Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Extensions |
- type Alg f x = f x -> x
- data NilF x = NilF'
- data Cons1F a x = Cons1F' a x
- data Cons2F a x = Cons2F' a a x
- type List1RowF a = ("nilF" .== NilF) .+ ("cons1F" .== Cons1F a)
- type List2RowF a = (("nilF" .== NilF) .+ ("cons1F" .== Cons1F a)) .+ ("cons2F" .== Cons2F a)
- type List1F a = VarF (List1RowF a)
- type List1 a = Fix (VarF (List1RowF a))
- type List2F a = VarF (List2RowF a)
- type List2 a = OpenADT (List2RowF a)
- pattern NilF :: OpenAlg r "nilF" NilF x => VarF r x
- pattern Nil :: OpenAlg r "nilF" NilF (OpenADT r) => OpenADT r
- pattern Cons1 :: forall r (a :: Type) (x :: Type). (OpenAlg r "cons1F" (Cons1F a) (Fix (VarF r)), x ~ Fix (VarF r)) => a -> Fix (VarF r) -> Fix (VarF r)
- pattern Cons1F :: forall r (a :: Type) (x :: Type). OpenAlg r "cons1F" (Cons1F a) x => a -> x -> VarF r x
- pattern Cons2 :: forall r (a :: Type) (x :: Type). (OpenAlg r "cons2F" (Cons2F a) (Fix (VarF r)), x ~ Fix (VarF r)) => a -> a -> Fix (VarF r) -> Fix (VarF r)
- pattern Cons2F :: forall r (a :: Type) (x :: Type). OpenAlg r "cons2F" (Cons2F a) x => a -> a -> x -> VarF r x
- exList1 :: List1 Int
- exList2 :: List2 Int
- result1 :: List2 Int
- result2 :: List1 Int
- result3 :: List2 Int
- result4 :: List2 Int
- class OverList a a' r (f :: * -> *) where
- fmapList :: forall a a' r s. (Forall r Functor, Forall r (OverList a a' s)) => (a -> a') -> OpenADT r -> OpenADT s
- result5 :: List1 String
- result6 :: List2 String
- result7 :: List1 String
- main' :: IO ()
This module demonstrates how to create open algebraic data types (ADT), and
is intended to be read top-to-bottom. Throughout this tutorial, we will
create two different list types, List1
and List2
, that share two of
their constructors. We will also see various ways that our structures can be
traversed and modified.
Note that several extensions are used, which should show up in the Haddock generated documentation. In particular, I recommend being familiar with OverloadedLabels and TypeApplications, otherwise some syntax may be confusing.
The first step is to create data types that correspond to the constructors
of the types we want. We create three different types corresponding to
three list constructors: NilF
, Cons1F
, Cons2F
For example, a two elements cons, Cons2F
, is defined as:
-- | A two element cons element. data Cons2F a x = Cons2F' a a x deriving (Eq, Functor, Show)
Note that the recursion of the structure is expressed in the type variable
rather than explicitly. The constructor should also be a functor.
For convenience we can use deriveShow1
from Text.Show.Deriving to derive
instances (and deriveEq1
from Data.Eq.Deriving for Eq1
The base case of a list type.
NilF' |
A one element cons element.
Cons1F' a x |
A two element cons element.
Cons2F' a a x |
With constructors defined, we can define type synonyms that describe how
constructors are combined to create an ADT. These synonyms
are Row
s, which are lists of labels (given by type-level strings) with
corresponding types. The type operator (.==
) is used to associate a label
with its type, the result of which is a row; (.+
) is used to combine two
rows into a new row. These operators, and the Row
type, are defined in
the row-types package.
type List1RowF a = ("nilF" .== NilF) .+ ("cons1F" .== Cons1F a) Source #
The row of the first list type. It defines a "standard" list type.
type List2RowF a = (("nilF" .== NilF) .+ ("cons1F" .== Cons1F a)) .+ ("cons2F" .== Cons2F a) Source #
The row of the second list type. This type re-uses the constructors of
and includes a third constructor: a two element cons.
The VarF
newtype forms the basis of an open ADT. It wraps the variant
whose possible values are the constructors of the ADT. Its type constructor
takes two parameters:
- a row of types with the kind
(* -> *)
, - and a type of kind
that is applied to each element of the row.
has a functor instance when all the types of the row are functors.
Using VarF
we can define the base functor of our ADTs. Taking the fixpoint
of these functor types yields the ADT.
type List1 a = Fix (VarF (List1RowF a)) Source #
A list type. We obtain this type by taking the fixed point of its base functor.
type List2 a = OpenADT (List2RowF a) Source #
A list type with a two element cons. This type is defined with the
synonym, which is simply conveinience for Fix (VarF r)
In order to simplify our code, and avoid using VarF
directly, we can
define pattern synonyms for each constructor. Importantly, if written
generically enough, these patterns will work for a constructor regardless
the specific type it is used in. For example, we can write a single pattern
that matches the NilF
constructor in both the List1
and List2
This is achieved with the pattern below:
pattern NilF :: (OpenAlg r "nilF" NilF x) => VarF r x pattern NilF <- VarF (view
#nilF -> Just NilF') where NilF = VarF (IsJust
#nilF NilF')
Note that in NilF
, the variables r
and x
are left abstract. This
allows any row and type to be used with the pattern. In our
running example, r
could be either List1RowF
or List2RowF
, while
could be either List1
or List2
, respectively.
