Internal functions that deal with nodes.
module Pencil.Content.Nodes where

import Pencil.App.Internal
import Pencil.Env.Internal
import Pencil.Parser
import Pencil.Content.Internal
import Pencil.Config

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Exception (tryJust)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.Pandoc as P
import qualified Text.Sass as Sass
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO

-- | Evaluate the nodes in the given environment. Note that it returns an IO
-- because of @${partial(..)}@ calls that requires us to load a file.
evalNodes :: Env -> [PNode] -> PencilApp [PNode]
evalNodes _ [] = return []
evalNodes env (PVar var : rest) = do
  nodes <- evalNodes env rest
  case H.lookup var env of
    Nothing ->
      -- Can't find var in env. Skip over it for now and we'll just render the
      -- directive to help user debug missing variables. Later on we'll do some
      -- nice error handling w/o crashing the system (throw warnings instead of
      -- errors).
      return $ PVar var : nodes
    Just envData -> do
      displayValue <- asks getDisplayValue
      return $ PText (displayValue envData) : nodes
evalNodes env (PIf var nodes : rest) = do
  rest' <- evalNodes env rest
  case H.lookup var env of
    Nothing ->
      -- Can't find var in env; everything inside the if-statement is thrown away
      return rest'
    Just _ -> do
      -- Render nodes inside the if-statement
      nodes' <- evalNodes env nodes
      return $ nodes' ++ rest'
evalNodes env (PFor var nodes : rest) = do
  rest' <- evalNodes env rest
  case H.lookup var env of
    Nothing ->
      -- Can't find var in env; everything inside the for-statement is throw away
      return rest'
    Just (VEnvList envs) -> do
      -- Render the for nodes once for each given env, and append them together
      forNodes <-
          (\accNodes e -> do
              nodes' <- evalNodes (H.union e env) nodes
              return $ accNodes ++ nodes')
          [] envs
      return $ forNodes ++ rest'
    -- Var is not an VEnvList; everything inside the for-statement is thrown away
    Just _ -> return rest'
evalNodes env (PPartial fp : rest) = do
  (_, nodes) <- parseAndConvertTextFiles (T.unpack fp)
  nodes' <- evalNodes env nodes
  rest' <- evalNodes env rest
  return $ nodes' ++ rest'
evalNodes env (n : rest) = do
  rest' <- evalNodes env rest
  return $ n : rest'

-- | Loads and parses the given file path. Converts 'Markdown' files to HTML,
-- compiles 'Sass' files into CSS, and leaves everything else alone.
parseAndConvertTextFiles :: FilePath -> PencilApp (T.Text, [PNode])
parseAndConvertTextFiles fp = do
  content <- loadTextFile fp
  content' <-
    case fileType fp of
      Markdown -> do
        pandocReaderOptions <- asks getPandocReaderOptions
        pandocWriterOptions <- asks getPandocWriterOptions
        result <- liftIO $ P.runIO (readMarkdownWriteHtml pandocReaderOptions pandocWriterOptions content)
        case result of
          Left _ -> return content
          Right text -> return text
      Sass -> do
        sassOptions <- asks getSassOptions
        sitePrefix <- asks getSourceDir
        -- Use compileFile so that SASS @import works
        result <- liftIO $ Sass.compileFile (sitePrefix ++ fp) sassOptions
        case result of
          Left _ -> return content
          Right byteStr -> return $ decodeUtf8 byteStr
      _ -> return content
  let nodes = case parseText content' of
                Left _ -> []
                Right n -> n
  return (content', nodes)

-- | Loads the given file as a text file. Throws an exception into the ExceptT
-- monad transformer if the file is not a text file.
loadTextFile :: FilePath -> PencilApp T.Text
loadTextFile fp = do
  sitePrefix <- asks getSourceDir
  -- Try to read the file. If it fails because it's not a text file, capture the
  -- exception and convert it to a "checked" exception in the ExceptT stack via
  -- 'throwError'.
  eitherContent <- liftIO $ tryJust toPencilException (TIO.readFile (sitePrefix ++ fp))
  case eitherContent of
    Left e -> throwError e
    Right a -> return a

-- | Converts Markdown to HTML using the given options.
readMarkdownWriteHtml :: P.PandocMonad m => P.ReaderOptions -> P.WriterOptions -> T.Text -> m T.Text
readMarkdownWriteHtml readerOptions writerOptions content = do
  pandoc <- P.readMarkdown readerOptions content
  P.writeHtml5String writerOptions pandoc