one-liner-0.9.2: Constraint-based generics

LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Safe HaskellNone






type family Constraints' (t :: * -> *) (c :: * -> Constraint) (c1 :: (* -> *) -> Constraint) :: Constraint Source #


type Constraints' Par1 c c1 Source # 
type Constraints' Par1 c c1 = ()
type Constraints' (V1 *) c c1 Source # 
type Constraints' (V1 *) c c1 = ()
type Constraints' (U1 *) c c1 Source # 
type Constraints' (U1 *) c c1 = ()
type Constraints' (Rec1 * f) c c1 Source # 
type Constraints' (Rec1 * f) c c1 = c1 f
type Constraints' (K1 * i a) c c1 Source # 
type Constraints' (K1 * i a) c c1 = c a
type Constraints' ((:+:) * f g) c c1 Source # 
type Constraints' ((:+:) * f g) c c1 = (Constraints' f c c1, Constraints' g c c1)
type Constraints' ((:*:) * f g) c c1 Source # 
type Constraints' ((:*:) * f g) c c1 = (Constraints' f c c1, Constraints' g c c1)
type Constraints' (M1 * i t f) c c1 Source # 
type Constraints' (M1 * i t f) c c1 = Constraints' f c c1
type Constraints' ((:.:) * * f g) c c1 Source # 
type Constraints' ((:.:) * * f g) c c1 = (c1 f, Constraints' g c c1)

type family Satisfies (p :: * -> * -> *) (ks :: [(* -> * -> *) -> Constraint]) :: Constraint Source #


type Satisfies p ([] ((* -> * -> *) -> Constraint)) Source # 
type Satisfies p ([] ((* -> * -> *) -> Constraint)) = ()
type Satisfies p ((:) ((* -> * -> *) -> Constraint) k ks) Source # 
type Satisfies p ((:) ((* -> * -> *) -> Constraint) k ks) = (k p, Satisfies p ks)

class (ks :: [(* -> * -> *) -> Constraint]) |- (k :: (* -> * -> *) -> Constraint) where Source #

Minimal complete definition



(|-) :: Satisfies p ks => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 k -> (k p => p a b) -> p a b Source #


((:) ((* -> * -> *) -> Constraint) k _ks) |- k Source # 


(|-) :: Satisfies p ((((* -> * -> *) -> Constraint) ': k) _ks) => proxy0 ((((* -> * -> *) -> Constraint) ': k) _ks) -> proxy1 k -> (k p -> p a b) -> p a b Source #

(|-) ks k => ((:) ((* -> * -> *) -> Constraint) _k ks) |- k Source # 


(|-) :: Satisfies p ((((* -> * -> *) -> Constraint) ': _k) ks) => proxy0 ((((* -> * -> *) -> Constraint) ': _k) ks) -> proxy1 k -> (k p -> p a b) -> p a b Source #

generic' :: forall t c p ks a b proxy0 for. (ADT_ Identity Proxy ks t, Constraints' t c AnyType, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> for c -> (forall s. c s => p s s) -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

generic1' :: forall t c1 p ks a b proxy0 for. (ADT_ Proxy Identity ks t, Constraints' t AnyType c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> for c1 -> (forall s d e. c1 s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

generic01' :: forall t c0 c1 p ks a b proxy0 for for1. (ADT_ Identity Identity ks t, Constraints' t c0 c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> for c0 -> (forall s. c0 s => p s s) -> for1 c1 -> (forall s d e. c1 s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

class ADT_ (nullary :: * -> *) (unary :: * -> *) (ks :: [(* -> * -> *) -> Constraint]) (t :: * -> *) where Source #

Minimal complete definition



generic_ :: (Constraints' t c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 nullary -> for c -> (forall s. c s => nullary (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall s1 d e. c1 s1 => unary (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> unary (p a b) -> p (t a) (t b) Source #


(|-) ks Profunctor => ADT_ nullary Identity ks Par1 Source # 


generic_ :: (Constraints' Par1 c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 nullary -> for c -> (forall s. c s => nullary (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall (s1 :: * -> *) d e. c1 s1 => Identity (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> Identity (p a b) -> p (Par1 a) (Par1 b) Source #

