otp-authenticator: OTP Authenticator (a la google) command line client

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Simple tool for keeping track of your one-time pad two-factor authentication keys; basically a command-line version of the canonical google authenticator app.

The library uses GnuPG (through h-gpgme) to safely encrypt your secret keys. The first time you use it, it asks for a fingerprint to use for encryption. Currently GnuPG 1.x has some issues with h-gpgme when asking for keys, so GPG 2.x is recommended. Keys are stored, encrypted, at `~/.otp-auth.vault` by default.

[Skip to Readme]


[Last Documentation]

  • Authenticator
    • Authenticator.Actions
    • Authenticator.Common
    • Authenticator.Options
    • Authenticator.Vault
  • Encrypted


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Versions [RSS],,,, (info)
Change log CHANGELOG.md
Dependencies aeson, base (>=4.10 && <5), base-compat (>=0.10), binary, bytestring, containers, cryptonite, dependent-sum, filepath, h-gpgme, haskeline, megaparsec (>=7.0), microlens, optparse-applicative, otp-authenticator, sandi, text, time, transformers, unix, uri-encode, vinyl (>=0.10), yaml (>=0.8.31) [details]
Tested with ghc >=8.2 && <8.8
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) Justin Le 2017
Author Justin Le
Maintainer justin@jle.im
Category CLI, Security
Home page https://github.com/mstksg/otp-authenticator#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/mstksg/otp-authenticator/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/mstksg/otp-authenticator
Uploaded by jle at 2024-01-15T09:21:41Z
Executables otp-auth
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Status Docs not available [build log]
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Readme for otp-authenticator-

[back to package description]


Simple tool for keeping track of your one-time pad two-factor authentication keys; basically a command-line version of the canonical Google Authenticator App.

The library uses GnuPG (through h-gpgme) to safely encrypt your secret keys. The first time you use it, it asks for a fingerprint to use for encryption. Currently GnuPG 1.x has some issues with h-gpgme when asking for keys, so GPG 2.x is recommended. Keys are stored, encrypted, at ~/.otp-auth.vault by default.

Instructions are available through --help, but the basics are:

# interactively add a new key
otp-auth add

# interactively add a new key by entering the secret key uri
#   (following the otpauth protocol)
otp-auth add --uri

# view all time-based codes and cached counter-based codes
otp-auth view

# list accounts, do not display codes
otp-auth view --list

# generate a new counter-based code
otp-auth gen ID

# edit the metadata and delete codes
otp-auth edit ID
otp-auth delete ID

# dump all stored data as json (and as yaml)
otp-auth dump
otp-auth dump --yaml

You can edit configuration at ~/.otp-auth.yaml, the basic schema is:

fingerprint: ABCDEF12
vault: /home/robert/.otp-auth.vault