{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
module Language.Pads.PadsParser where
import qualified Language.Pads.Source as S
import Language.Pads.Errors
import Language.Pads.MetaData
import Language.Pads.RegExp
import Data.Char
import Data.Word
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad
parseStringInput :: PadsParser a -> String -> (a,String)
parseStringInput pp cs =
let ((r,rest),b) = pp # S.padsSourceFromString cs
in (r, S.padsSourceToString rest)
parseByteStringInput :: PadsParser a -> S.RawStream -> (a, S.RawStream)
parseByteStringInput pp cs =
let ((r,rest),b) = pp # S.padsSourceFromByteString cs
in (r, S.padsSourceToByteString rest)
parseFileInput :: PadsParser a -> FilePath -> IO a
parseFileInput pp file = do
source <- S.padsSourceFromFile file
let ((r,rest),b) = pp # source
return r
parseFileInputWithDisc :: S.RecordDiscipline -> PadsParser a -> FilePath -> IO a
parseFileInputWithDisc d pp file = do
source <- S.padsSourceFromFileWithDisc d file
let ((r,rest),b) = pp # source
return r
newtype PadsParser a = PadsParser { (#) :: S.Source -> Result (a,S.Source) }
type Result a = (a,Bool)
instance Functor PadsParser where
fmap f p = PadsParser $ \bs -> let ((x,bs'),b) = p # bs in
((f x, bs'),b)
instance Monad PadsParser where
return r = PadsParser $ \bs -> ((r,bs), True)
p >>= f = PadsParser $ \bs -> let ((v,bs'),b) = p # bs
((w,bs''),b') = f v # bs'
in ((w,bs''), b && b')
instance Applicative PadsParser where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
badReturn r = PadsParser $ \bs -> ((r,bs), False)
mdReturn (rep,md) = PadsParser $
\bs -> (((rep,md),bs), numErrors (get_md_header md) == 0)
returnClean :: t -> PadsParser (t, Base_md)
returnClean x = return (x, cleanBasePD)
returnError :: t -> ErrMsg -> PadsParser (t, Base_md)
returnError x err = do loc <- getLoc
badReturn (x, mkErrBasePDfromLoc err loc)
infixl 5 =@=, =@
(=@=) :: PadsParser (t3 -> t2, t1 -> t)
-> PadsParser (t3, t1)
-> PadsParser (t2, t)
p =@= q = do
(f,g) <- p
(rep,md) <- q
return (f rep, g md)
(=@) :: PadsParser (t3, t2 -> t1)
-> PadsParser (t, t2)
-> PadsParser (t3, t1)
p =@ q = do
(f,g) <- p
(rep,md) <- q
return (f, g md)
queryP :: (S.Source -> a) -> PadsParser a
queryP f = PadsParser $ \bs -> ((f bs,bs), True)
primPads :: (S.Source -> (a,S.Source)) -> PadsParser a
primPads f = PadsParser $ \bs -> (f bs, True)
liftStoP :: (S.Source -> Maybe (a,S.Source)) -> a -> PadsParser a
liftStoP f def = PadsParser $ \bs ->
case f bs of
Nothing -> ((def,bs), False)
Just (v,bs') -> ((v,bs'), True)
replaceSource :: S.Source -> Result (a,S.Source) -> Result (a,S.Source)
replaceSource bs ((v,_),b) = ((v,bs),b)
choiceP :: [PadsParser a] -> PadsParser a
choiceP ps = foldr1 (<||>) ps
(<||>) :: PadsParser a -> PadsParser a -> PadsParser a
p <||> q = PadsParser $ \bs -> (p # bs) <++> (q # bs)
(<++>) :: Result a -> Result a -> Result a
(r, True) <++> _ = (r, True)
(r1, False) <++> r2 = r2
parseTry :: PadsMD md => PadsParser (rep,md) -> PadsParser (rep,md)
parseTry p = do
(rep, md) <- PadsParser $ \bs -> replaceSource bs (p # bs)
mdReturn (rep, md)
parseConstraint :: PadsMD md =>
PadsParser(rep,md) -> (rep -> md -> Bool) -> PadsParser(rep, md)
parseConstraint p pred = do
(rep,md) <- p
mdReturn (rep, replace_md_header md (constraintReport (pred rep md) md))
constraintReport :: PadsMD md => Bool -> md -> Base_md
constraintReport isGood md = Base_md {numErrors = totErrors, errInfo = errors}
Base_md {numErrors, errInfo} = get_md_header md
totErrors = if isGood then numErrors else numErrors + 1
errors = if totErrors == 0 then Nothing else
Just(ErrInfo {msg = if isGood then UnderlyingTypedefFail