(|-) ks GenericUnitProfunctor => ADT_ nullary unary ks (U1 *) Source # 


generic_ :: (Constraints' (U1 *) c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 nullary -> for c -> (forall s. c s => nullary (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall (s1 :: * -> *) d e. c1 s1 => unary (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> unary (p a b) -> p (U1 * a) (U1 * b) Source #

(|-) ks GenericEmptyProfunctor => ADT_ nullary unary ks (V1 *) Source # 


generic_ :: (Constraints' (V1 *) c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 nullary -> for c -> (forall s. c s => nullary (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall (s1 :: * -> *) d e. c1 s1 => unary (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> unary (p a b) -> p (V1 * a) (V1 * b) Source #

(|-) ks Profunctor => ADT_ nullary Identity ks (Rec1 * f) Source # 


generic_ :: (Constraints' (Rec1 * f) c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 nullary -> for c -> (forall s. c s => nullary (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall (s1 :: * -> *) d e. c1 s1 => Identity (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> Identity (p a b) -> p (Rec1 * f a) (Rec1 * f b) Source #

((|-) ks GenericProductProfunctor, ADT_ nullary unary ks f, ADT_ nullary unary ks g) => ADT_ nullary unary ks ((:*:) * f g) Source # 


generic_ :: (Constraints' ((* :*: f) g) c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 nullary -> for c -> (forall s. c s => nullary (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall (s1 :: * -> *) d e. c1 s1 => unary (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> unary (p a b) -> p ((* :*: f) g a) ((* :*: f) g b) Source #

((|-) ks GenericSumProfunctor, ADT_ nullary unary ks f, ADT_ nullary unary ks g) => ADT_ nullary unary ks ((:+:) * f g) Source # 


generic_ :: (Constraints' ((* :+: f) g) c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 nullary -> for c -> (forall s. c s => nullary (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall (s1 :: * -> *) d e. c1 s1 => unary (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> unary (p a b) -> p ((* :+: f) g a) ((* :+: f) g b) Source #

(|-) ks Profunctor => ADT_ Identity unary ks (K1 * i v) Source # 


generic_ :: (Constraints' (K1 * i v) c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 Identity -> for c -> (forall s. c s => Identity (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall (s1 :: * -> *) d e. c1 s1 => unary (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> unary (p a b) -> p (K1 * i v a) (K1 * i v b) Source #

((|-) ks Profunctor, ADT_ nullary Identity ks g) => ADT_ nullary Identity ks ((:.:) * * f g) Source # 


generic_ :: (Constraints' ((* :.: *) f g) c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 nullary -> for c -> (forall s. c s => nullary (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall (s1 :: * -> *) d e. c1 s1 => Identity (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> Identity (p a b) -> p ((* :.: *) f g a) ((* :.: *) f g b) Source #

((|-) ks Profunctor, ADT_ nullary unary ks f) => ADT_ nullary unary ks (M1 * i c f) Source # 


generic_ :: (Constraints' (M1 * i c f) c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 nullary -> for c -> (forall s. c s => nullary (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall (s1 :: * -> *) d e. c1 s1 => unary (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> unary (p a b) -> p (M1 * i c f a) (M1 * i c f b) Source #

(|-) ks GenericEmptyProfunctor => ADT_ (Proxy *) unary ks (K1 * i v) Source # 


generic_ :: (Constraints' (K1 * i v) c c1, Satisfies p ks) => proxy0 ks -> proxy1 (Proxy *) -> for c -> (forall s. c s => Proxy * (p s s)) -> for1 c1 -> (forall (s1 :: * -> *) d e. c1 s1 => unary (p d e -> p (s1 d) (s1 e))) -> unary (p a b) -> p (K1 * i v a) (K1 * i v b) Source #

