{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | This module helps handle operator chains composed of different
-- operators that may have different precedence and fixities.
module Ormolu.Printer.Operators
  ( OpTree (..),

import BasicTypes (Fixity (..), SourceText (NoSourceText), compareFixity, defaultFixity)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (Down (Down), comparing)
import GHC
import OccName (mkVarOcc)
import Ormolu.Utils (unSrcSpan)
import RdrName (mkRdrUnqual)
import SrcLoc (combineSrcSpans)

-- | Intermediate representation of operator trees. It has two type
-- parameters: @ty@ is the type of sub-expressions, while @op@ is the type
-- of operators.
data OpTree ty op
  = OpNode ty
  | OpBranch
      (OpTree ty op)
      (OpTree ty op)

-- | Return combined 'SrcSpan's of all elements in this 'OpTree'.
opTreeLoc :: OpTree (Located a) b -> SrcSpan
opTreeLoc (OpNode (L l _)) = l
opTreeLoc (OpBranch l _ r) = combineSrcSpans (opTreeLoc l) (opTreeLoc r)

-- | Re-associate an 'OpTree' taking into account automagically inferred
-- relative precedence of operators. Users are expected to first construct
-- an initial 'OpTree', then re-associate it using this function before
-- printing.
reassociateOpTree ::
  -- | How to get name of an operator
  (op -> Maybe RdrName) ->
  -- | Original 'OpTree'
  OpTree (Located ty) (Located op) ->
  -- | Re-associated 'OpTree'
  OpTree (Located ty) (Located op)
reassociateOpTree getOpName opTree =
    (buildFixityMap getOpName normOpTree)
    (getOpName . unLoc)
    normOpTree = normalizeOpTree opTree

-- | Re-associate an 'OpTree' given the map with operator fixities.
reassociateOpTreeWith ::
  forall ty op.
  -- | Fixity map for operators
  [(RdrName, Fixity)] ->
  -- | How to get the name of an operator
  (op -> Maybe RdrName) ->
  -- | Original 'OpTree'
  OpTree ty op ->
  -- | Re-associated 'OpTree'
  OpTree ty op
reassociateOpTreeWith fixityMap getOpName = go
    fixityOf :: op -> Fixity
    fixityOf op = fromMaybe defaultFixity $ do
      opName <- getOpName op
      lookup opName fixityMap
    -- Here, left branch is already associated and the root alongside with
    -- the right branch is right-associated. This function picks up one item
    -- from the right and inserts it correctly to the left.
    -- Also, we are using the 'compareFixity' function which returns if the
    -- expression should associate to right.
    go :: OpTree ty op -> OpTree ty op
    -- base cases
    go t@(OpNode _) = t
    go t@(OpBranch (OpNode _) _ (OpNode _)) = t
    -- shift one operator to the left at the beginning
    go (OpBranch l@(OpNode _) op (OpBranch l' op' r')) =
      go (OpBranch (OpBranch l op l') op' r')
    -- at the last operator, place the operator and don't recurse
    go (OpBranch (OpBranch l op r) op' r'@(OpNode _)) =
      if snd $ compareFixity (fixityOf op) (fixityOf op')
        then OpBranch l op (go $ OpBranch r op' r')
        else OpBranch (OpBranch l op r) op' r'
    -- else, shift one operator to left and recurse.
    go (OpBranch (OpBranch l op r) op' (OpBranch l' op'' r')) =
      if snd $ compareFixity (fixityOf op) (fixityOf op')
        then go $ OpBranch (OpBranch l op (go $ OpBranch r op' l')) op'' r'
        else go $ OpBranch (OpBranch (OpBranch l op r) op' l') op'' r'

-- | Build a map of inferred 'Fixity's from an 'OpTree'.
buildFixityMap ::
  forall ty op.
  -- | How to get the name of an operator
  (op -> Maybe RdrName) ->
  -- | Operator tree
  OpTree (Located ty) (Located op) ->
  -- | Fixity map
  [(RdrName, Fixity)]
buildFixityMap getOpName opTree =
  concatMap (\(i, ns) -> map (\(n, _) -> (n, fixity i InfixL)) ns)
    . zip [0 ..]
    . groupBy (doubleWithinEps 0.00001 `on` snd)
    . (overrides ++)
    . modeScores
    $ score opTree
    -- Add a special case for ($), since it is pretty unlikely for someone
    -- to override it.
    overrides :: [(RdrName, Double)]
    overrides =
      [ (mkRdrUnqual $ mkVarOcc "$", -1)
    -- Assign scores to operators based on their location in the source.
    score :: OpTree (Located ty) (Located op) -> [(RdrName, Double)]
    score (OpNode _) = []
    score (OpBranch l o r) = fromMaybe (score r) $ do
      -- If we fail to get any of these, 'defaultFixity' will be used by
      -- 'reassociateOpTreeWith'.
      le <- srcSpanEndLine <$> unSrcSpan (opTreeLoc l) -- left end
      ob <- srcSpanStartLine <$> unSrcSpan (getLoc o) -- operator begin
      oe <- srcSpanEndLine <$> unSrcSpan (getLoc o) -- operator end
      rb <- srcSpanStartLine <$> unSrcSpan (opTreeLoc r) -- right begin
      oc <- srcSpanStartCol <$> unSrcSpan (getLoc o) -- operator column
      opName <- getOpName (unLoc o)
      let s
            | le < ob =
              -- if the operator is in the beginning of a line, assign
              -- a score relative to its column within range [0, 1).
              fromIntegral oc / fromIntegral (maxCol + 1)
            | oe < rb =
              -- if the operator is in the end of the line, assign the
              -- score 1.
            | otherwise =
              2 -- otherwise, assign a high score.
      return $ (opName, s) : score r
    -- Pick the most common score per 'RdrName'.
    modeScores :: [(RdrName, Double)] -> [(RdrName, Double)]
    modeScores =
      sortOn snd
        . mapMaybe
          ( \case
              [] -> Nothing
              xs@((n, _) : _) -> Just (n, mode $ map snd xs)
        . groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
        . sort
    -- Return the most common number, leaning to the smaller
    -- one in case of a tie.
    mode :: [Double] -> Double
    mode =
        . minimumBy (comparing (Down . length))
        . groupBy (doubleWithinEps 0.0001)
        . sort
    -- The start column of the rightmost operator.
    maxCol = go opTree
        go (OpNode (L _ _)) = 0
        go (OpBranch l (L o _) r) =
            [ go l,
              maybe 0 srcSpanStartCol (unSrcSpan o),
              go r

-- Helpers

-- | Convert an 'OpTree' to with all operators having the same fixity and
-- associativity (left infix).
normalizeOpTree :: OpTree ty op -> OpTree ty op
normalizeOpTree (OpNode n) =
  OpNode n
normalizeOpTree (OpBranch (OpNode l) lop r) =
  OpBranch (OpNode l) lop (normalizeOpTree r)
normalizeOpTree (OpBranch (OpBranch l' lop' r') lop r) =
  normalizeOpTree (OpBranch l' lop' (OpBranch r' lop r))

fixity :: Int -> FixityDirection -> Fixity
fixity = Fixity NoSourceText

doubleWithinEps :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool
doubleWithinEps eps a b = abs (a - b) < eps