{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints -O2 #-}
Copyright (c) 2013-2019, John MacFarlane

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
      with the distribution.

    * Neither the name of John MacFarlane nor the names of other
      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
      from this software without specific prior written permission.


{- |
   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Walk
   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2013-2019 John MacFarlane
   License     : BSD3

   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
   Stability   : alpha
   Portability : portable

Functions for manipulating 'Pandoc' documents or extracting
information from them by walking the 'Pandoc' structure (or
intermediate structures like '[Block]' or '[Inline]'.
These are faster (by a factor of four or five) than the generic
functions defined in @Text.Pandoc.Generic@.

Here's a simple example, defining a function that replaces all the level 3+
headers in a document with regular paragraphs in ALL CAPS:

> import Text.Pandoc.Definition
> import Text.Pandoc.Walk
> import Data.Char (toUpper)
> modHeader :: Block -> Block
> modHeader (Header n _ xs) | n >= 3 = Para $ walk allCaps xs
> modHeader x = x
> allCaps :: Inline -> Inline
> allCaps (Str xs) = Str $ map toUpper xs
> allCaps x = x
> changeHeaders :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
> changeHeaders = walk modHeader

'query' can be used, for example, to compile a list of URLs
linked to in a document:

> extractURL :: Inline -> [Text]
> extractURL (Link _ _ (u,_)) = [u]
> extractURL (Image _ _ (u,_)) = [u]
> extractURL _ = []
> extractURLs :: Pandoc -> [Text]
> extractURLs = query extractURL

module Text.Pandoc.Walk
  ( Walkable(..)
  , queryBlock
  , queryCaption
  , queryRow
  , queryTableHead
  , queryTableBody
  , queryTableFoot
  , queryCell
  , queryCitation
  , queryInline
  , queryMetaValue
  , queryPandoc
  , walkBlockM
  , walkCaptionM
  , walkRowM
  , walkTableHeadM
  , walkTableBodyM
  , walkTableFootM
  , walkCellM
  , walkCitationM
  , walkInlineM
  , walkMetaValueM
  , walkPandocM
import Control.Applicative (Applicative ((<*>), pure), (<$>))
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (runIdentity))
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

class Walkable a b where
  -- | @walk f x@ walks the structure @x@ (bottom up) and replaces every
  -- occurrence of an @a@ with the result of applying @f@ to it.
  walk  :: (a -> a) -> b -> b
  walk f = runIdentity . walkM (return . f)
  -- | A monadic version of 'walk'.
  walkM :: (Monad m, Applicative m, Functor m) => (a -> m a) -> b -> m b
  -- | @query f x@ walks the structure @x@ (bottom up) and applies @f@
  -- to every @a@, appending the results.
  query :: Monoid c => (a -> c) -> b -> c
  {-# MINIMAL walkM, query #-}

instance (Foldable t, Traversable t, Walkable a b) => Walkable a (t b) where
  walk f  = T.fmapDefault (walk f)
  walkM f = T.mapM (walkM f)
  query f = F.foldMap (query f)

-- Walk pairs by handling both elements, then combine the results.
instance OVERLAPS
        (Walkable a b, Walkable a c) => Walkable a (b,c) where
  walk f (x,y)  = (walk f x, walk f y)
  walkM f (x,y) = do x' <- walkM f x
                     y' <- walkM f y
                     return (x',y')
  query f (x,y) = mappend (query f x) (query f y)

instance Walkable Inline Inline where
  walkM f x = walkInlineM f x >>= f
  query f x = f x <> queryInline f x

instance OVERLAPS
         Walkable [Inline] [Inline] where
  walkM f = T.traverse (walkInlineM f) >=> f
  query f inlns = f inlns <> mconcat (map (queryInline f) inlns)

instance Walkable [Inline] Inline where
  walkM = walkInlineM
  query = queryInline

instance Walkable Inline Block where
  walkM = walkBlockM
  query = queryBlock

instance Walkable [Inline] Block where
  walkM = walkBlockM
  query = queryBlock

instance Walkable Block Block where
  walkM f x = walkBlockM f x >>= f
  query f x = f x <> queryBlock f x

instance Walkable [Block] Block where
  walkM = walkBlockM
  query = queryBlock

instance OVERLAPS
         Walkable [Block] [Block] where
  walkM f = T.traverse (walkBlockM f) >=> f
  query f blks = f blks <> mconcat (map (queryBlock f) blks)

instance Walkable Block Inline where
  walkM = walkInlineM
  query = queryInline

instance Walkable [Block] Inline where
  walkM = walkInlineM
  query = queryInline

