{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module: NetSpider.Unify
-- Description: LinkSampleUnifier type
-- Maintainer: Toshio Ito <debug.ito@gmail.com>
module NetSpider.Unify
       ( -- * Types
         -- * Standard unifiers
         -- * Building blocks
       ) where

import Control.Monad (mapM)
import Data.Foldable (maximumBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable(hashWithSalt))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import GHC.Exts (groupWith)

import NetSpider.Found (FoundLink, LinkState)
import NetSpider.Log (WriterLoggingM, logDebugW, spack)
import NetSpider.Pair (Pair(..))
import NetSpider.Snapshot (SnapshotNode, nodeTimestamp, nodeId, SnapshotLink)
import NetSpider.Timestamp (Timestamp)

-- | 'LinkSample' is an intermediate type between
-- 'NetSpider.Found.FoundLink' and
-- 'NetSpider.Snapshot.SnapshotLink'. 'LinkSample's are collected from
-- the history graph, and are unified into
-- 'NetSpider.Snapshot.SnapshotLink's.
data LinkSample n la =
  { lsSubjectNode :: !n,
    lsTargetNode :: !n,
    lsLinkState :: !LinkState,
    lsTimestamp :: !Timestamp,
    lsLinkAttributes :: !la
  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

-- | Link ID of the 'LinkSample'. It's the 'Pair' of 'lsSubjectNode'
-- and 'lsTargetNode'.
type LinkSampleID n = Pair n

-- | Get 'LinkSampleID' of the 'LinkSample'.
linkSampleId :: LinkSample n la -> LinkSampleID n
linkSampleId l = Pair (lsSubjectNode l, lsTargetNode l)

-- | Function to unify 'LinkSample's collected for the given pair of
-- nodes and return 'LinkSample' per physical link. The returned
-- 'LinkSample's will be directly converted to 'SnapshotLink's in the
-- snapshot graph.
-- This function has a number of important roles during construction
-- of the snapshot graph.
-- - Because a link can be observed from both of its end nodes, there
--   can be multiple 'LinkSample's for one physical link. This
--   function is supposed to return one reasonable link sample for the
--   physical link from those input link samples.
-- - There can be multiple physical links for a given pair of nodes,
--   but the 'Spider' has no way to distinguish them. So, this
--   function is supposed to distinguish 'LinkSample's for different
--   physical links, and return one or more 'LinkSample's, each of
--   which corresponds to a physical link.
-- - Sometimes a link is found by one end node but not found by the
--   other end node. Should 'Spider' treats the link is available or
--   not? This function is supposed to answer that question by
--   returning non-empty result (if the link is available) or empty
--   result (if the link is not available.)
-- - Sometimes it is natural to have different data models of link
--   attributes for 'FoundLink's (@fla@) and for 'SnapshotLink's
--   (@sla@). For example, when you want to combine link attributes
--   obtained from both of the end nodes to make the link attributes
--   of 'SnapshotLink'. This function is supposed to convert the link
--   attribute type.
type LinkSampleUnifier n na fla sla = SnapshotNode n na -> SnapshotNode n na -> [LinkSample n fla] -> WriterLoggingM [LinkSample n sla]

-- | Unify 'LinkSample's to one. This is the sensible unifier if there
-- is at most one physical link for a given pair of nodes.
unifyToOne :: (Eq n, Show n) => LinkSampleUnifier n na la la
unifyToOne = unifyStd defUnifyStdConfig

-- | Unify 'LinkSample's to possibly multiple samples. The input
-- samples are partitioned to groups based on the link sub-ID, defined
-- by the given getter function. Each group represents one of the
-- final samples.
unifyToMany :: (Eq n, Show n, Ord lsid)
            => (LinkSample n fla -> lsid) -- ^ Getter of the link sub-ID
            -> LinkSampleUnifier n na fla fla
unifyToMany getKey = unifyStd conf
    conf = defUnifyStdConfig { makeLinkSubId = getKey }

