Module      : Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Types.InputCharacteristic
Description : Packaging of offsets and positions.
License     : BSD-3-Clause
Maintainer  : Jamie Willis
Stability   : experimental

This module contains the `InputCharacteristic` datatype, that describes how bindings consume input.

module Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Types.InputCharacteristic (
    module Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine.Types.InputCharacteristic
  ) where

Provides a way to describe how input is consumed in certain circumstances:

* The input may be always the same on all paths
* The input may always be consumed, but not the same on all paths
* The input may never be consumed in any path
* It may be inconsistent

data InputCharacteristic = AlwaysConsumes (Maybe Word)
                         -- ^ On all paths, input must be consumed: `Nothing` when the extact
                         --   amount is inconsistent across paths.
                         | NeverConsumes
                         -- ^ On all paths, no input is consumed.
                         | MayConsume
                         -- ^ The input characteristic is unknown or inconsistent.