-- Walk Pandoc
instance Walkable Block Pandoc where
  walkM = walkPandocM
  query = queryPandoc

instance Walkable [Block] Pandoc where
  walkM = walkPandocM
  query = queryPandoc

instance Walkable Inline Pandoc where
  walkM = walkPandocM
  query = queryPandoc

instance Walkable [Inline] Pandoc where
  walkM = walkPandocM
  query = queryPandoc

instance Walkable Pandoc Pandoc where
  walkM f = f
  query f = f

-- Walk Meta
instance Walkable Meta Meta where
  walkM f = f
  query f = f

instance Walkable Inline Meta where
  walkM f (Meta metamap) = Meta <$> walkM f metamap
  query f (Meta metamap) = query f metamap

instance Walkable [Inline] Meta where
  walkM f (Meta metamap) = Meta <$> walkM f metamap
  query f (Meta metamap) = query f metamap

instance Walkable Block Meta where
  walkM f (Meta metamap) = Meta <$> walkM f metamap
  query f (Meta metamap) = query f metamap

instance Walkable [Block] Meta where
  walkM f (Meta metamap) = Meta <$> walkM f metamap
  query f (Meta metamap) = query f metamap

-- Walk MetaValue
instance Walkable Inline MetaValue where
  walkM = walkMetaValueM
  query = queryMetaValue

instance Walkable [Inline] MetaValue where
  walkM = walkMetaValueM
  query = queryMetaValue

instance Walkable Block MetaValue where
  walkM = walkMetaValueM
  query = queryMetaValue

instance Walkable [Block] MetaValue where
  walkM = walkMetaValueM
  query = queryMetaValue

-- Walk Row
instance Walkable Inline Row where
  walkM = walkRowM
  query = queryRow

instance Walkable [Inline] Row where
  walkM = walkRowM
  query = queryRow

instance Walkable Block Row where
  walkM = walkRowM
  query = queryRow

instance Walkable [Block] Row where
  walkM = walkRowM
  query = queryRow

-- Walk TableHead
instance Walkable Inline TableHead where
  walkM = walkTableHeadM
  query = queryTableHead

instance Walkable [Inline] TableHead where
  walkM = walkTableHeadM
  query = queryTableHead

instance Walkable Block TableHead where
  walkM = walkTableHeadM
  query = queryTableHead

instance Walkable [Block] TableHead where
  walkM = walkTableHeadM
  query = queryTableHead

-- Walk TableBody
instance Walkable Inline TableBody where
  walkM = walkTableBodyM
  query = queryTableBody

instance Walkable [Inline] TableBody where
  walkM = walkTableBodyM
  query = queryTableBody

instance Walkable Block TableBody where
  walkM = walkTableBodyM
  query = queryTableBody

instance Walkable [Block] TableBody where
  walkM = walkTableBodyM
  query = queryTableBody

-- Walk TableFoot
instance Walkable Inline TableFoot where
  walkM = walkTableFootM
  query = queryTableFoot

instance Walkable [Inline] TableFoot where
  walkM = walkTableFootM
  query = queryTableFoot

instance Walkable Block TableFoot where
  walkM = walkTableFootM
  query = queryTableFoot

instance Walkable [Block] TableFoot where
  walkM = walkTableFootM
  query = queryTableFoot

-- Walk Caption
instance Walkable Inline Caption where
  walkM = walkCaptionM
  query = queryCaption

instance Walkable [Inline] Caption where
  walkM = walkCaptionM
  query = queryCaption

instance Walkable Block Caption where
  walkM = walkCaptionM
  query = queryCaption

instance Walkable [Block] Caption where
  walkM = walkCaptionM
  query = queryCaption

-- Walk Cell
instance Walkable Inline Cell where
  walkM = walkCellM
  query = queryCell

instance Walkable [Inline] Cell where
  walkM = walkCellM
  query = queryCell

instance Walkable Block Cell where
  walkM = walkCellM
  query = queryCell

instance Walkable [Block] Cell where
  walkM = walkCellM
  query = queryCell

-- Walk Citation
instance Walkable Inline Citation where
  walkM = walkCitationM
  query = queryCitation

instance Walkable [Inline] Citation where
  walkM = walkCitationM
  query = queryCitation

instance Walkable Block Citation where
  walkM = walkCitationM
  query = queryCitation

instance Walkable [Block] Citation where
  walkM = walkCitationM
  query = queryCitation