absurd :: V1 a -> b Source #

e1 :: (f a -> b) -> (g a -> b) -> (f :+: g) a -> b Source #

fst1 :: (f :*: g) a -> f a Source #

snd1 :: (f :*: g) a -> g a Source #

class Profunctor p => GenericUnitProfunctor p where Source #

Minimal complete definition



unit :: p (U1 a) (U1 a') Source #


Applicative f => GenericUnitProfunctor (Star f) Source # 


unit :: Star f (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

Functor f => GenericUnitProfunctor (Costar f) Source # 


unit :: Costar f (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

GenericUnitProfunctor (Tagged *) Source # 


unit :: Tagged * (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

GenericUnitProfunctor (Ctor *) Source # 


unit :: Ctor * (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

Applicative f => GenericUnitProfunctor (Zip f) Source # 


unit :: Zip f (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

GenericUnitProfunctor ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep) Source # 


unit :: (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

Applicative f => GenericUnitProfunctor (Joker * * f) Source # 


unit :: Joker * * f (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

Divisible f => GenericUnitProfunctor (Clown * * f) Source # 


unit :: Clown * * f (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

(GenericUnitProfunctor p, GenericUnitProfunctor q) => GenericUnitProfunctor (Product * * p q) Source # 


unit :: Product * * p q (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

(Applicative f, GenericUnitProfunctor p) => GenericUnitProfunctor (Tannen * * * f p) Source # 


unit :: Tannen * * * f p (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

(Functor f, Applicative g, Profunctor p, GenericUnitProfunctor p) => GenericUnitProfunctor (Biff * * * * p f g) Source # 


unit :: Biff * * * * p f g (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

class Profunctor p => GenericProductProfunctor p where Source #

Minimal complete definition



mult :: p (f a) (f' a') -> p (g a) (g' a') -> p ((f :*: g) a) ((f' :*: g') a') Source #


Applicative f => GenericProductProfunctor (Star f) Source # 


mult :: Star f (f a) (f' a') -> Star f (g a) (g' a') -> Star f ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

Functor f => GenericProductProfunctor (Costar f) Source # 


mult :: Costar f (f a) (f' a') -> Costar f (g a) (g' a') -> Costar f ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

GenericProductProfunctor (Tagged *) Source # 


mult :: Tagged * (f a) (f' a') -> Tagged * (g a) (g' a') -> Tagged * ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

GenericProductProfunctor (Ctor *) Source # 


mult :: Ctor * (f a) (f' a') -> Ctor * (g a) (g' a') -> Ctor * ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

Applicative f => GenericProductProfunctor (Zip f) Source # 


mult :: Zip f (f a) (f' a') -> Zip f (g a) (g' a') -> Zip f ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

GenericProductProfunctor ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep) Source # 


mult :: (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) (f a) (f' a') -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) (g a) (g' a') -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

Applicative f => GenericProductProfunctor (Joker * * f) Source # 


mult :: Joker * * f (f a) (f' a') -> Joker * * f (g a) (g' a') -> Joker * * f ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

Divisible f => GenericProductProfunctor (Clown * * f) Source # 


mult :: Clown * * f (f a) (f' a') -> Clown * * f (g a) (g' a') -> Clown * * f ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

(GenericProductProfunctor p, GenericProductProfunctor q) => GenericProductProfunctor (Product * * p q) Source # 


mult :: Product * * p q (f a) (f' a') -> Product * * p q (g a) (g' a') -> Product * * p q ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

(Applicative f, GenericProductProfunctor p) => GenericProductProfunctor (Tannen * * * f p) Source # 


mult :: Tannen * * * f p (f a) (f' a') -> Tannen * * * f p (g a) (g' a') -> Tannen * * * f p ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

(Functor f, Applicative g, Profunctor p, GenericProductProfunctor p) => GenericProductProfunctor (Biff * * * * p f g) Source # 


mult :: Biff * * * * p f g (f a) (f' a') -> Biff * * * * p f g (g a) (g' a') -> Biff * * * * p f g ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

class Profunctor p => GenericSumProfunctor p where Source #

Minimal complete definition



plus :: p (f a) (f' a') -> p (g a) (g' a') -> p ((f :+: g) a) ((f' :+: g') a') Source #


Applicative f => GenericSumProfunctor (Star f) Source # 


plus :: Star f (f a) (f' a') -> Star f (g a) (g' a') -> Star f ((k :+: f) g a) ((k :+: f') g' a') Source #

