parameterized-utils-1.0.0: Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types

Copyright(c) Galois Inc 2014
MaintainerJoe Hendrix <>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy



This module provides a ST-based hashtable for parameterized keys and values.

NOTE: This API makes use of unsafeCoerce to implement the parameterized hashtable abstraction. This should be typesafe provided the TestEquality instance on the key type is implemented soundly.



data HashTable s (key :: k -> *) (val :: k -> *) Source #

A hash table mapping nonces to values.

new :: ST s (HashTable s key val) Source #

Create a new empty table.

newSized :: Int -> ST s (HashTable s k v) Source #

Create a new empty table to hold n elements.

clone :: (HashableF key, TestEquality key) => HashTable s key val -> ST s (HashTable s key val) Source #

Create a hash table that is a copy of the current one.

lookup :: (HashableF key, TestEquality key) => HashTable s key val -> key tp -> ST s (Maybe (val tp)) Source #

Lookup value of key in table.

insert :: (HashableF key, TestEquality key) => HashTable s (key :: k -> *) (val :: k -> *) -> key tp -> val tp -> ST s () Source #

Insert new key and value mapping into table.

member :: (HashableF key, TestEquality key) => HashTable s (key :: k -> *) (val :: k -> *) -> key (tp :: k) -> ST s Bool Source #

Return true if the key is in the hash table.

delete :: (HashableF key, TestEquality key) => HashTable s (key :: k -> *) (val :: k -> *) -> key (tp :: k) -> ST s () Source #

Delete an element from the hash table.

clear :: (HashableF key, TestEquality key) => HashTable s (key :: k -> *) (val :: k -> *) -> ST s () Source #

class HashableF (f :: k -> *) where Source #

A parameterized type that is hashable on all instances.

Minimal complete definition



hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

Hash with default salt.


HashableF Nat NatRepr Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

HashableF Symbol SymbolRepr Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

HashableF k (Nonce k) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

Hashable a => HashableF k (Const k a) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

HashableF k (Nonce k s) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

HashableF k (Index k ctx) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

HashableF k (Index k ctx) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

HashableF k f => HashableF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

HashableF k f => HashableF (Ctx k) (Assignment k f) Source # 


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> f tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: f tp -> Int Source #

data RealWorld :: * #

RealWorld is deeply magical. It is primitive, but it is not unlifted (hence ptrArg). We never manipulate values of type RealWorld; it's only used in the type system, to parameterise State#.