newsynth- Exact and approximate synthesis of quantum circuits

Safe HaskellNone




This module provides fixed but arbitrary sized vectors and matrices. The dimensions of the vectors and matrices are determined by the type, for example,

 Matrix Two Three Complex

for complex 2×3-matrices. The type system ensures that there are no run-time dimension errors.


Type-level natural numbers

Note: with Haskell 7.4.2 data-kinds, this could be replaced by a tighter definition; however, the following works just fine in Haskell 7.2.

data Zero Source

Type-level representation of zero.


Nat Zero 
(Ring a, Eq a, Adjoint a) => ToClifford (SO3 a) 
RootHalfRing a => FromGates (SO3 a) 
(RootHalfRing a, ComplexRing a) => FromGates (U2 a) 
ToQOmega a => ToGates (SO3 a) 
ToQOmega a => ToGates (U2 a) 

data Succ a Source

Type-level representation of successor.


(Ring a, Eq a, Adjoint a) => ToClifford (SO3 a) 
Nat a => Nat (Succ a) 
RootHalfRing a => FromGates (SO3 a) 
(RootHalfRing a, ComplexRing a) => FromGates (U2 a) 
ToQOmega a => ToGates (SO3 a) 
ToQOmega a => ToGates (U2 a) 

type One = Succ ZeroSource

The natural number 1 as a type.

type Two = Succ OneSource

The natural number 2 as a type.

type Three = Succ TwoSource

The natural number 3 as a type.

type Four = Succ ThreeSource

The natural number 4 as a type.

type Five = Succ FourSource

The natural number 5 as a type.

type Six = Succ FiveSource

The natural number 6 as a type.

type Seven = Succ SixSource

The natural number 7 as a type.

type Eight = Succ SevenSource

The natural number 8 as a type.

type Nine = Succ EightSource

The natural number 9 as a type.

type Ten = Succ NineSource

The natural number 10 as a type.

type Ten_and a = Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ a)))))))))Source

The 10th successor of a natural number type. For example, the natural number 18 as a type is

 Ten_and Eight

data NNat whereSource

A data type for the natural numbers. Specifically, if n is a type-level natural number, then

 NNat n

is a singleton type containing only the natural number n.


Zero :: NNat Zero 
Succ :: Nat n => NNat n -> NNat (Succ n) 


Show (NNat n) 

fromNNat :: NNat n -> IntegerSource

Convert an NNat to an Integer.

class Nat n whereSource

A type class for the natural numbers. The members are exactly the type-level natural numbers.


nnat :: NNat nSource

Return a term-level natural number corresponding to this type-level natural number.

nat :: n -> IntegerSource

Return a term-level integer corresponding to this type-level natural number. The argument is just a dummy argument and is not evaluated.


Nat Zero 
Nat a => Nat (Succ a) 

type family Plus n m Source

Addition of type-level natural numbers.

type family Times n m Source

Multiplication of type-level natural numbers.

Fixed-length vectors

data Vector whereSource

Vector n a is the type of lists of length n with elements from a. We call this a "vector" rather than a tuple or list for two reasons: the vectors are homogeneous (all elements have the same type), and they are strict: if any one component is undefined, the whole vector is undefined.


Nil :: Vector Zero a 
Cons :: !a -> !(Vector n a) -> Vector (Succ n) a 


Eq a => Eq (Vector n a) 
Show a => Show (Vector n a) 
DenomExp a => DenomExp (Vector n a) 
WholePart a b => WholePart (Vector n a) (Vector n b) 
ToDyadic a b => ToDyadic (Vector n a) (Vector n b) 
Residue a b => Residue (Vector n a) (Vector n b) 

vector_singleton :: a -> Vector One aSource

Construct a vector of length 1.

vector_length :: Nat n => Vector n a -> IntegerSource

Return the length of a vector. Since this information is contained in the type, the vector argument is never evaluated and can be a dummy (undefined) argument.

list_of_vector :: Vector n a -> [a]Source

Convert a fixed-length list to an ordinary list.

vector_zipwith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector n a -> Vector n b -> Vector n cSource

Zip two equal length lists.

vector_map :: (a -> b) -> Vector n a -> Vector n bSource

Map a function over a fixed-length list.

vector_enum :: (Num a, Nat n) => Vector n aSource

Create the vector (0, 1, …, n-1).

vector_of_function :: (Num a, Nat n) => (a -> b) -> Vector n bSource

Create the vector (f(0), f(1), …, f(n-1)).

vector :: Nat n => [a] -> Vector n aSource

Construct a vector from a list. Note: since the length of the vector is a type-level integer, it cannot be inferred from the length of the input list; instead, it must be specified explicitly in the type. It is an error to apply this function to a list of the wrong length.

vector_index :: Integral i => Vector n a -> i -> aSource

Return the ith element of the vector. Counting starts from 0. Throws an error if the index is out of range.

vector_repeat :: Nat n => a -> Vector n aSource

Return a fixed-length list consisting of a repetition of the given element. Unlike replicate, no count is needed, because this information is already contained in the type. However, the type must of course be inferable from the context.