-- | Helper method to walk to elements nested below @'Inline'@ nodes.
-- When walking an inline with this function, only the contents of the traversed
-- inline element may change. The element itself, i.e. its constructor, cannot
-- be changed.
walkInlineM :: (Walkable a Citation, Walkable a [Block],
                Walkable a [Inline], Monad m, Applicative m, Functor m)
            => (a -> m a) -> Inline -> m Inline
walkInlineM _ (Str xs)         = return (Str xs)
walkInlineM f (Emph xs)        = Emph <$> walkM f xs
walkInlineM f (Underline xs)   = Underline <$> walkM f xs
walkInlineM f (Strong xs)      = Strong <$> walkM f xs
walkInlineM f (Strikeout xs)   = Strikeout <$> walkM f xs
walkInlineM f (Subscript xs)   = Subscript <$> walkM f xs
walkInlineM f (Superscript xs) = Superscript <$> walkM f xs
walkInlineM f (SmallCaps xs)   = SmallCaps <$> walkM f xs
walkInlineM f (Quoted qt xs)   = Quoted qt <$> walkM f xs
walkInlineM f (Link atr xs t)  = Link atr <$> walkM f xs <*> pure t
walkInlineM f (Image atr xs t) = Image atr <$> walkM f xs <*> pure t
walkInlineM f (Note bs)        = Note <$> walkM f bs
walkInlineM f (Span attr xs)   = Span attr <$> walkM f xs
walkInlineM f (Cite cs xs)     = Cite <$> walkM f cs <*> walkM f xs
walkInlineM _ LineBreak        = return LineBreak
walkInlineM _ SoftBreak        = return SoftBreak
walkInlineM _ Space            = return Space
walkInlineM _ x@Code {}        = return x
walkInlineM _ x@Math {}        = return x
walkInlineM _ x@RawInline {}   = return x

-- | Perform a query on elements nested below an @'Inline'@ element by
-- querying nested lists of @Inline@s, @Block@s, or @Citation@s.
queryInline :: (Walkable a Citation, Walkable a [Block],
                Walkable a [Inline], Monoid c)
            => (a -> c) -> Inline -> c
queryInline _ (Str _)         = mempty
queryInline f (Emph xs)       = query f xs
queryInline f (Underline xs)  = query f xs
queryInline f (Strong xs)     = query f xs
queryInline f (Strikeout xs)  = query f xs
queryInline f (Subscript xs)  = query f xs
queryInline f (Superscript xs)= query f xs
queryInline f (SmallCaps xs)  = query f xs
queryInline f (Quoted _ xs)   = query f xs
queryInline f (Cite cs xs)    = query f cs <> query f xs
queryInline _ (Code _ _)      = mempty
queryInline _ Space           = mempty
queryInline _ SoftBreak       = mempty
queryInline _ LineBreak       = mempty
queryInline _ (Math _ _)      = mempty
queryInline _ (RawInline _ _) = mempty
queryInline f (Link _ xs _)   = query f xs
queryInline f (Image _ xs _)  = query f xs
queryInline f (Note bs)       = query f bs
queryInline f (Span _ xs)     = query f xs

-- | Helper method to walk to elements nested below @'Block'@ nodes.
-- When walking a block with this function, only the contents of the traversed
-- block element may change. The element itself, i.e. its constructor, its @'Attr'@,
-- and its raw text value, will remain unchanged.
walkBlockM :: (Walkable a [Block], Walkable a [Inline], Walkable a Row,
               Walkable a Caption, Walkable a TableHead, Walkable a TableBody,
               Walkable a TableFoot, Monad m, Applicative m, Functor m)
           => (a -> m a) -> Block -> m Block
walkBlockM f (Para xs)                = Para <$> walkM f xs
walkBlockM f (Plain xs)               = Plain <$> walkM f xs
walkBlockM f (LineBlock xs)           = LineBlock <$> walkM f xs
walkBlockM f (BlockQuote xs)          = BlockQuote <$> walkM f xs
walkBlockM f (OrderedList a cs)       = OrderedList a <$> walkM f cs
walkBlockM f (BulletList cs)          = BulletList <$> walkM f cs
walkBlockM f (DefinitionList xs)      = DefinitionList <$> walkM f xs
walkBlockM f (Header lev attr xs)     = Header lev attr <$> walkM f xs
walkBlockM f (Div attr bs')           = Div attr <$> walkM f bs'
walkBlockM _ x@CodeBlock {}           = return x
walkBlockM _ x@RawBlock {}            = return x
walkBlockM _ HorizontalRule           = return HorizontalRule
walkBlockM _ Null                     = return Null
walkBlockM f (Table attr capt as hs bs fs)
  = do capt' <- walkM f capt
       hs' <- walkM f hs
       bs' <- walkM f bs
       fs' <- walkM f fs
       return $ Table attr capt' as hs' bs' fs'