GenericSumProfunctor (Ctor *) Source # 


plus :: Ctor * (f a) (f' a') -> Ctor * (g a) (g' a') -> Ctor * ((k :+: f) g a) ((k :+: f') g' a') Source #

Alternative f => GenericSumProfunctor (Zip f) Source # 


plus :: Zip f (f a) (f' a') -> Zip f (g a) (g' a') -> Zip f ((k :+: f) g a) ((k :+: f') g' a') Source #

GenericSumProfunctor ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep) Source # 


plus :: (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) (f a) (f' a') -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) (g a) (g' a') -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) ((k :+: f) g a) ((k :+: f') g' a') Source #

Alternative f => GenericSumProfunctor (Joker * * f) Source # 


plus :: Joker * * f (f a) (f' a') -> Joker * * f (g a) (g' a') -> Joker * * f ((k :+: f) g a) ((k :+: f') g' a') Source #

Decidable f => GenericSumProfunctor (Clown * * f) Source # 


plus :: Clown * * f (f a) (f' a') -> Clown * * f (g a) (g' a') -> Clown * * f ((k :+: f) g a) ((k :+: f') g' a') Source #

(GenericSumProfunctor p, GenericSumProfunctor q) => GenericSumProfunctor (Product * * p q) Source # 


plus :: Product * * p q (f a) (f' a') -> Product * * p q (g a) (g' a') -> Product * * p q ((k :+: f) g a) ((k :+: f') g' a') Source #

(Applicative f, GenericSumProfunctor p) => GenericSumProfunctor (Tannen * * * f p) Source # 


plus :: Tannen * * * f p (f a) (f' a') -> Tannen * * * f p (g a) (g' a') -> Tannen * * * f p ((k :+: f) g a) ((k :+: f') g' a') Source #

class Profunctor p => GenericEmptyProfunctor p where Source #

Minimal complete definition

identity, zero


identity :: p a a Source #

zero :: p (V1 a) (V1 a') Source #


class (Profunctor p, GenericUnitProfunctor p, GenericProductProfunctor p) => GenericRecordProfunctor p Source #

A generic function using a GenericRecordProfunctor works on any data type with exactly one constructor, a.k.a. records, with multiple fields (mult) or no fields (unit).

GenericRecordProfunctor is similar to ProductProfuctor from the product-profunctor package, but using types from GHC.Generics.

class (GenericRecordProfunctor p, GenericSumProfunctor p) => GenericNonEmptyProfunctor p Source #

A generic function using a GenericNonEmptyProfunctor works on any data type with at least one constructor.

class (GenericNonEmptyProfunctor p, GenericEmptyProfunctor p) => GenericProfunctor p Source #

A generic function using a GenericProfunctor works on any algebraic data type, including those with no constructors and constants.

data Ctor a b Source #





Profunctor (Ctor *) Source # 


dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Ctor * b c -> Ctor * a d #

lmap :: (a -> b) -> Ctor * b c -> Ctor * a c #

rmap :: (b -> c) -> Ctor * a b -> Ctor * a c #

(#.) :: Coercible * c b => (b -> c) -> Ctor * a b -> Ctor * a c #

(.#) :: Coercible * b a => Ctor * b c -> (a -> b) -> Ctor * a c #

GenericEmptyProfunctor (Ctor *) Source # 


identity :: Ctor * a a Source #

zero :: Ctor * (V1 k a) (V1 k a') Source #

GenericSumProfunctor (Ctor *) Source # 


plus :: Ctor * (f a) (f' a') -> Ctor * (g a) (g' a') -> Ctor * ((k :+: f) g a) ((k :+: f') g' a') Source #

GenericProductProfunctor (Ctor *) Source # 


mult :: Ctor * (f a) (f' a') -> Ctor * (g a) (g' a') -> Ctor * ((k :*: f) g a) ((k :*: f') g' a') Source #

