parameterized-utils-1.0.0: Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types

Copyright(c) Galois Inc 2014-16
MaintainerJoe Hendrix <>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy




This module reexports either Data.Parameterized.Context.Safe or Data.Parameterized.Context.Unsafe depending on the the unsafe-operations compile-time flag.

It also defines some utility typeclasses for transforming between curried and uncurried versions of functions over contexts.



singleton :: f tp -> Assignment f (EmptyCtx ::> tp) Source #

Create a single element context.

toVector :: Assignment f tps -> (forall tp. f tp -> e) -> Vector e Source #

Convert the assignment to a vector.

pattern (:>) :: ctx' ~ (ctx ::> tp) => Assignment f ctx -> f tp -> Assignment f ctx' infixl 9 Source #

Pattern synonym for extending an assignment on the right

pattern Empty :: ctx ~ EmptyCtx => Assignment f ctx Source #

Pattern synonym for the empty assignment

Context extension and embedding utilities

data CtxEmbedding (ctx :: Ctx k) (ctx' :: Ctx k) Source #

Context embedding.




class ExtendContext (f :: Ctx k -> *) where Source #

Minimal complete definition



extendContext :: Diff ctx ctx' -> f ctx -> f ctx' Source #

class ExtendContext' (f :: Ctx k -> k' -> *) where Source #

Minimal complete definition



extendContext' :: Diff ctx ctx' -> f ctx v -> f ctx' v Source #


ExtendContext' k' k' (Index k') Source # 


extendContext' :: Diff (Index k') ctx ctx' -> f ctx v -> f ctx' v Source #

class ApplyEmbedding (f :: Ctx k -> *) where Source #

Minimal complete definition



applyEmbedding :: CtxEmbedding ctx ctx' -> f ctx -> f ctx' Source #

class ApplyEmbedding' (f :: Ctx k -> k' -> *) where Source #

Minimal complete definition



applyEmbedding' :: CtxEmbedding ctx ctx' -> f ctx v -> f ctx' v Source #


ApplyEmbedding' k' k' (Index k') Source # 


applyEmbedding' :: CtxEmbedding (Index k') ctx ctx' -> f ctx v -> f ctx' v Source #

extendEmbeddingRightDiff :: forall ctx ctx' ctx''. Diff ctx' ctx'' -> CtxEmbedding ctx ctx' -> CtxEmbedding ctx ctx'' Source #

extendEmbeddingBoth :: forall ctx ctx' tp. CtxEmbedding ctx ctx' -> CtxEmbedding (ctx ::> tp) (ctx' ::> tp) Source #

ctxeAssignment :: Lens (CtxEmbedding ctx1 ctx') (CtxEmbedding ctx2 ctx') (Assignment (Index ctx') ctx1) (Assignment (Index ctx') ctx2) Source #

Static indexing and lenses for assignments

type Idx n ctx r = (ValidIx n ctx, Idx' (FromLeft ctx n) ctx r) Source #

Constraint synonym used for getting an Index into a Ctx. n is the zero-based, left-counted index into the list of types ctx which has the type r.

getCtx :: forall n ctx f r. Idx n ctx r => Assignment f ctx -> f r Source #

Get an element from an Assignment by zero-based, left-to-right position. The position must be specified using TypeApplications for the n parameter.

setCtx :: forall n ctx f r. Idx n ctx r => f r -> Assignment f ctx -> Assignment f ctx Source #

field :: forall n ctx f r. Idx n ctx r => Lens' (Assignment f ctx) (f r) Source #

Get a lens for an position in an Assignment by zero-based, left-to-right position. The position must be specified using TypeApplications for the n parameter.

natIndex :: forall n ctx r. Idx n ctx r => Index ctx r Source #

Compute an Index value for a particular position in a Ctx. The TypeApplications extension will be needed to disambiguate the choice of the type n.

natIndexProxy :: forall n ctx r proxy. Idx n ctx r => proxy n -> Index ctx r Source #

This version of natIndex is suitable for use without the TypeApplications extension.

Currying and uncurrying for assignments

type family CurryAssignment (ctx :: Ctx k) (f :: k -> *) (x :: *) :: * where ... Source #

This type family is used to define currying/uncurrying operations on assignments. It is best understood by seeing its evaluation on several examples:

CurryAssignment EmptyCtx f x = x
CurryAssignment (EmptyCtx ::> a) f x = f a -> x
CurryAssignment (EmptyCtx ::> a ::> b) f x = f a -> f b -> x
CurryAssignment (EmptyCtx ::> a ::> b ::> c) f x = f a -> f b -> f c -> x


CurryAssignment EmptyCtx f x = x 
CurryAssignment (ctx ::> a) f x = CurryAssignment ctx f (f a -> x) 

class CurryAssignmentClass (ctx :: Ctx k) where Source #

This class implements two methods that witness the isomorphism between curried and uncurried functions.

Minimal complete definition

curryAssignment, uncurryAssignment


curryAssignment :: (Assignment f ctx -> x) -> CurryAssignment ctx f x Source #

Transform a function that accepts an assignment into one with a separate variable for each element of the assignment.

uncurryAssignment :: CurryAssignment ctx f x -> Assignment f ctx -> x Source #

Transform a curried function into one that accepts an assignment value.


CurryAssignmentClass k (EmptyCtx k) Source # 


curryAssignment :: (Assignment (EmptyCtx k) f ctx -> x) -> CurryAssignment (EmptyCtx k) ctx f x Source #

uncurryAssignment :: CurryAssignment (EmptyCtx k) ctx f x -> Assignment (EmptyCtx k) f ctx -> x Source #

CurryAssignmentClass k ctx => CurryAssignmentClass k ((::>) k ctx a) Source # 


curryAssignment :: (Assignment ((k ::> ctx) a) f ctx -> x) -> CurryAssignment ((k ::> ctx) a) ctx f x Source #

uncurryAssignment :: CurryAssignment ((k ::> ctx) a) ctx f x -> Assignment ((k ::> ctx) a) f ctx -> x Source #