module Data.Set.Ordered
( OSet
, empty, singleton
, (<|), (|<), (>|), (|>)
, (<>|), (|<>)
, null, size, member, notMember
, delete, filter, (\\)
, Index, findIndex, elemAt
, fromList, toAscList
) where
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldl', foldMap, foldr, toList)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map.Util (Index, Tag, maxTag, minTag, nextHigherTag, nextLowerTag, readsPrecList, showsPrecList)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Prelude hiding (filter, foldr, lookup, null)
import qualified Data.Map as M
data OSet a = OSet !(Map a Tag) !(Map Tag a)
instance Foldable OSet where foldMap f (OSet _ vs) = foldMap f vs
instance Eq a => Eq (OSet a) where (==) = (==) `on` toList
instance Ord a => Ord (OSet a) where compare = compare `on` toList
instance Show a => Show (OSet a) where showsPrec = showsPrecList toList
instance (Ord a, Read a) => Read (OSet a) where readsPrec = readsPrecList fromList
infixr 5 <|, |<
infixl 5 >|, |>
infixr 6 <>|, |<>
(<|) , (|<) :: Ord a => a -> OSet a -> OSet a
(>|) , (|>) :: Ord a => OSet a -> a -> OSet a
(<>|), (|<>) :: Ord a => OSet a -> OSet a -> OSet a
v <| o@(OSet ts vs)
| v `member` o = o
| otherwise = OSet (M.insert v t ts) (M.insert t v vs) where
t = nextLowerTag vs
v |< o = OSet (M.insert v t ts) (M.insert t v vs) where
t = nextLowerTag vs
OSet ts vs = delete v o
o@(OSet ts vs) |> v
| v `member` o = o
| otherwise = OSet (M.insert v t ts) (M.insert t v vs) where
t = nextHigherTag vs
o >| v = OSet (M.insert v t ts) (M.insert t v vs) where
t = nextHigherTag vs
OSet ts vs = delete v o
o <>| o' = unsafeMappend (o \\ o') o'
o |<> o' = unsafeMappend o (o' \\ o)
unsafeMappend (OSet ts vs) (OSet ts' vs')
= OSet (M.union tsBumped tsBumped')
(M.union vsBumped vsBumped')
bump = case maxTag vs of
Nothing -> 0
Just k -> -k-1
bump' = case minTag vs' of
Nothing -> 0
Just k -> -k
tsBumped = fmap (bump +) ts
tsBumped' = fmap (bump'+) ts'
vsBumped = (bump +) `M.mapKeysMonotonic` vs
vsBumped' = (bump'+) `M.mapKeysMonotonic` vs'
(\\) :: Ord a => OSet a -> OSet a -> OSet a
o@(OSet ts vs) \\ o'@(OSet ts' vs') = if size o < size o'
then filter (`notMember` o') o
else foldr delete o vs'
empty :: OSet a
empty = OSet M.empty M.empty
member, notMember :: Ord a => a -> OSet a -> Bool
member v (OSet ts _) = M.member v ts
notMember v (OSet ts _) = M.notMember v ts
size :: OSet a -> Int
size (OSet ts _) = M.size ts
filter :: Ord a => (a -> Bool) -> OSet a -> OSet a
filter f (OSet ts vs) = OSet (M.filterWithKey (\v t -> f v) ts)
(M.filterWithKey (\t v -> f v) vs)
delete :: Ord a => a -> OSet a -> OSet a
delete v o@(OSet ts vs) = case M.lookup v ts of
Nothing -> o
Just t -> OSet (M.delete v ts) (M.delete t vs)
singleton :: a -> OSet a
singleton v = OSet (M.singleton v 0) (M.singleton 0 v)
fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> OSet a
fromList = foldl' (|>) empty
null :: OSet a -> Bool
null (OSet ts _) = M.null ts
findIndex :: Ord a => a -> OSet a -> Maybe Index
findIndex v o@(OSet ts vs) = do
t <- M.lookup v ts
M.lookupIndex t vs
elemAt :: OSet a -> Index -> Maybe a
elemAt o@(OSet ts vs) i = do
guard (0 <= i && i < M.size vs)
return . snd $ M.elemAt i vs
toAscList :: OSet a -> [a]
toAscList o@(OSet ts _) = fmap fst (M.toAscList ts)