The pattern for the "fixed" constructor fixes the x
parameter to
OpenADT r
pattern Nil :: (OpenAlg r "nilF" NilF (OpenADT r)) => OpenADT r
pattern Nil = Fix
Since the patterns for each constructor are fairly repetative with only the
name changing, Data.OpenADT.TH provides a function, mkVarPattern
, that
generates these patterns for you! The function takes four parameters:
- the type of the constructor,
- the label to be used for the constructor in the row,
- the name of the "fixed" pattern,
- and the name of the base functor pattern.
For example, the constructors for Cons1F
and Cons2F
can be created with:
mkVarPattern ''Cons1F "cons1F" "Cons1" "Cons1F" mkVarPattern ''Cons2F "cons2F" "Cons2" "Cons2F"
pattern Cons1 :: forall r (a :: Type) (x :: Type). (OpenAlg r "cons1F" (Cons1F a) (Fix (VarF r)), x ~ Fix (VarF r)) => a -> Fix (VarF r) -> Fix (VarF r) Source #
pattern Cons1F :: forall r (a :: Type) (x :: Type). OpenAlg r "cons1F" (Cons1F a) x => a -> x -> VarF r x Source #
pattern Cons2 :: forall r (a :: Type) (x :: Type). (OpenAlg r "cons2F" (Cons2F a) (Fix (VarF r)), x ~ Fix (VarF r)) => a -> a -> Fix (VarF r) -> Fix (VarF r) Source #
pattern Cons2F :: forall r (a :: Type) (x :: Type). OpenAlg r "cons2F" (Cons2F a) x => a -> a -> x -> VarF r x Source #
Constructing Values
The patterns that we have written can be used to construct values as if they
were normal ADTs. The one caveat is that GHC cannot infer the types since
the variable r
in the patterns can be any row. This is, in practice, not
much of an issue as top-level type declarations are sufficient in most
For the remaining of this tutorial we will use the following lists in examples:
exList1 :: List1 Int exList1 = Cons1 0 (Cons1 1 Nil)
exList2 :: List2 Int exList2 = Cons2 2 3 (Cons1 4 Nil)
Construct a List2
>>> print exList2 Fix (VarF (Cons2F' 2 3 (Fix (VarF (Cons1F' 4 (Fix (VarF NilF')))))))
Adding Constructors
Adding constructors to an open ADT is easy. We can use cata
from the
recursion-schemes library to define a catamorphism (a bottom-up
traversal) over our ADT. At each node in our structure, we apply the
function diversifyF
(see also diversify
), which adds constructors to our
variant (without making any changes).
In the following example, a List1
is changed to a List2
. Note how the
type applications extension (-XTypeApplications) can be used to easily
specify the first type argument to diversifyF
, which is the row the
variant is extended with.
result1 :: List2 Int result1 =cata
@("cons2F" .== Cons2F Int)) exList1
Removing Constructors
To convert an ADT of one type to another with fewer constructors, we need
to specify how constructors are removed should they exist in the structure.
The function reduceVarF
removes the constructors in a structure
corresponding to the fields of the record (Rec
from row-types) of its
first argument. This function may only be used to remove constructors; it
can not add or modify them. More specifically, it is constrained such that
the set of labels of the row of the input record must be exactly the set
of labels of the input VarF
less the output VarF
. While more
constrained than strictly necessary, this allows GHC to infer types better.
Note in the example below that there are no annotations other than at the
result2 :: List1 Int result2 =cata
fns) exList2 where fns = #cons2F .== \(Cons2F' a b x) -> Cons1F a (Cons1 b x)
In the following sections we will see how to manipulate open ADT structures more generally.
Remove a constructor using reduceVarF
to convert a List2
to a List1
>>> print result2 Fix (VarF (Cons1F' 2 (Fix (VarF (Cons1F' 3 (Fix (VarF (Cons1F' 4 (Fix (VarF NilF'))))))))))
Pattern Matching
We previously used our constructor patterns to create structures, but the patterns are bidirectional, so we can just as easily match with them. For example, we can write a standard recursion scheme.
result3 :: List2 Int
result3 = cata
alg exList1
alg :: Alg (List1F Int) (List2 Int)
alg (Cons1F a x) = Cons2 a a x
alg NilF = Nil
alg _ = error
"Unfortunately using these patterns will always result in non-\-- \\exhaustive pattern match errors, hence the default case. :("
Use "traditional" pattern matching to write an algebra over a List1
>>> print result3 Fix (VarF (Cons2F' 0 0 (Fix (VarF (Cons2F' 1 1 (Fix (VarF NilF')))))))
Explicit Cases
An alternative that does not produce incomplete pattern warnings is to use
the caseonF
or switchF
functions (which are versions of caseon
that operate on a VarF
). Similar to reduceVarF
, these functions
require a record of functions that are then applied to the variant. However,
and switchF
are more general than reduceVarF
in the sense that
the return type of the functions are not restricted. Note that the labels
and functions of the provided record must exactly match that of the input
type: no constructors may be omitted, nor is it possible to write any kind
of default case.
