options- Powerful and easy command-line option parser
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




Defining options

class Options opts where Source #

Options are defined together in a single data type, which will be an instance of Options

See defineOptions for details on defining instances of Options.


defineOptions :: DefineOptions opts Source #

Defines the structure and metadata of the options in this type, including their types, flag names, and documentation.

Options with a basic type and a single flag name may be defined with simpleOption. Options with more complex requirements may be defined with defineOption.

Non-option fields in the type may be set using applicative functions such as pure.

Options may be included from another type by using a nested call to defineOptions.

Library authors are encouraged to aggregate their options into a few top-level types, so application authors can include it easily in their own option definitions.

defaultOptions :: Options opts => opts Source #

An options value containing only the default values for each option

This is equivalent to the options value when parsing an empty argument list.

simpleOption :: SimpleOptionType a => String -> a -> String -> DefineOptions a Source #

Defines a new option in the current options type

data DefineOptions a Source #


Instances details
Applicative DefineOptions Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

Functor DefineOptions Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options


fmap :: (a -> b) -> DefineOptions a -> DefineOptions b #

(<$) :: a -> DefineOptions b -> DefineOptions a #

class SimpleOptionType a where Source #


Instances details
SimpleOptionType Int16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Int8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Word8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType String Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Bool Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Float Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType Word Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

SimpleOptionType a => SimpleOptionType (Maybe a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

Defining subcommands

data Subcommand cmdOpts action Source #

subcommand Source #


:: (Options cmdOpts, Options subcmdOpts) 
=> String

The subcommand name

-> (cmdOpts -> subcmdOpts -> [String] -> action)

The action to run

-> Subcommand cmdOpts action 

Running main with options

runCommand :: (MonadIO m, Options opts) => (opts -> [String] -> m a) -> m a Source #

Either calls the given continuation, prints help text and calls exitSuccess, or prints an error and calls exitFailure.

See runSubcommand for details on subcommand support.

runSubcommand :: (Options opts, MonadIO m) => [Subcommand opts (m a)] -> m a Source #

Used to run applications that are split into subcommands

Parsing argument lists

class Parsed a Source #

Minimal complete definition

parsedError_, parsedHelp_


Instances details
Parsed (ParsedOptions a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

Parsed (ParsedSubcommand a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

parsedError :: Parsed a => a -> Maybe String Source #

Get the error that prevented options from being parsed from argv, or Nothing if no error was detected

parsedHelp :: Parsed a => a -> String Source #

Get a help message to show the user

If the arguments included a help flag, this will be a message appropriate to that flag. Otherwise, it is a summary (equivalent to --help).

This is always a non-empty string, regardless of whether the parse succeeded or failed. If you need to perform additional validation on the options value, this message can be displayed if validation fails.

Parsing options

data ParsedOptions opts Source #


Instances details
Parsed (ParsedOptions a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

parsedOptions :: ParsedOptions opts -> Maybe opts Source #

Get the options value that was parsed from argv, or Nothing if the arguments could not be converted into options

Note: This function return Nothing if the user provided a help flag. To check whether an error occurred during parsing, check the value of parsedError.

parsedArguments :: ParsedOptions opts -> [String] Source #

Get command-line arguments remaining after parsing options

The arguments are unchanged from the original argument list, and have not been decoded or otherwise transformed.

parseOptions :: Options opts => [String] -> ParsedOptions opts Source #

Attempt to convert a list of command-line arguments into an options value

Parsing sub-commands

data ParsedSubcommand action Source #


Instances details
Parsed (ParsedSubcommand a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Options

parsedSubcommand :: ParsedSubcommand action -> Maybe action Source #

Get the subcommand action that was parsed from argv, or Nothing if the arguments could not be converted into a valid action

Note: This function return Nothing if the user provided a help flag. To check whether an error occurred during parsing, check the value of parsedError.

parseSubcommand :: Options cmdOpts => [Subcommand cmdOpts action] -> [String] -> ParsedSubcommand action Source #

Attempt to convert a list of command-line arguments into a subcommand action

Advanced option definitions

data OptionType val Source #

An option's type determines how the option will be parsed, and which Haskell type the parsed value will be stored as

There are many types available, covering most basic types and a few more advanced types.

defineOption :: OptionType a -> (Option a -> Option a) -> DefineOptions a Source #

Defines a new option in the current options type

All options must have one or more flags. Options may also have a default value, a description, and a group.

The flags are how the user specifies an option on the command line. Flags may be short or long. See optionShortFlags and optionLongFlags for details.

defineOption optionType_word16 (\o -> o
   { optionLongFlags = ["port"]
   , optionDefault = 80

data Option a Source #

optionShortFlags :: Option a -> [Char] Source #

Short flags are a single character. When entered by a user, they are preceded by a dash and possibly other short flags.

Short flags must be a letter or a number.

Example: An option with optionShortFlags = ['p'] may be set using:

$ ./app -p 443
$ ./app -p443

optionLongFlags :: Option a -> [String] Source #

Long flags are multiple characters. When entered by a user, they are preceded by two dashes.

Long flags may contain letters, numbers, '-', and '_'.

Example: An option with optionLongFlags = ["port"] may be set using:

$ ./app --port 443
$ ./app --port=443

optionDefault :: Option a -> a Source #

Options may have a default value. This will be parsed as if the user had entered it on the command line.

optionDescription :: Option a -> String Source #

An option's description is used with the default implementation of --help. It should be a short string describing what the option does.

optionGroup :: Option a -> Maybe Group Source #

Which group the option is in. See the "Option groups" section for details.