GenericUnitProfunctor (Ctor *) Source # 


unit :: Ctor * (U1 k a) (U1 k a') Source #

record :: forall c p t. (ADTRecord t, Constraints t c, GenericRecordProfunctor p) => (forall s. c s => p s s) -> p t t Source #

record1 :: forall c p t a b. (ADTRecord1 t, Constraints1 t c, GenericRecordProfunctor p) => (forall d e s. c s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

record01 :: forall c0 c1 p t a b. (ADTRecord1 t, Constraints01 t c0 c1, GenericRecordProfunctor p) => (forall s. c0 s => p s s) -> (forall d e s. c1 s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

nonEmpty :: forall c p t. (ADTNonEmpty t, Constraints t c, GenericNonEmptyProfunctor p) => (forall s. c s => p s s) -> p t t Source #

nonEmpty1 :: forall c p t a b. (ADTNonEmpty1 t, Constraints1 t c, GenericNonEmptyProfunctor p) => (forall d e s. c s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

nonEmpty01 :: forall c0 c1 p t a b. (ADTNonEmpty1 t, Constraints01 t c0 c1, GenericNonEmptyProfunctor p) => (forall s. c0 s => p s s) -> (forall d e s. c1 s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

generic :: forall c p t. (ADT t, Constraints t c, GenericProfunctor p) => (forall s. c s => p s s) -> p t t Source #

generic1 :: forall c p t a b. (ADT1 t, Constraints1 t c, GenericProfunctor p) => (forall d e s. c s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

generic01 :: forall c0 c1 p t a b. (ADT1 t, Constraints01 t c0 c1, GenericProfunctor p) => (forall s. c0 s => p s s) -> (forall d e s. c1 s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

type Constraints t c = Constraints' (Rep t) c AnyType Source #

Constraints is a constraint type synonym, containing the constraint requirements for an instance for t of class c. It requires an instance of class c for each component of t.

type Constraints01 t c0 c1 = Constraints' (Rep1 t) c0 c1 Source #

type ADTRecord t = (Generic t, ADTRecord' (Rep t), Constraints t AnyType) Source #

ADTRecord is a constraint type synonym. An instance is an ADT with *exactly* one constructor.

type ADTNonEmpty t = (Generic t, ADTNonEmpty' (Rep t), Constraints t AnyType) Source #

ADTNonEmpty is a constraint type synonym. An instance is an ADT with *at least* one constructor.

type ADT t = (Generic t, ADT' (Rep t), Constraints t AnyType) Source #

ADT is a constraint type synonym. The Generic instance can be derived, and any generic representation will be an instance of ADT' and AnyType.

ctorIndex :: ADT t => t -> Int Source #

Get the index in the lists returned by create and createA of the constructor of the given value.

For example, this is the implementation of put that generates the binary data that the above implentation of get expects:

put t = putWord8 (toEnum (ctorIndex t)) <> gfoldMap @Binary put t

ctorIndex1 :: ADT1 t => t a -> Int Source #

class AnyType (a :: k) Source #

Any type is instance of AnyType, you can use it with @AnyType if you don't actually need a class constraint.


type family FunResult t where ... Source #

The result type of a curried function.

If r is not a function type (i.e., does not unify with `_ -> _`):

FunResult (a -> r) ~ r
FunResult (a -> b -> r) ~ r
FunResult (a -> b -> c -> r) ~ r


FunResult (a -> b) = FunResult b 
FunResult r = r 

class FunConstraints c t where Source #

Automatically apply a lifted function to a polymorphic argument as many times as possible.

A constraint `FunConstraint c t` is equivalent to the conjunction of constraints `c s` for every argument type of t.

If r is not a function type:

c a :- FunConstraints c (a -> r)
(c a, c b) :- FunConstraints c (a -> b -> r)
(c a, c b, c d) :- FunConstraints c (a -> b -> d -> r)

Minimal complete definition



autoApply :: Applicative f => (forall s. c s => f s) -> f t -> f (FunResult t) Source #


(~) * (FunResult r) r => FunConstraints c r Source # 


autoApply :: Applicative f => (forall s. c s => f s) -> f r -> f (FunResult r) Source #

(c a, FunConstraints c b) => FunConstraints c (a -> b) Source # 


autoApply :: Applicative f => (forall s. c s => f s) -> f (a -> b) -> f (FunResult (a -> b)) Source #