{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Filter operators for JSON values added to PostgreSQL 9.4
module Database.Persist.Postgresql.JSON
  ( (@>.)
  , (<@.)
  , Value()
  ) where

import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, Value, encode, eitherDecodeStrict)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Text as T (Text, pack, concat)
import Data.Text.Encoding as TE (encodeUtf8)

import Database.Persist (EntityField, Filter(..), PersistValue(..), PersistField(..), PersistFilter(..))
import Database.Persist.Sql (PersistFieldSql(..), SqlType(..))

infix 4 @>., <@.

-- | This operator checks inclusion of the JSON value
-- on the right hand side in the JSON value on the left
-- hand side.
-- === __Objects__
-- An empty Object matches any object
-- @
-- {}                \@> {} == True
-- {"a":1,"b":false} \@> {} == True
-- @
-- Any key-value will be matched top-level
-- @
-- {"a":1,"b":{"c":true"}} \@> {"a":1}         == True
-- {"a":1,"b":{"c":true"}} \@> {"b":1}         == False
-- {"a":1,"b":{"c":true"}} \@> {"b":{}}        == True
-- {"a":1,"b":{"c":true"}} \@> {"c":true}      == False
-- {"a":1,"b":{"c":true"}} \@> {"b":{c":true}} == True
-- @
-- === __Arrays__
-- An empty Array matches any array
-- @
-- []                    \@> [] == True
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> [] == True
-- @
-- Any array has to be a sub-set.
-- Any object or array will also be compared as being a subset of.
-- @
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> [1]                       == True
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> [null,"hi"]               == True
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> ["hi",true]               == False
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> ["hi",2,null,false,1]     == True
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> [1,2,"hi",false,null,{}]  == False
-- @
-- Arrays and objects inside arrays match the same way they'd
-- be matched as being on their own.
-- @
-- [1,"hi",[false,3],{"a":[null]}] \@> [{}]            == True
-- [1,"hi",[false,3],{"a":[null]}] \@> [{"a":[]}]      == True
-- [1,"hi",[false,3],{"a":[null]}] \@> [{"b":[null]}]  == False
-- [1,"hi",[false,3],{"a":[null]}] \@> [[]]            == True
-- [1,"hi",[false,3],{"a":[null]}] \@> [[3]]           == True
-- [1,"hi",[false,3],{"a":[null]}] \@> [[true,3]]      == False
-- @
-- A regular value has to be a member
-- @
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> 1      == True
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> 5      == False
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> "hi"   == True
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> false  == True
-- [1,2,"hi",false,null] \@> "2"    == False
-- @
-- An object will never match with an array
-- @
-- [1,2,"hi",[false,3],{"a":null}] \@> {}          == False
-- [1,2,"hi",[false,3],{"a":null}] \@> {"a":null}  == False
-- @
-- === __Other values__
-- For any other JSON values the `(\@>.)` operator
-- functions like an equivalence operator.
-- @
-- "hello" \@> "hello"     == True
-- "hello" \@> \"Hello"     == False
-- "hello" \@> "h"         == False
-- "hello" \@> {"hello":1} == False
-- "hello" \@> ["hello"]   == False
-- 5       \@> 5       == True
-- 5       \@> 5.00    == True
-- 5       \@> 1       == False
-- 5       \@> 7       == False
-- 12345   \@> 1234    == False
-- 12345   \@> 2345    == False
-- 12345   \@> "12345" == False
-- 12345   \@> [1,2,3,4,5] == False
-- true    \@> true    == True
-- true    \@> false   == False
-- false   \@> true    == False
-- true    \@> "true"  == False
-- null    \@> null    == True
-- null    \@> 23      == False
-- null    \@> "null"  == False
-- null    \@> {}      == False
-- @
-- @since 2.8.2
(@>.) :: EntityField record Value -> Value -> Filter record
(@>.) field val = Filter field (Left val) $ BackendSpecificFilter " @> "

-- | Same as '@>.' except the inclusion check is reversed.
-- i.e. is the JSON value on the left hand side included
-- in the JSON value of the right hand side.
-- @since 2.8.2
(<@.) :: EntityField record Value -> Value -> Filter record
(<@.) field val = Filter field (Left val) $ BackendSpecificFilter " <@ "

instance PersistField Value where
  toPersistValue = toPersistValueJsonB
  fromPersistValue = fromPersistValueJsonB

instance PersistFieldSql Value where
  sqlType = sqlTypeJsonB

-- FIXME: PersistText might be a bit more efficient,
-- but needs testing/profiling before changing it.
-- (When entering into the DB the type isn't as important as fromPersistValue)
toPersistValueJsonB :: ToJSON a => a -> PersistValue
toPersistValueJsonB = PersistDbSpecific . BSL.toStrict . encode

fromPersistValueJsonB :: FromJSON a => PersistValue -> Either Text a
fromPersistValueJsonB (PersistText t) =
    case eitherDecodeStrict $ TE.encodeUtf8 t of
      Left str -> Left $ fromPersistValueParseError "FromJSON" t $ T.pack str
      Right v -> Right v
fromPersistValueJsonB (PersistByteString bs) =
    case eitherDecodeStrict bs of
      Left str -> Left $ fromPersistValueParseError "FromJSON" bs $ T.pack str
      Right v -> Right v
fromPersistValueJsonB x = Left $ fromPersistValueError "FromJSON" "string or bytea" x

-- Constraints on the type are not necessary.
sqlTypeJsonB :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => Proxy a -> SqlType
sqlTypeJsonB _ = SqlOther "JSONB"

fromPersistValueError :: Text -- ^ Haskell type, should match Haskell name exactly, e.g. "Int64"
                      -> Text -- ^ Database type(s), should appear different from Haskell name, e.g. "integer" or "INT", not "Int".
                      -> PersistValue -- ^ Incorrect value
                      -> Text -- ^ Error message
fromPersistValueError haskellType databaseType received = T.concat
    [ "Failed to parse Haskell type `"
    , haskellType
    , "`; expected "
    , databaseType
    , " from database, but received: "
    , T.pack (show received)
    , ". Potential solution: Check that your database schema matches your Persistent model definitions."

fromPersistValueParseError :: (Show a)
                           => Text -- ^ Haskell type, should match Haskell name exactly, e.g. "Int64"
                           -> a -- ^ Received value
                           -> Text -- ^ Additional error
                           -> Text -- ^ Error message
fromPersistValueParseError haskellType received err = T.concat
    [ "Failed to parse Haskell type `"
    , haskellType
    , "`, but received "
    , T.pack (show received)
    , " | with error: "
    , err