Option groups

data Group #


Instances details
Show Group 
Instance details

Defined in Options.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Group -> ShowS #

show :: Group -> String #

showList :: [Group] -> ShowS #

Eq Group 
Instance details

Defined in Options.Types


(==) :: Group -> Group -> Bool #

(/=) :: Group -> Group -> Bool #

group Source #


:: String


-> String

Title; see groupTitle.

-> String

Description; see groupDescription.

-> Group 

Define an option group with the given name and title

Use groupDescription to add additional descriptive text, if needed.

groupTitle :: Group -> String #

A short title for the group, which is used when printing --help output.

groupDescription :: Group -> String #

A description of the group, which is used when printing --help output.

Option types

optionType_bool :: OptionType Bool Source #

Store an option as a Bool

The option's value must be either "true" or "false". Boolean options are unary, which means that their value is optional when specified on the command line.

optionType_string :: OptionType String Source #

Store an option value as a String

The value is decoded to Unicode first, if needed.

optionType_int :: OptionType Int Source #

Store an option as an Int

The option value must be an integer n such that minBound <= n <= maxBound.

optionType_int8 :: OptionType Int8 Source #

Store an option as an Int8

The option value must be an integer n such that minBound <= n <= maxBound.

optionType_int16 :: OptionType Int16 Source #

Store an option as an Int16

The option value must be an integer n such that minBound <= n <= maxBound.

optionType_int32 :: OptionType Int32 Source #

Store an option as an Int32

The option value must be an integer n such that minBound <= n <= maxBound.

optionType_int64 :: OptionType Int64 Source #

Store an option as an Int64

The option value must be an integer n such that minBound <= n <= maxBound.

optionType_word :: OptionType Word Source #

Store an option as a Word

The option value must be a positive integer n such that 0 <= n <= maxBound.

optionType_word8 :: OptionType Word8 Source #

Store an option as a Word8

The option value must be a positive integer n such that 0 <= n <= maxBound.

optionType_word16 :: OptionType Word16 Source #

Store an option as a Word16

The option value must be a positive integer n such that 0 <= n <= maxBound.

optionType_word32 :: OptionType Word32 Source #

Store an option as a Word32

The option value must be a positive integer n such that 0 <= n <= maxBound.

optionType_word64 :: OptionType Word64 Source #

Store an option as a Word64

The option value must be a positive integer n such that 0 <= n <= maxBound.

optionType_integer :: OptionType Integer Source #

Store an option as an Integer

The option value must be an integer. There is no minimum or maximum value.

optionType_float :: OptionType Float Source #

Store an option as a Float

The option value must be a number. Due to the imprecision of floating-point math, the stored value might not exactly match the user's input. If the user's input is out of range for the Float type, it will be stored as Infinity or -Infinity.

optionType_double :: OptionType Double Source #

Store an option as a Double

The option value must be a number. Due to the imprecision of floating-point math, the stored value might not exactly match the user's input. If the user's input is out of range for the Double type, it will be stored as Infinity or -Infinity.

optionType_maybe :: OptionType a -> OptionType (Maybe a) Source #

Store an option as a Maybe of another type

The value will be Nothing if the option is set to an empty string.

optionType_list Source #


:: Char

Element separator

-> OptionType a

Element type

-> OptionType [a] 

Store an option as a list, using another option type for the elements

The separator should be a character that will not occur within the values, such as a comma or semicolon.

optionType_set Source #


:: Ord a 
=> Char

Element separator

-> OptionType a

Element type

-> OptionType (Set a) 

Store an option as a Set, using another option type for the elements

The separator should be a character that will not occur within the values, such as a comma or semicolon.

Duplicate elements in the input are permitted.

optionType_map Source #


:: Ord k 
=> Char

Item separator

-> Char

Key/Value separator

-> OptionType k

Key type

-> OptionType v

Value type

-> OptionType (Map k v) 

Store an option as a Map, using other option types for the keys and values

The item separator is used to separate key/value pairs from each other. It should be a character that will not occur within either the keys or values.

The value separator is used to separate the key from the value. It should be a character that will not occur within the keys. It may occur within the values.

Duplicate keys in the input are permitted. The final value for each key is stored.

optionType_enum Source #


:: (Bounded a, Enum a, Show a) 
=> String

Option type name

-> OptionType a 

Store an option as one of a set of possible values

This is a simplistic implementation, useful for quick scripts. For more possibilities, see optionType.

Custom option types

optionType Source #


:: String


-> val

Default value

-> (String -> Either String val)


-> (val -> String)


-> OptionType val 

Define a new option type with the given name, default, and behavior

optionTypeName :: OptionType val -> String Source #

The name of this option type; used in --help output.

optionTypeDefault :: OptionType val -> val Source #

The default value for options of this type. This will be used if optionDefault is not set when defining the option.

optionTypeParse :: OptionType val -> String -> Either String val Source #

Try to parse the given string to an option value. If parsing fails, an error message will be returned.

optionTypeShow :: OptionType val -> val -> String Source #

Format the value for display; used in --help output.

optionTypeUnary :: OptionType val -> Maybe val Source #

If not Nothing, then options of this type may be set by a unary flag. The option will be parsed as if the given value were set.

optionTypeMerge :: OptionType val -> Maybe ([val] -> val) Source #

If not Nothing, then options of this type may be set with repeated flags. Each flag will be parsed with optionTypeParse, and the resulting parsed values will be passed to this function for merger into the final value.