vector_transpose :: Nat m => Vector n (Vector m a) -> Vector m (Vector n a)Source

Turn a list of columns into a list of rows.

vector_foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector n b -> aSource

Left strict fold over a fixed-length list.

vector_foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector n a -> bSource

Right fold over a fixed-length list.

vector_tail :: Vector (Succ n) a -> Vector n aSource

Return the tail of a fixed-length list. Note that the type system ensures that this never fails.

vector_head :: Vector (Succ n) a -> aSource

Return the head of a fixed-length list. Note that the type system ensures that this never fails.

vector_append :: Vector n a -> Vector m a -> Vector (n `Plus` m) aSource

Append two fixed-length lists.

vector_sequence :: Monad m => Vector n (m a) -> m (Vector n a)Source

Version of sequence for fixed-length lists.


data Matrix m n a Source

An m×n-matrix is a list of n columns, each of which is a list of m scalars. The type of square matrices of any fixed dimension is an instance of the Ring class, and therefore the usual symbols, such as "+" and "*" can be used on them. However, the non-square matrices, the symbols ".+." and ".*." must be used.


Matrix !(Vector n (Vector m a)) 


(Ring a, Eq a, Adjoint a) => ToClifford (SO3 a) 
RootHalfRing a => FromGates (SO3 a) 
(RootHalfRing a, ComplexRing a) => FromGates (U2 a) 
ToQOmega a => ToGates (SO3 a) 
ToQOmega a => ToGates (U2 a) 
Eq a => Eq (Matrix m n a) 
(Num a, Nat n) => Num (Matrix n n a) 
Nat m => Show (Matrix m n DOmega) 
Nat m => Show (Matrix m n DRComplex) 
Nat m => Show (Matrix m n DRootTwo) 
(Nat m, Show a) => Show (Matrix m n a) 
DenomExp a => DenomExp (Matrix m n a) 
(Nat n, Adjoint2 a) => Adjoint2 (Matrix n n a) 
(Nat n, Adjoint a) => Adjoint (Matrix n n a) 
(ComplexRing a, Nat n) => ComplexRing (Matrix n n a) 
(RootHalfRing a, Nat n) => RootHalfRing (Matrix n n a) 
(RootTwoRing a, Nat n) => RootTwoRing (Matrix n n a) 
(HalfRing a, Nat n) => HalfRing (Matrix n n a) 
Nat n => ShowLaTeX (Matrix n m DRComplex) 
Nat n => ShowLaTeX (Matrix n m DOmega) 
(ShowLaTeX a, Nat n) => ShowLaTeX (Matrix n m a) 
WholePart a b => WholePart (Matrix m n a) (Matrix m n b) 
ToDyadic a b => ToDyadic (Matrix m n a) (Matrix m n b) 
Residue a b => Residue (Matrix m n a) (Matrix m n b) 

unMatrix :: Matrix m n a -> Vector n (Vector m a)Source

Decompose a matrix into a list of columns.

matrix_size :: (Nat m, Nat n) => Matrix m n a -> (Integer, Integer)Source

Return the size (m, n) of a matrix, where m is the number of rows, and n is the number of columns. Since this information is contained in the type, the matrix argument is not evaluated and can be a dummy (undefined) argument.

Basic matrix operations

(.+.) :: Num a => Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n aSource

Addition of m×n-matrices. We use a special symbol because m×n-matrices do not form a ring; only n×n-matrices form a ring (in which case the normal symbol "+" also works).

(.-.) :: Num a => Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n aSource

Subtraction of m×n-matrices. We use a special symbol because m×n-matrices do not form a ring; only n×n-matrices form a ring (in which case the normal symbol "-" also works).

matrix_map :: (a -> b) -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n bSource

Map some function over every element of a matrix.

matrix_enum :: (Num a, Nat n, Nat m) => Matrix m n (a, a)Source

Create the matrix whose i,j-entry is (i,j). Here i and j are 0-based, i.e., the top left entry is (0,0).

matrix_of_function :: (Num a, Nat n, Nat m) => (a -> a -> b) -> Matrix m n bSource

Create the matrix whose i,j-entry is f i j. Here i and j are 0-based, i.e., the top left entry is f 0 0.

scalarmult :: Num a => a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n aSource

Multiplication of a scalar and an m×n-matrix.

scalardiv :: Fractional a => Matrix m n a -> a -> Matrix m n aSource

Division of an m×n-matrix by a scalar.