else PredicateFailure,
position = join $ fmap position errInfo})
parseTransform :: PadsMD dmd =>
PadsParser (sr,smd) -> (S.Span->(sr,smd)->(dr,dmd)) -> PadsParser (dr,dmd)
parseTransform sParser transform = do
begin_loc <- getLoc
src_result <- sParser
end_loc <- getLoc
let src_pos = S.locsToSpan begin_loc end_loc
return (transform src_pos src_result)
parsePartition :: PadsMD md =>
PadsParser(rep,md) -> S.RecordDiscipline -> PadsParser(rep, md)
parsePartition p newDisc = do
oldDisc <- queryP S.getRecordDiscipline
primPads (S.setRecordDiscipline newDisc)
x <- p
primPads (S.setRecordDiscipline oldDisc)
return x
parseListNoSepNoTerm :: PadsMD md =>
PadsParser (rep,md) -> PadsParser ([rep], (Base_md, [md]))
parseListNoSepNoTerm p = listReport (parseMany p)
parseListSepNoTerm :: (PadsMD md, PadsMD mdSep) =>
PadsParser (repSep,mdSep) -> PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser ([rep], (Base_md, [md]))
parseListSepNoTerm sep p = listReport (parseManySep sep p)
parseListNoSepLength :: (PadsMD md) =>
Int -> PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser ([rep], (Base_md, [md]))
parseListNoSepLength i p = listReport (parseCount i p)
parseListSepLength :: (PadsMD md, PadsMD mdSep) =>
PadsParser (repSep,mdSep) -> Int -> PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser ([rep], (Base_md, [md]))
parseListSepLength sep n p = listReport (parseCountSep n sep p)
parseListNoSepTerm :: (PadsMD md, PadsMD mdTerm) =>
PadsParser (repTerm,mdTerm) -> PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser ([rep], (Base_md, [md]))
parseListNoSepTerm term p = listReport (parseManyTerm term p)
parseListSepTerm :: (PadsMD md, PadsMD mdSep, PadsMD mdTerm) =>
PadsParser (repSep,mdSep) -> PadsParser (repTerm,mdTerm) ->
PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser ([rep], (Base_md, [md]))
parseListSepTerm sep term p = listReport (parseManySepTerm sep term p)
listReport :: PadsMD b => PadsParser [(a, b)] -> PadsParser ([a], (Base_md, [b]))
listReport p = do
listElems <- p
let (reps, mds) = unzip listElems
let hmds = map get_md_header mds
return (reps, (mergeBaseMDs hmds, mds))
parseMany :: PadsMD md => PadsParser (rep,md) -> PadsParser [(rep,md)]
parseMany p = do (r,m) <- p
if (numErrors (get_md_header m) == 0)
then do { rms <- parseMany p
; return ((r,m) : rms)}
else badReturn []
<||> return []
parseManySep :: (PadsMD md, PadsMD mdSep) => PadsParser (repSep,mdSep) -> PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser [(rep,md)]
parseManySep sep p = do { rm <- p
; rms <- parseManySep1 sep p
; return (rm : rms)
parseManySep1 :: (PadsMD md, PadsMD mdSep) => PadsParser (repSep,mdSep) -> PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser [(rep,md)]
parseManySep1 sep p = do (r,m) <- sep
if (numErrors (get_md_header m) == 0)
then parseManySep sep p
else badReturn []
<||> return []
parseCount :: (PadsMD md) => Int -> PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser [(rep,md)]
parseCount n p = sequence (replicate n p)
parseCountSep :: (PadsMD md) =>
Int -> PadsParser rmdSep -> PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser [(rep,md)]
parseCountSep n sep p | n <= 0 = return []
parseCountSep n sep p = do
rm <- p
rms <- sequence $ replicate (n-1) (sep >> p)
return (rm:rms)
parseManyTerm :: (PadsMD md, PadsMD mdTerm) =>
PadsParser (repTerm,mdTerm) -> PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser [(rep,md)]
parseManyTerm term p = (term >> return [])
<||> (ifEOFP >> return [])
<||> do { rm <- p
; rms <- parseManyTerm term p
; return (rm:rms) }
parseManySepTerm :: (PadsMD md, PadsMD mdSep, PadsMD mdTerm) =>
