{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

-- | In most cases import "Ormolu.Printer.Combinators" instead, these
-- functions are the low-level building blocks and should not be used on
-- their own. The 'R' monad is re-exported from "Ormolu.Printer.Combinators"
-- as well.
module Ormolu.Printer.Internal
  ( -- * The 'R' monad

    -- * Internal functions
    Layout (..),

    -- * Helpers for braces

    -- * Special helpers for comment placement
    CommentPosition (..),
    HaddockStyle (..),

    -- * Annotations

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder
import GHC
import Ormolu.Parser.Anns
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
import Ormolu.Printer.SpanStream
import Ormolu.Utils (showOutputable)
import Outputable (Outputable)
import SrcLoc

-- The 'R' monad

-- | The 'R' monad hosts combinators that allow us to describe how to render
-- AST.
newtype R a = R (ReaderT RC (State SC) a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

-- | Reader context of 'R'. This should be used when we control rendering by
-- enclosing certain expressions with wrappers.
data RC
  = RC
      { -- | Indentation level, as the column index we need to start from after
        -- a newline if we break lines
        rcIndent :: !Int,
        -- | Current layout
        rcLayout :: Layout,
        -- | Spans of enclosing elements of AST
        rcEnclosingSpans :: [RealSrcSpan],
        -- | Collection of annotations
        rcAnns :: Anns,
        -- | If the last expression in the layout can use braces
        rcCanUseBraces :: Bool

-- | State context of 'R'.
data SC
  = SC
      { -- | Index of the next column to render
        scColumn :: !Int,
        -- | Rendered source code so far
        scBuilder :: Builder,
        -- | Span stream
        scSpanStream :: SpanStream,
        -- | Comment stream
        scCommentStream :: CommentStream,
        -- | Pending comment lines (in reverse order) to be inserted before next
        -- newline, 'Int' is the indentation level
        scPendingComments :: ![(CommentPosition, Int, Text)],
        -- | Whether the current line is “dirty”, that is, already contains
        -- atoms that can have comments attached to them
        scDirtyLine :: !Bool,
        -- | Whether to output a space before the next output
        scRequestedDelimiter :: !RequestedDelimiter,
        -- | Span of last output comment
        scLastCommentSpan :: !(Maybe (Maybe HaddockStyle, RealSrcSpan))

-- | Make sure next output is delimited by one of the following.
data RequestedDelimiter
  = -- | A space
  | -- | A newline
  | -- | Nothing
  | -- | We just output a newline
  | -- | We haven't printed anything yet
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | 'Layout' options.
data Layout
  = -- | Put everything on single line
  | -- | Use multiple lines
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Modes for rendering of pending comments.
data CommentPosition
  = -- | Put the comment on the same line
  | -- | Put the comment on next line
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Run an 'R' monad.
runR ::
  -- | Monad to run
  R () ->
  -- | Span stream
  SpanStream ->
  -- | Comment stream
  CommentStream ->
  -- | Annotations
  Anns ->
  -- | Resulting rendition
runR (R m) sstream cstream anns =
  TL.toStrict . toLazyText . scBuilder $ execState (runReaderT m rc) sc
    rc = RC
      { rcIndent = 0,
        rcLayout = MultiLine,
        rcEnclosingSpans = [],
        rcAnns = anns,
        rcCanUseBraces = False
    sc = SC
      { scColumn = 0,
        scBuilder = mempty,
        scSpanStream = sstream,
        scCommentStream = cstream,
        scPendingComments = [],
        scDirtyLine = False,
        scRequestedDelimiter = VeryBeginning,
        scLastCommentSpan = Nothing

-- Internal functions

-- | Output a fixed 'Text' fragment. The argument may not contain any line
-- breaks. 'txt' is used to output all sorts of “fixed” bits of syntax like
-- keywords and pipes @|@ in functional dependencies.
-- To separate various bits of syntax with white space use 'space' instead
-- of @'txt' " "@. To output 'Outputable' Haskell entities like numbers use
-- 'atom'.
txt ::
  -- | 'Text' to output
  Text ->
  R ()
txt = spit False False

-- | Output 'Outputable' fragment of AST. This can be used to output numeric
-- literals and similar. Everything that doesn't have inner structure but
-- does have an 'Outputable' instance.
atom ::
  Outputable a =>
  a ->
  R ()
atom = spit True False . T.pack . showOutputable

