonRect
pattern MortonRectSides xs ys <- (mortonRectBounds -> (xs,ys)) where
    MortonRectSides (Interval x x') (Interval y y') = MortonRect (MortonPair x y) (MortonPair x' y')
{-# COMPLETE MortonRectSides #-}

-- | Rerurns intersection of two rectangles.
intersectMortonRect :: MortonRect -> MortonRect -> Maybe MortonRect
intersectMortonRect (MortonRect a1 b1) (MortonRect a2 b2) = mint where
    selx (Morton m) = m .&. 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
    sely (Morton m) = m .&. 0x5555555555555555
    -- interleaving bits with 0 preserves ordering so bit shifts are not necesary for comparisons
    ax = max (selx a1) (selx a2)
    ay = max (sely a1) (sely a2)
    bx = min (selx b1) (selx b2)
    by = min (sely b1) (sely b2)
    mint = if (ax <= bx) && (ay <= by) then Just (MortonRect (Morton $ ax .|. ay) (Morton $ bx .|. by)) else Nothing

-- | Returns the area of a rectangle
mortonRectSize :: MortonRect -> Integer
mortonRectSize (MortonRect (MortonPair ax ay) (MortonPair bx by)) =
    (fromIntegral bx - fromIntegral ax + 1) * (fromIntegral by - fromIntegral ay + 1)

-- | Type for a tile in Morton space, a special type of rectangle which is the set of all points sharing a common binary prefex.
-- Reperesented as a point and mask length simillarly to a CIDR subnet.
data MortonTile = MortonTile {-# UNPACK #-} !Morton {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
instance (Show MortonTile) where
    show t@(MortonTile _ n) = let Interval m _ = mortonTileBounds t in show m <> "/" <> show n
instance (Read MortonTile) where
    readPrec = readP_to_Prec . const $ do
        m <- readMorton
        char '/'
        n <- readDecP
        guard (n >= 0 && n <= 64)
        return $ MortonTile m n

-- | Values which reperesent the same tile compare equal even if the reperesentative points differ.
instance (Eq MortonTile) where
    a == b = mortonTileBounds a == mortonTileBounds b

-- | A tile sorts immediately before its subtiles, i.e. x sorts before 0 and 1.
instance (Ord MortonTile) where
    compare = comparing (\x -> let Interval a b = mortonTileBounds x in (a, Down b))

-- | Returns a tile as an 'Interval'.
mortonTileBounds :: MortonTile -> Interval Morton
mortonTileBounds (MortonTile (Morton x) n) = let
    mask = shiftR 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF n
    a = x .&. complement mask
    b = x .|. mask
    in Interval (Morton a) (Morton b)

-- | Returns a tile as a 'MortonRect'.
mortonTileRect :: MortonTile -> MortonRect
mortonTileRect t = let
    Interval a b = mortonTileBounds t
    in MortonRect a b

-- | Finds the smallest tile completely enclosing a rectangle.
--  This can be arbitrarily large if the rectangle crosses a seam.
enclosingMortonTile :: MortonRect -> MortonTile
enclosingMortonTile (MortonRect (Morton a) (Morton b)) =
    let n = countLeadingZeros $ a `xor` b in MortonTile (Morton a) n

-- | Splits a 'MortonTile' in half. Does not split tiles containing a single value.
splitMortonTile :: MortonTile -> [MortonTile]
splitMortonTile t@(MortonTile _ 64) = [t]
splitMortonTile (MortonTile (Morton m) n) = let
    mask = shiftR 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF n
    low = m .&. complement mask
    high = m .|. mask
    in [MortonTile (Morton low) (n+1), MortonTile (Morton high) (n+1)]

-- | Trims a @MortonTile@ to its subtile overlapping a given rectangle.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if the rectabgle and tile do not intersect.
trimMortonTile :: MortonRect -> MortonTile -> Maybe MortonTile
trimMortonTile rect t = let
    Interval a b = mortonTileBounds t
    trect = MortonRect a b
    irect = intersectMortonRect rect trect
    in fmap enclosingMortonTile irect

-- | Covers a rectangle using tiles within a range of sizes (specified by their mask values).
mortonTileCoverSized :: Int -> Maybe Int -> MortonRect -> [MortonTile]
mortonTileCoverSized big small rect = let
    expandTile tile@(MortonTile p m) = case small of
        Just s | m > s -> MortonTile p s
        _              -> tile
    subdiv tile@(MortonTile _ m)
        | m >= big = [expandTile tile]
        | otherwise = (>>= subdiv) . mapMaybe (trimMortonTile rect) . splitMortonTile $ tile
    in subdiv (enclosingMortonTile rect)

-- | Covers a rectangle with tiles no larger then the area to be covered (no lower size limit).
-- The total area coverd by these tiles bas a trivial upper bound of 8 tiles the rectangle's area plus the area of its enclosing square
-- and the actual performance is usually significantly better (possibly always, although I have not proven so).
mortonTileCover :: MortonRect -> [MortonTile]
mortonTileCover rect = let
    big = max 0 $ 64 - integerLog2 (mortonRectSize rect)
    in mortonTileCoverSized big Nothing rect

-- | Version of 'mortonTileCover' which allows the rectangle to wrap around the maximum x/y coordinates (as if the space were a torus).
mortonTileCoverTorus :: Morton -> Morton -> [MortonTile]
mortonTileCoverTorus (MortonPair ax ay) (MortonPair bx by) = let
    rsize = (fromIntegral (bx - ax) + 1) * (fromIntegral (by - ay) + 1) -- integer overflows handle wraparound case
    big = max 0 $ 64 - integerLog2 rsize
    initrects = MortonRectSides
        <$> (if bx >= ax then [Interval ax bx] else [Interval ax maxBound, Interval minBound bx])
        <*> (if by >= ay then [Interval ay by] else [Interval ay maxBound, Interval minBound by])
    in initrects >>= mortonTileCoverSized big Nothing