-- | Perform a query on elements nested below a @'Block'@ element by
-- querying all directly nested lists of @Inline@s or @Block@s.
queryBlock :: (Walkable a Citation, Walkable a [Block], Walkable a Row,
               Walkable a Caption, Walkable a TableHead, Walkable a TableBody,
               Walkable a TableFoot, Walkable a [Inline], Monoid c)
           => (a -> c) -> Block -> c
queryBlock f (Para xs)                = query f xs
queryBlock f (Plain xs)               = query f xs
queryBlock f (LineBlock xs)           = query f xs
queryBlock _ (CodeBlock _ _)          = mempty
queryBlock _ (RawBlock _ _)           = mempty
queryBlock f (BlockQuote bs)          = query f bs
queryBlock f (OrderedList _ cs)       = query f cs
queryBlock f (BulletList cs)          = query f cs
queryBlock f (DefinitionList xs)      = query f xs
queryBlock f (Header _ _ xs)          = query f xs
queryBlock _ HorizontalRule           = mempty
queryBlock f (Table _ capt _ hs bs fs)
  = query f capt <>
    query f hs <>
    query f bs <>
    query f fs
queryBlock f (Div _ bs)               = query f bs
queryBlock _ Null                     = mempty

-- | Helper method to walk to elements nested below @'MetaValue'@ nodes.
-- When walking a meta value with this function, only the contents of the
-- traversed meta value element may change. @MetaBool@ and @MetaString@ will
-- always remain unchanged.
walkMetaValueM :: (Walkable a MetaValue, Walkable a [Block],
                  Walkable a [Inline], Monad f, Applicative f, Functor f)
               => (a -> f a) -> MetaValue -> f MetaValue
walkMetaValueM f (MetaList xs)    = MetaList <$> walkM f xs
walkMetaValueM _ (MetaBool b)     = return $ MetaBool b
walkMetaValueM _ (MetaString s)   = return $ MetaString s
walkMetaValueM f (MetaInlines xs) = MetaInlines <$> walkM f xs
walkMetaValueM f (MetaBlocks bs)  = MetaBlocks <$> walkM f bs
walkMetaValueM f (MetaMap m)      = MetaMap <$> walkM f m

-- | Perform a query on elements nested below a @'MetaValue'@ element by
-- querying all directly nested lists of @Inline@s, list of @Block@s, or
-- lists or maps of @MetaValue@s.
queryMetaValue :: (Walkable a MetaValue, Walkable a [Block],
                   Walkable a [Inline], Monoid c)
               => (a -> c) -> MetaValue -> c
queryMetaValue f (MetaList xs)    = query f xs
queryMetaValue _ (MetaBool _)     = mempty
queryMetaValue _ (MetaString _)   = mempty
queryMetaValue f (MetaInlines xs) = query f xs
queryMetaValue f (MetaBlocks bs)  = query f bs
queryMetaValue f (MetaMap m)      = query f m

-- | Helper method to walk to elements nested below @'Citation'@ nodes.
-- The non-inline contents of a citation will remain unchanged during traversal.
-- Only the inline contents, viz. the citation's prefix and postfix, will be
-- traversed further and can thus be changed during this operation.
walkCitationM :: (Walkable a [Inline], Monad m, Applicative m, Functor m)
              => (a -> m a) -> Citation -> m Citation
walkCitationM f (Citation id' pref suff mode notenum hash) =
    do pref' <- walkM f pref
       suff' <- walkM f suff
       return $ Citation id' pref' suff' mode notenum hash

