{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Parquet.Decoder where

import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Word (Word32, Word8)
import Data.Int (Int32)

cLeb128ByteLimit :: Int
cLeb128ByteLimit = 32

takeBytesLe :: Word8 -> Get Integer
takeBytesLe 0 = pure 0
takeBytesLe n = do
  v    <- getWord8
  rest <- takeBytesLe (n - 1)
  pure $ (rest `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral v

takeBytesBe :: Int -> Word8 -> Get Integer
takeBytesBe = go
  go :: Int -> Word8 -> Get Integer
  go _  0 = pure 0
  go sh n = do
    v    <- getWord8
    rest <- go (sh - 1) (n - 1)
    pure $ (fromIntegral v `shiftL` (8 * (sh - 1))) .|. rest

newtype BitWidth = BitWidth Word8
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

decodeBPBE :: BitWidth -> Get [Word32]
decodeBPBE (BitWidth bit_width) = do
  header <- decodeVarint
  let run_len = header `shiftR` 1
  run $ fromInteger run_len
  run :: Word32 -> Get [Word32]
  run 0              = pure []
  run scaled_run_len = do
    v            <- takeBytesBe (fromIntegral bit_width) bit_width
    !batch_bytes <- go 8 v
    (batch_bytes <>) <$> run (scaled_run_len - 1)

  go :: Int -> Integer -> Get [Word32]
  go 0        _          = pure []
  go rem_vals data_bytes = do
      mask :: Integer
      mask = ((2 ^ bit_width) - 1) `shiftL` (fromIntegral bit_width * 7)
    -- Unsafe fromInteger justification:
    -- Max bit_width = 32 and masking any value with
    -- (2 ^ 32) - 1 is in unsigned 32-bit bound.
      val =
          $        (data_bytes .&. mask)
          `shiftR` (fromIntegral bit_width * 7)
    rest <- go (rem_vals - 1) (data_bytes `shiftL` fromIntegral bit_width)
    pure $ val : rest

decodeBPLE :: BitWidth -> Word32 -> Get [Word32]
decodeBPLE _                       0              = pure []
decodeBPLE bw@(BitWidth bit_width) scaled_run_len = do
  !v          <- takeBytesLe bit_width
  batch_bytes <- go 8 v
  (batch_bytes <>) <$> decodeBPLE bw (scaled_run_len - 1)
  go :: Int -> Integer -> Get [Word32]
  go 0        _          = pure []
  go rem_vals data_bytes = do
    let mask = (2 ^ bit_width) - 1
    -- Unsafe fromInteger justification:
    -- Max bit_width = 32 and masking any value with
    -- (2 ^ 32) - 1 is in unsigned 32-bit bound.
    let val  = fromInteger $ data_bytes .&. mask
    rest <- go (rem_vals - 1) (data_bytes `shiftR` fromIntegral bit_width)
    pure $ val : rest

decodeRLE :: BitWidth -> Word32 -> Get [Word32]
decodeRLE (BitWidth bit_width) run_len = do
  !result <- unsafe_bs_to_w32 . BS.unpack <$> getByteString
    (fromIntegral fixed_width)
  pure (replicate (fromIntegral run_len) result)
  fixed_width :: Word8
  fixed_width = if bit_width == 0 then 0 else ((bit_width - 1) `div` 8) + 1

  -- TODO(yigitozkavci): We can do a safety check here. In
  -- case of overflow we get 0 as an answer.
  unsafe_bs_to_w32 :: [Word8] -> Word32
  unsafe_bs_to_w32 = foldr (\x -> (fromIntegral x .|.) . (`shiftL` 8)) 0

decodeRLEBPHybrid :: BitWidth -> Int32 -> Get [Word32]
decodeRLEBPHybrid bit_width num_values = do
  header <- decodeVarint
  let encoding_ty = header .&. 0x01
  let !run_len    = header `shiftR` 1

  -- Unsafe fromInteger justification:
  -- run_len value being in range [1, 2^31-1]
  -- is guaranteed by the protocol.
  case encoding_ty of
    0x00 -> decodeRLE bit_width $ fromInteger run_len
    0x01 -> take (fromIntegral num_values)
      <$> decodeBPLE bit_width (fromInteger run_len)
    _ -> fail
      "Impossible happened! 0x01 .&. _ resulted in a value larger than 0x01"

decodeVarint :: Get Integer
decodeVarint = go cLeb128ByteLimit 0 0
  go :: Int -> Integer -> Int -> Get Integer
  go 0 _ _ =
      $  "Could not find a LEB128-encoded value in "
      <> show cLeb128ByteLimit
      <> "bytes"
  go rem_limit acc sh = do
    byte <- getWord8
    let high = byte .&. 0x80
    let low  = fromIntegral $ byte .&. 0x7F
    let res  = (low `shiftL` sh) .|. acc
    if high == 0x80 then go (rem_limit - 1) res (sh + 7) else pure res

encodeVarint :: Integer -> Put
encodeVarint 0   = pure ()
encodeVarint val = do
  let low = fromIntegral $ val .&. 0x7F
  if val `shiftR` 7 == 0
    then putWord8 low
    else do
      putWord8 $ low .|. 0x80
      encodeVarint (val `shiftR` 7)