-- | Low-level non-public helper to define 'txt' and 'atom'.
spit ::
  -- | Should we mark the line as dirty?
  Bool ->
  -- | Used during outputting of pending comments?
  Bool ->
  -- | 'Text' to output
  Text ->
  R ()
spit dirty printingComments txt' = do
  requestedDel <- R (gets scRequestedDelimiter)
  case requestedDel of
    RequestedNewline -> do
      R . modify $ \sc ->
          { scRequestedDelimiter = RequestedNothing
      if printingComments
        then newlineRaw
        else newline
    _ -> return ()
  R $ do
    i <- asks rcIndent
    c <- gets scColumn
    let spaces =
          if c < i
            then T.replicate (i - c) " "
            else bool mempty " " (requestedDel == RequestedSpace)
        indentedTxt = spaces <> txt'
    modify $ \sc ->
        { scBuilder = scBuilder sc <> fromText indentedTxt,
          scColumn = scColumn sc + T.length indentedTxt,
          scDirtyLine = scDirtyLine sc || dirty,
          scRequestedDelimiter = RequestedNothing,
          scLastCommentSpan =
            -- NOTE If there are pending comments, do not reset last comment
            -- location.
            if printingComments || (not . null . scPendingComments) sc
              then scLastCommentSpan sc
              else Nothing

-- | This primitive /does not/ necessarily output a space. It just ensures
-- that the next thing that will be printed on the same line will be
-- separated by a single space from the previous output. Using this
-- combinator twice results in at most one space.
-- In practice this design prevents trailing white space and makes it hard
-- to output more than one delimiting space in a row, which is what we
-- usually want.
space :: R ()
space = R . modify $ \sc ->
    { scRequestedDelimiter = case scRequestedDelimiter sc of
        RequestedNothing -> RequestedSpace
        other -> other

-- | Output a newline. First time 'newline' is used after some non-'newline'
-- output it gets inserted immediately. Second use of 'newline' does not
-- output anything but makes sure that the next non-white space output will
-- be prefixed by a newline. Using 'newline' more than twice in a row has no
-- effect. Also, using 'newline' at the very beginning has no effect, this
-- is to avoid leading whitespace.
-- Similarly to 'space', this design prevents trailing newlines and makes it
-- hard to output more than one blank newline in a row.
newline :: R ()
newline = do
  cs <- reverse <$> R (gets scPendingComments)
  case cs of
    [] -> newlineRaw
    ((position, _, _) : _) -> do
      case position of
        OnTheSameLine -> space
        OnNextLine -> newlineRaw
      R . forM_ cs $ \(_, indent, txt') ->
        let modRC rc =
                { rcIndent = indent
            R m = do
              unless (T.null txt') $
                spit False True txt'
         in local modRC m
      R . modify $ \sc ->
          { scPendingComments = []

-- | Low-level newline primitive. This one always just inserts a newline, no
-- hooks can be attached.
newlineRaw :: R ()
newlineRaw = R . modify $ \sc ->
  let requestedDel = scRequestedDelimiter sc
      builderSoFar = scBuilder sc
   in sc
        { scBuilder = case requestedDel of
            AfterNewline -> builderSoFar
            RequestedNewline -> builderSoFar
            VeryBeginning -> builderSoFar
            _ -> builderSoFar <> "\n",
          scColumn = 0,
          scDirtyLine = False,
          scRequestedDelimiter = case scRequestedDelimiter sc of
            AfterNewline -> RequestedNewline
            RequestedNewline -> RequestedNewline
            VeryBeginning -> VeryBeginning
            _ -> AfterNewline

-- | Check if the current line is “dirty”, that is, there is something on it
-- that can have comments attached to it.
isLineDirty :: R Bool
isLineDirty = R (gets scDirtyLine)

-- | Increase indentation level by one indentation step for the inner
-- computation. 'inci' should be used when a part of code must be more
-- indented relative to the parts outside of 'inci' in order for the output
-- to be valid Haskell. When layout is single-line there is no obvious
-- effect, but with multi-line layout correct indentation levels matter.
inci :: R () -> R ()
inci (R m) = R (local modRC m)
    modRC rc =
        { rcIndent = rcIndent rc + indentStep

-- | Set indentation level for the inner computation equal to current
-- column. This makes sure that the entire inner block is uniformly
-- \"shifted\" to the right. Only works (and makes sense) when enclosing
-- layout is multi-line.
sitcc :: R () -> R ()
sitcc (R m) = do
  requestedDel <- R (gets scRequestedDelimiter)
  i <- R (asks rcIndent)
  c <- R (gets scColumn)
  let modRC rc =
          { rcIndent = max i c + bool 0 1 (requestedDel == RequestedSpace)
  vlayout (R m) . R $ do
    modify $ \sc ->
        { scRequestedDelimiter = case requestedDel of
            RequestedSpace -> RequestedNothing
            other -> other
    local modRC m