-- | Configuration of 'unifyStd'. See 'unifyStd' for detail.
data UnifyStdConfig n na fla sla lsid =
  { makeLinkSubId :: LinkSample n fla -> lsid,
    -- ^ Function to create the link sub-ID from
    -- 'LinkSample'.
    -- Default: always return @()@. All 'LinkSample's have the same
    -- link sub-ID.
    mergeSamples :: [LinkSample n fla] -> [LinkSample n fla] -> Maybe (LinkSample n sla),
    -- ^ Function to merge 'LinkSample's for a physical link. The
    -- input is 'LinkSample's found by each of the end nodes. This
    -- function optionally converts the link attributes from @fla@ to
    -- @sla@.
    -- Default: Concatenate the input 'LinkSample's and get
    -- 'latestLinkSample'.

    negatesLinkSample :: SnapshotNode n na -> LinkSample n sla -> Bool
    -- ^ This function is supposed to return 'True' if the
    -- 'SnapshotNode' negates the presence of the 'LinkSample'.
    -- Default: 'defNegatesLinkSample'.

-- | Default of 'UnifyStdConfig'.
defUnifyStdConfig :: Eq n => UnifyStdConfig n na fla fla ()
defUnifyStdConfig = UnifyStdConfig
                    { makeLinkSubId = const (),
                      mergeSamples = \ls rs -> latestLinkSample (ls ++ rs),
                      negatesLinkSample = defNegatesLinkSample

-- | The standard unifier. This unifier does the following.
-- 1. It partitions 'LinkSample's based on their link sub-IDs. The
--    link sub-ID is defined by 'makeLinkSubId' function. Each link
--    sub-ID corresponds to a physical link.
-- 2. For each partition, 'LinkSample's are merged to one using
--    'mergeSamples' function.
-- 3. After merge, the link is checked against its end nodes. If
--    'negatesLinkSample' returns 'True' for either of the end nodes,
--    the link is removed from the final result.
unifyStd :: (Eq n, Show n, Ord lsid) => UnifyStdConfig n na fla sla lsid -> LinkSampleUnifier n na fla sla
unifyStd conf lnode rnode input_samples = do
  let groups = groupWith (makeLinkSubId conf) input_samples
  logDebug ( "Group " <> (spack $ length input_samples) <> " samples into "
             <> (spack $ length groups) <> " groups by link sub-ID."
  fmap catMaybes $ mapM forGroup $ zip groups ([0 ..] :: [Int])
    logDebug msg = logDebugW ("unifyStd: " <> msg)
    samplesFor samples sn = filter (\s -> nodeId sn == (lsSubjectNode s)) samples
    forGroup (samples, group_i) =
      case mergeSamples conf (samplesFor samples lnode) (samplesFor samples rnode) of
       Nothing -> do
         logDebugG ("No link after mergeSamples")
         return Nothing
       ml -> maybeNegates rnode =<< maybeNegates lnode ml
        logDebugG msg = logDebug ("group " <> spack group_i <> ": "  <> msg)
        maybeNegates _ Nothing = return Nothing
        maybeNegates sn (Just sample) =
          if negatesLinkSample conf sn sample
          then do
            logDebugG ("Merged sample is negated by node " <> (spack $ nodeId sn))
            return Nothing
          else return $ Just sample

-- | Get the 'LinkSample' that has the latest (biggest) timestamp.
latestLinkSample :: [LinkSample n la] -> Maybe (LinkSample n la)
latestLinkSample [] = Nothing
latestLinkSample samples = Just $ maximumBy comp samples
    comp = compare `on` lsTimestamp

-- | Default of 'negatesLinkSample'. This function returns 'True' if
-- all of the following conditions are met.
-- - The 'SnapshotNode' has 'nodeTimestamp'.
-- - The 'nodeTimestamp' is greater (newer) than the link's timestamp.
-- - The 'lsSubjectNode' is not the node ID of the 'SnapshotNode'.
-- If the above conditions are met, it implies that the 'LinkSample'
-- is found by the other end node, but the given 'SnapshotNode' does
-- not find it. This is possibly because the link has just
-- disappeared, so the link should be negated.
defNegatesLinkSample :: Eq n => SnapshotNode n na -> LinkSample n la -> Bool
defNegatesLinkSample sn l =
  case nodeTimestamp sn of
   Nothing -> False
   Just t -> lsTimestamp l < t && lsSubjectNode l /= nodeId sn