mysql-haskell- pure haskell MySQL driver

Copyright(c) Winterland, 2016
Safe HaskellNone




This module provide common MySQL operations,

NOTEs on Exceptions: This package use Exception to deal with unexpected situations, but you shouldn't try to catch them if you don't have a recovery plan, for example: there's no meaning to catch a ERRException during authentication unless you want to try different passwords. By using this library you will meet:

Both UnexpectedPacket and DecodePacketException may indicate a bug of this library rather your code, so please report!


Setting up and control connection

data ConnectInfo Source

Everything you need to establish a MySQL connection.

To setup a TLS connection, use module Database.MySQL.TLS or Database.MySQL.OpenSSL.




ciHost :: HostName
ciPort :: PortNumber
ciDatabase :: ByteString
ciUser :: ByteString
ciPassword :: ByteString

defaultConnectInfo :: ConnectInfo Source

A simple ConnectInfo targeting localhost with user=root and empty password.

connect :: ConnectInfo -> IO MySQLConn Source

Establish a MySQL connection.

connectDetail :: ConnectInfo -> IO (Greeting, MySQLConn) Source

Establish a MySQL connection with Greeting back, so you can find server's version .etc.

close :: MySQLConn -> IO () Source

Close a MySQL connection.

Direct query

execute :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [MySQLValue] -> IO OK Source

Execute a MySQL query with parameters which don't return a result-set.

The query may contain placeholders ?, for filling up parameters, the parameters will be escaped before get filled into the query, please DO NOT enable NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES, and you should consider using prepared statement if this's not an one shot query.

executeMany :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [[MySQLValue]] -> IO [OK] Source

Execute a multi-row query which don't return result-set.

Leverage MySQL's multi-statement support to do batch insert/update/delete, you may want to use withTransaction to make sure it's atomic, and use sum . map okAffectedRows to get all affected rows count.


execute_ :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO OK Source

Execute a MySQL query which don't return a result-set.

query_ :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) Source

Execute a MySQL query which return a result-set.

queryVector_ :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO (Vector ColumnDef, InputStream (Vector MySQLValue)) Source

Vector version of query_.


query :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [MySQLValue] -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) Source

Execute a MySQL query which return a result-set with parameters.

Note that you must fully consumed the result-set before start a new query on the same MySQLConn, or an UnconsumedResultSet will be thrown. if you want to skip the result-set, use skipToEof.

queryVector :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [MySQLValue] -> IO (Vector ColumnDef, InputStream (Vector MySQLValue)) Source

Vector version of query.


Prepared query statement

prepareStmt :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO StmtID Source

Ask MySQL to prepare a query statement.

prepareStmtDetail :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO (StmtPrepareOK, [ColumnDef], [ColumnDef]) Source

Ask MySQL to prepare a query statement.

All details from COM_STMT_PREPARE Response are returned: the StmtPrepareOK packet, params's ColumnDef, result's ColumnDef.

executeStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> [MySQLValue] -> IO OK Source

Execute prepared query statement with parameters, expecting no resultset.

queryStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> [MySQLValue] -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) Source

Execute prepared query statement with parameters, expecting resultset.

Rules about UnconsumedResultSet applied here too.

queryStmtVector :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> [MySQLValue] -> IO (Vector ColumnDef, InputStream (Vector MySQLValue)) Source

Vector version of queryStmt


closeStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> IO () Source

Ask MySQL to closed a query statement.

resetStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> IO () Source

Ask MySQL to reset a query statement, all previous resultset will be cleared.


withTransaction :: MySQLConn -> IO a -> IO a Source

Run querys inside a transaction, querys will be rolled back if exception arise.


newtype Query Source

Query string type borrowed from mysql-simple.

This type is intended to make it difficult to construct a SQL query by concatenating string fragments, as that is an extremely common way to accidentally introduce SQL injection vulnerabilities into an application.

This type is an instance of IsString, so the easiest way to construct a query is to enable the OverloadedStrings language extension and then simply write the query in double quotes.

The underlying type is a ByteString, and literal Haskell strings that contain Unicode characters will be correctly transformed to UTF-8.



command :: MySQLConn -> Command -> IO OK Source

Send a Command which don't return a resultSet.

skipToEof :: InputStream a -> IO ()


MySQL protocol