-- | Perform a query on elements nested below a @'Citation'@ element by
-- querying the prefix and postfix @Inline@ lists.
queryCitation :: (Walkable a [Inline], Monoid c)
              => (a -> c) -> Citation -> c
queryCitation f (Citation _ pref suff _ _ _) = query f pref <> query f suff

-- | Helper method to walk the elements nested below @'Row'@ nodes. The
-- @'Attr'@ component is not changed by this operation.
walkRowM :: (Walkable a Cell, Monad m)
         => (a -> m a) -> Row -> m Row
walkRowM f (Row attr bd) = Row attr <$> walkM f bd

-- | Query the elements below a 'Row' element.
queryRow :: (Walkable a Cell, Monoid c)
         => (a -> c) -> Row -> c
queryRow f (Row _ bd) = query f bd

-- | Helper method to walk the elements nested below @'TableHead'@ nodes. The
-- @'Attr'@ component is not changed by this operation.
walkTableHeadM :: (Walkable a Row, Monad m)
               => (a -> m a) -> TableHead -> m TableHead
walkTableHeadM f (TableHead attr body) = TableHead attr <$> walkM f body

-- | Query the elements below a 'TableHead' element.
queryTableHead :: (Walkable a Row, Monoid c)
               => (a -> c) -> TableHead -> c
queryTableHead f (TableHead _ body) = query f body

-- | Helper method to walk the elements nested below @'TableBody'@
-- nodes. The @'Attr'@ and @'RowHeadColumns'@ components are not
-- changed by this operation.
walkTableBodyM :: (Walkable a Row, Monad m)
               => (a -> m a) -> TableBody -> m TableBody
walkTableBodyM f (TableBody attr rhc hd bd) = TableBody attr rhc <$> walkM f hd <*> walkM f bd

-- | Query the elements below a 'TableBody' element.
queryTableBody :: (Walkable a Row, Monoid c)
               => (a -> c) -> TableBody -> c
queryTableBody f (TableBody _ _ hd bd) = query f hd <> query f bd

-- | Helper method to walk the elements nested below @'TableFoot'@ nodes. The
-- @'Attr'@ component is not changed by this operation.
walkTableFootM :: (Walkable a Row, Monad m)
               => (a -> m a) -> TableFoot -> m TableFoot
walkTableFootM f (TableFoot attr body) = TableFoot attr <$> walkM f body

-- | Query the elements below a 'TableFoot' element.
queryTableFoot :: (Walkable a Row, Monoid c)
               => (a -> c) -> TableFoot -> c
queryTableFoot f (TableFoot _ body) = query f body

-- | Helper method to walk the elements nested below 'Cell'
-- nodes. Only the @['Block']@ cell content is changed by this
-- operation.
walkCellM :: (Walkable a [Block], Monad m)
          => (a -> m a) -> Cell -> m Cell
walkCellM f (Cell attr ma rs cs content) = Cell attr ma rs cs <$> walkM f content

-- | Query the elements below a 'Cell' element.
queryCell :: (Walkable a [Block], Monoid c)
          => (a -> c) -> Cell -> c
queryCell f (Cell _ _ _ _ content) = query f content

-- | Helper method to walk the elements nested below 'Caption'
-- nodes.
walkCaptionM :: (Walkable a [Block], Walkable a [Inline], Monad m, Walkable a ShortCaption)
          => (a -> m a) -> Caption -> m Caption
walkCaptionM f (Caption mshort body) = Caption <$> walkM f mshort <*> walkM f body

-- | Query the elements below a 'Cell' element.
queryCaption :: (Walkable a [Block], Walkable a [Inline], Walkable a ShortCaption, Monoid c)
          => (a -> c) -> Caption -> c
queryCaption f (Caption mshort body) = query f mshort <> query f body

-- | Helper method to walk the components of a Pandoc element.
walkPandocM :: (Walkable a Meta, Walkable a [Block], Monad m,
                  Applicative m, Functor m)
            => (a -> m a) -> Pandoc -> m Pandoc
walkPandocM f (Pandoc m bs) = do m' <- walkM f m
                                 bs' <- walkM f bs
                                 return $ Pandoc m' bs'

-- | Query a pandoc element by recursing first into its @'Meta'@ data
-- and then append the result of recursing into the list of @'Block'@s.
queryPandoc :: (Walkable a Meta, Walkable a [Block], Monoid c)
             => (a -> c) -> Pandoc -> c
queryPandoc f (Pandoc m bs) = query f m <> query f bs