result4 :: List1 String result4 =cata
r) exList1 where r = #nilF .== (\NilF' -> Nil) .+ #cons1F .== (\(Cons1F' a x) -> Cons1 (show @Int a) x)
A Type Class Approach
An alternative approach to direct pattern matching is using type classes to
define each case of an open ADT. The type class function can then be applied
to each value in an ADT recursively with cata
as we have seen before.
This approach is beneficial compared to direct pattern matching because the compiler can find "non-exhaustive matches" in the form of missing instances. Similar to patterns, the typeclasses are generic enough to work on any open ADT type provided all of that type's constructors satisfy the constraint.
Consider, for example, the following class that defines an operation for modifying the contents of a list.
class OverList a a' r (f :: * -> *) where fmapList' :: (a -> a') -> f (OpenADT r) -> OpenADT r instance ( OpenAlg r "nilF" NilF (OpenADT r)) => OverList a a' r NilF where fmapList' _ NilF' = Nil instance ( OpenAlg r "cons1F" (Cons1F a') (OpenADT r)) => OverList a a' r (Cons1F a) where fmapList' f (Cons1F' a x) = Cons1 (f a) x instance ( OpenAlg r "cons2F" (Cons2F a') (OpenADT r)) => OverList a a' r (Cons2F a) where fmapList' f (Cons2F' a b x) = Cons2 (f a) (f b) x instance (Forall v (OverList a a' r)) => OverList a a' r (VarF v) where fmapList' f = varFAlg @(OverList a a' r) (fmapList' f)
The class OverList
has instances for all the constructors of List1
. The final step is to recursively apply fmapList'
to the ADT.
fmapList f = cata
(fmapList' f)
The function varFAlg
is used to apply fmapList'
to a VarF
. As long as
all constructors satisfy the required constraint (OverList
in this case),
we do not need to know the exact constructor.
Note that the type of fmapList
is polymorphic in its input and output
rows. Using fmapList
, we can operate on both List1
and List2
types, or
any type that combines the three constructors that have OverList
class OverList a a' r (f :: * -> *) where Source #
This type class defines a fmap-like operation over lists.
OpenAlg r "nilF" NilF (OpenADT r) => OverList a a' r NilF Source # | |
Forall v (OverList a a' r) => OverList a a' r (VarF v) Source # | |
OpenAlg r "cons2F" (Cons2F a') (OpenADT r) => OverList a a' r (Cons2F a) Source # | |
OpenAlg r "cons1F" (Cons1F a') (OpenADT r) => OverList a a' r (Cons1F a) Source # | |
fmapList :: forall a a' r s. (Forall r Functor, Forall r (OverList a a' s)) => (a -> a') -> OpenADT r -> OpenADT s Source #
Apply the fmapList'
function to any (OpenADT r)
provided all its
constructors satisfy the constraint (OverList a a' s)
Combining Explicit Cases and Type Classes
Suppose we have an ADT where we want to operate on a subset of its constructors. For example, a subset of constructors do not implement a type class that the others do, or perhaps we just want to override a single constructor while using some default implementation for the other cases. These situations can be handled with the type class approach just discussed with overlappable instances. Unfortunately, among other issues, we do not receive compiler errors if we add a constructor but forget to write its instance; the default instance automatically takes over.
Fortunately, we can use a combination of explicit cases and the type class
approach to prevent this from happening. The idea is to partition the ADT
variant and handle each set of constructors separately. To partition the
ADT, we can use multiTrialF
(see also multiTrial
) one or more times.
result7 =cata
alg exList2 where alg :: Alg (List2F Int) (List1 String) alg w = casemultiTrialF
@("cons2F" .== Cons2F Int) w of -- Explicit handling of specified constructors Left v ->caseonF
r v -- All others handled by fmapList' Right leftovers ->fmapList'
(show @Int) leftovers r = #cons2F .== \(Cons2F' a b x) -> Cons1 ("(" <> show a <> " : " <> show b <> ")") x
result7 :: List1 String Source #
Demonstrate how to handle subsets of a VarF
Below is an alternate, but identical, implementation for the case where one
subset of variants matched is a single variant (trialF
is used instead of
result7 =cata
alg exList2 where alg w = casetrialF
w #cons2F of Left (Cons2F' a b x) -> Cons1 ("(" <> show a <> " : " <> show b <> ")") x Right leftovers ->fmapList'
(show @Int) leftovers
>>> print result7 Fix (VarF (Cons1F' "(2 : 3)" (Fix (VarF (Cons1F' "4" (Fix (VarF NilF')))))))