optparse-applicative- Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




cmdDesc :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> [(Maybe String, Chunk Doc)] Source #

Generate descriptions for commands.

briefDesc :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> Chunk Doc Source #

Generate a brief help text for a parser.

missingDesc :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> Chunk Doc Source #

Generate a brief help text for a parser, only including mandatory options and arguments.

fullDesc :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> Chunk Doc Source #

Generate a full help text for a parser

globalDesc :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> Chunk Doc Source #

Generate a help text for the parser, showing only what is relevant in the "Global options: section"

parserHelp :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> ParserHelp Source #

Generate the help text for a program.

parserUsage :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> String -> Doc Source #

Generate option summary.