-- | Set 'Layout' for internal computation.
enterLayout :: Layout -> R () -> R ()
enterLayout l (R m) = R (local modRC m)
    modRC rc =
        { rcLayout = l

-- | Do one or another thing depending on current 'Layout'.
vlayout ::
  -- | Single line
  R a ->
  -- | Multi line
  R a ->
  R a
vlayout sline mline = do
  l <- getLayout
  case l of
    SingleLine -> sline
    MultiLine -> mline

-- | Get current 'Layout'.
getLayout :: R Layout
getLayout = R (asks rcLayout)

-- Special helpers for comment placement

-- | Register a comment line for outputting. It will be inserted right
-- before next newline. When the comment goes after something else on the
-- same line, a space will be inserted between preceding text and the
-- comment when necessary.
registerPendingCommentLine ::
  -- | Comment position
  CommentPosition ->
  -- | 'Text' to output
  Text ->
  R ()
registerPendingCommentLine position txt' = R $ do
  i <- asks rcIndent
  modify $ \sc ->
      { scPendingComments = (position, i, txt') : scPendingComments sc

-- | Drop elements that begin before or at the same place as given
-- 'SrcSpan'.
trimSpanStream ::
  -- | Reference span
  RealSrcSpan ->
  R ()
trimSpanStream ref = do
  let leRef :: RealSrcSpan -> Bool
      leRef x = realSrcSpanStart x <= realSrcSpanStart ref
  R . modify $ \sc ->
      { scSpanStream = coerce (dropWhile leRef) (scSpanStream sc)

-- | Get location of next element in AST.
nextEltSpan :: R (Maybe RealSrcSpan)
nextEltSpan = listToMaybe . coerce <$> R (gets scSpanStream)

-- | Pop a 'Comment' from the 'CommentStream' if given predicate is
-- satisfied and there are comments in the stream.
popComment ::
  (RealLocated Comment -> Bool) ->
  R (Maybe (RealLocated Comment))
popComment f = R $ do
  CommentStream cstream <- gets scCommentStream
  case cstream of
    [] -> return Nothing
    (x : xs) ->
      if f x
          Just x
            <$ modify
              ( \sc ->
                    { scCommentStream = CommentStream xs
        else return Nothing

-- | Get the first enclosing 'RealSrcSpan' that satisfies given predicate.
getEnclosingSpan ::
  -- | Predicate to use
  (RealSrcSpan -> Bool) ->
  R (Maybe RealSrcSpan)
getEnclosingSpan f =
  listToMaybe . filter f <$> R (asks rcEnclosingSpans)

-- | Set 'RealSrcSpan' of enclosing span for the given computation.
withEnclosingSpan :: RealSrcSpan -> R () -> R ()
withEnclosingSpan spn (R m) = R (local modRC m)
    modRC rc =
        { rcEnclosingSpans = spn : rcEnclosingSpans rc

-- | Haddock string style.
data HaddockStyle
  = -- | @-- |@
  | -- | @-- ^@
  | -- | @-- *@
    Asterisk Int
  | -- | @-- $@
    Named String

-- | Set span of last output comment.
setLastCommentSpan ::
  -- | 'HaddockStyle' or 'Nothing' if it's a non-Haddock comment
  Maybe HaddockStyle ->
  -- | Location of last printed comment
  RealSrcSpan ->
  R ()
setLastCommentSpan mhStyle spn = R . modify $ \sc ->
    { scLastCommentSpan = Just (mhStyle, spn)

-- | Get span of last output comment.
getLastCommentSpan :: R (Maybe (Maybe HaddockStyle, RealSrcSpan))
getLastCommentSpan = R (gets scLastCommentSpan)

-- Annotations

-- | For a given span return 'AnnKeywordId's associated with it.
getAnns ::
  SrcSpan ->
  R [AnnKeywordId]
getAnns spn = lookupAnns spn <$> R (asks rcAnns)

-- Helpers for braces

-- | Make the inner computation use braces around single-line layouts.
useBraces :: R () -> R ()
useBraces (R r) = R (local (\i -> i {rcCanUseBraces = True}) r)

-- | Make the inner computation omit braces around single-line layouts.
dontUseBraces :: R () -> R ()
dontUseBraces (R r) = R (local (\i -> i {rcCanUseBraces = False}) r)

-- | Return 'True' if we can use braces in this context.
canUseBraces :: R Bool
canUseBraces = R $ asks rcCanUseBraces

-- Constants

-- | Indentation step.
indentStep :: Int
indentStep = 2