PadsParser (repSep,mdSep) -> PadsParser (repTerm,mdTerm) -> PadsParser(rep, md) -> PadsParser [(rep,md)]
parseManySepTerm sep term p = (term >> return [])
<||> (ifEOFP >> return [])
<||> scan
scan = do (rep, md) <- p
(terminated,junk) <- seekSep sep term
case junk of
[] -> if terminated then return [(rep,md)] else
do rms <- scan
return ((rep,md):rms)
_ -> do sepLoc <- getLoc
let report = junkReport md sepLoc junk
if terminated then
badReturn [(rep,report)]
else do
rms <- scan
badReturn ((rep,report) : rms)
seekSep sep term = (term >> return (True, []))
<||> (ifEOFP >> return (True, []))
<||> (sep >> return (False, []))
<||> do { b <- isEORP
; if b then badReturn (False, []) else
do { c <- takeHeadP
; (b,cs) <- seekSep sep term
; badReturn (b, c:cs)
junkReport md loc junk = replace_md_header md mergeMD
mdSep = mkErrBasePDfromLoc (ExtraStuffBeforeTy junk "separator" ) loc
mergeMD = mergeBaseMDs [get_md_header md, mdSep]
getLoc :: PadsParser S.Loc
getLoc = queryP S.getSrcLoc
isEOFP, isEORP :: PadsParser Bool
isEOFP = queryP S.isEOF
isEORP = queryP S.isEOR
ifEOFP, ifEORP :: PadsParser ()
ifEOFP = do { b <- isEOFP; if b then return () else badReturn ()}
ifEORP = do { b <- isEORP; if b then return () else badReturn ()}
takeP :: Integral a => a -> PadsParser String
takeP n = primPads (S.take (fromInt n))
takeBytesP :: Integral a => a -> PadsParser S.RawStream
takeBytesP n = primPads (S.takeBytes (fromInt n))
takeBytesNBP :: Integral a => a -> PadsParser S.RawStream
takeBytesNBP n = primPads (S.takeBytesNB (fromInt n))
takeBitsP :: Integral a => a -> PadsParser Integer
takeBitsP b = primPads (S.takeBits (fromInt b))
takeBits8P :: Integral a => a -> PadsParser Word8
takeBits8P b = primPads (S.takeBits8 (fromInt b))
takeBits16P :: Integral a => a -> PadsParser Word16
takeBits16P b = primPads (S.takeBits16 (fromInt b))
takeBits32P :: Integral a => a -> PadsParser Word32
takeBits32P b = primPads (S.takeBits32 (fromInt b))
takeBits64P :: Integral a => a -> PadsParser Word64
takeBits64P b = primPads (S.takeBits64 (fromInt b))
fromInt :: (Integral a1, Num a) => a1 -> a
fromInt n = fromInteger $ toInteger n
peekHeadP :: PadsParser Char
peekHeadP = queryP S.head
takeHeadP :: PadsParser Char
takeHeadP = primPads S.takeHead
takeHeadStrP :: String -> PadsParser Bool
takeHeadStrP str = primPads (S.takeHeadStr str)
scanStrP :: String -> PadsParser (Maybe String)
scanStrP str = primPads (S.scanStr str)
regexMatchP ::RE -> PadsParser (Maybe String)
regexMatchP re = primPads (S.regexMatch re)
regexStopP :: RE -> PadsParser (Maybe String)
regexStopP re = primPads (S.regexStop re)
scanP :: Char -> PadsParser Bool
scanP c = primPads (\s -> let (f,r,e) = S.scanTo c s in (f,r))
getAllP :: PadsParser String
getAllP = primPads S.drainSource
getAllBinP :: PadsParser S.RawStream
getAllBinP = primPads S.rawSource
drainSourceNBP :: PadsParser String
drainSourceNBP = primPads S.drainSourceNB
satisfy p = primPads loop
where loop s = if S.isEOF s || S.isEOR s then ([],s) else
let c = S.head s in
if p c then
let (xs,s') = loop (S.tail s) in
(c:xs, s')
satisfyNBP :: (Char -> Bool) -> (PadsParser String)
satisfyNBP p = primPads (S.satisfyNB p)
digitListToInt :: Bool -> [Char] -> Int
digitListToInt isNeg digits = if isNeg then negate raw else raw
raw = foldl (\a d ->10*a + digitToInt d) 0 digits
doLineBegin :: PadsParser ((), Base_md)
doLineBegin = do
rbegErr <- primPads S.srcLineBegin
case rbegErr of
Nothing -> returnClean ()
Just err -> returnError () (LineError err)
doLineEnd :: PadsParser ((), Base_md)
doLineEnd = do
rendErr <- primPads S.srcLineEnd
case rendErr of
Nothing -> returnClean ()
Just err -> returnError () (LineError err)