(.*.) :: (Num a, Nat m) => Matrix m n a -> Matrix n p a -> Matrix m p aSource

Multiplication of m×n-matrices. We use a special symbol because m×n-matrices do not form a ring; only n×n-matrices form a ring (in which case the normal symbol "*" also works).

null_matrix :: (Num a, Nat n, Nat m) => Matrix m n aSource

Return the 0 matrix of the given dimension.

matrix_transpose :: Nat m => Matrix m n a -> Matrix n m aSource

Take the transpose of an m×n-matrix.

adjoint :: (Nat m, Adjoint a) => Matrix m n a -> Matrix n m aSource

Take the adjoint of an m×n-matrix. Unlike adj, this can be applied to non-square matrices.

matrix_index :: Integral i => Matrix m n a -> i -> i -> aSource

Return the element in the ith row and jth column of the matrix. Counting of rows and columns starts from 0. Throws an error if the index is out of range.

matrix_entries :: Matrix m n a -> [a]Source

Return a list of all the entries of a matrix, in some fixed but unspecified order.

matrix_sequence :: Monad m => Matrix n p (m a) -> m (Matrix n p a)Source

Version of sequence for matrices.

tr :: Ring a => Matrix n n a -> aSource

Return the trace of a square matrix.

hs_sqnorm :: (Ring a, Adjoint a, Nat n) => Matrix n m a -> aSource

Return the square of the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of an m×n-matrix, defined by ‖M‖² = tr MM.

Operations on block matrices

stack_vertical :: Matrix m n a -> Matrix p n a -> Matrix (m `Plus` p) n aSource

Stack matrices vertically.

stack_horizontal :: Matrix m n a -> Matrix m p a -> Matrix m (n `Plus` p) aSource

Stack matrices horizontally.

tensor_vertical :: (Num a, Nat n) => Vector p a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix (p `Times` m) n aSource

Repeat a matrix vertically, according to some vector of scalars.

concat_vertical :: (Num a, Nat n) => Vector p (Matrix m n a) -> Matrix (p `Times` m) n aSource

Vertically concatenate a vector of matrices.

tensor_horizontal :: (Num a, Nat m) => Vector p a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix m (p `Times` n) aSource

Repeat a matrix horizontally, according to some vector of scalars.

concat_horizontal :: (Num a, Nat m) => Vector p (Matrix m n a) -> Matrix m (p `Times` n) aSource

Horizontally concatenate a vector of matrices.

tensor :: (Num a, Nat n, Nat (p `Times` m)) => Matrix p q a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix (p `Times` m) (q `Times` n) aSource

Kronecker tensor of two matrices.

oplus :: (Num a, Nat m, Nat q, Nat n, Nat p) => Matrix p q a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix (p `Plus` m) (q `Plus` n) aSource

Form a diagonal block matrix.

matrix_controlled :: (Eq a, Num a, Nat n) => Matrix n n a -> Matrix (n `Plus` n) (n `Plus` n) aSource

Form a controlled gate.

Constructors and destructors

type U2 a = Matrix Two Two aSource

A convenient abbreviation for the type of 2×2-matrices.

type SO3 a = Matrix Three Three aSource

A convenient abbreviation for the type of 3×3-matrices.

matrix_of_columns :: (Nat n, Nat m) => [[a]] -> Matrix n m aSource

A convenience constructor for matrices: turn a list of columns into a matrix.

Note: since the dimensions of the matrix are type-level integers, they cannot be inferred from the dimensions of the input; instead, they must be specified explicitly in the type. It is an error to apply this function to a list of the wrong dimension.

matrix_of_rows :: (Nat n, Nat m) => [[a]] -> Matrix n m aSource

A convenience constructor for matrices: turn a list of rows into a matrix.

Note: since the dimensions of the matrix are type-level integers, they cannot be inferred from the dimensions of the input; instead, they must be specified explicitly in the type. It is an error to apply this function to a list of the wrong dimension.

matrix :: (Nat n, Nat m) => [[a]] -> Matrix n m aSource

A synonym for matrix_of_rows.

columns_of_matrix :: Matrix n m a -> [[a]]Source

Turn a matrix into a list of columns.

rows_of_matrix :: Nat n => Matrix n m a -> [[a]]Source

Turn a matrix into a list of rows.

matrix2x2 :: (a, a) -> (a, a) -> Matrix Two Two aSource

A convenience constructor for 2×2-matrices. The arguments are by rows.

from_matrix2x2 :: Matrix Two Two a -> ((a, a), (a, a))Source

A convenience destructor for 2×2-matrices. The result is by rows.

matrix3x3 :: (a, a, a) -> (a, a, a) -> (a, a, a) -> Matrix Three Three aSource

A convenience constructor for 3×3-matrices. The arguments are by rows.

matrix4x4 :: (a, a, a, a) -> (a, a, a, a) -> (a, a, a, a) -> (a, a, a, a) -> Matrix Four Four aSource

A convenience constructor for 4×4-matrices. The arguments are by rows.

column3 :: (a, a, a) -> Matrix Three One aSource

A convenience constructor for 3-dimensional column vectors.

from_column3 :: Matrix Three One a -> (a, a, a)Source

A convenience destructor for 3-dimensional column vectors. This is the inverse of column3.

column_matrix :: Vector n a -> Matrix n One aSource

A convenience constructor for turning a vector into a column matrix.

Particular matrices

cnot :: Num a => Matrix Four Four aSource

Controlled-not gate.

swap :: Num a => Matrix Four Four aSource

Swap gate.

zrot :: (Eq r, Floating r, Adjoint r) => r -> Matrix Two Two (Cplx r)Source

A z-rotation gate, Rz(θ) = eiθZ/2.