{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module MXNet.NN (
) where

import MXNet.Core.Base hiding (bind, context, (^.))
import MXNet.Core.Base.Internal
import qualified MXNet.Core.Base.NDArray as A
import qualified MXNet.Core.Base.Symbol as S
import qualified MXNet.Core.Base.Executor as E
import qualified MXNet.Core.Types.Internal as MXI
import qualified MXNet.Core.Base.Internal.TH.NDArray as MXI
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as ST
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, maybe)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow(..))
import Control.Exception.Base (Exception)
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, traverseOf, use)

-- | A parameter is two 'NDArray' to back a 'Symbol'
data Parameter a = Parameter { _param_in :: NDArray a, _param_grad :: NDArray a }
    deriving Show

-- | Session is all the 'Parameters' and a 'Context'
-- type Session a = (M.HashMap String (Parameter a), Context)
data Session a = Session { _sess_param :: !(M.HashMap String (Parameter a)), _sess_context :: !Context }
makeLenses ''Session
-- | TrainM is a 'StateT' monad
type TrainM a m = ST.StateT (Session a) m

-- | Initializer is about how to create a NDArray from a given shape. 
-- Usually, it can be a wrapper of MXNet operators, such as @random_uniform@, @random_normal@, 
-- @random_gamma@, etc..
type Initializer a = Context -> [Int] -> IO (NDArray a)
type Optimizer a = Context -> NDArray a -> NDArray a -> IO (NDArray a)
-- | Execute the 'TrainM' monad
train :: (DType a, Monad m) => Session a -> TrainM a m r -> m r
train = flip ST.evalStateT

-- | infer the shapes of all the symbols in a symbolic neural network
inferShape :: DType a => Symbol a -> M.HashMap String (NDArray a) -> IO (M.HashMap String [Int])
inferShape sym known = do
    let (names, vals) = unzip $ M.toList known
    shapes <- mapM ndshape vals
    let arg_ind = scanl (+) 0 $ map fst shapes
        arg_shp = concat $ map snd shapes
    (inp_shp, _, _) <- mxSymbolInferShape (S.getHandle sym) names arg_ind arg_shp
    inps <- listInputs sym
    return $ M.fromList $ zip inps inp_shp

-- | For every symbol in the neural network, it can be placeholder or a variable.
-- therefore, a Config is to specify the shape of the placeholder and the 
-- method to initialize the variables.
-- Note that it is not right to specify a symbol as both placeholder and 
-- initializer, although it is tolerated and such a symbol is considered
-- as a variable.
-- Note that any symbol not specified will be initialized with the 
-- _cfg_default_initializer.
data Config a = Config {
    _cfg_placeholders :: M.HashMap String [Int],
    _cfg_initializers :: M.HashMap String (Initializer a),
    _cfg_default_initializer :: Initializer a,
    _cfg_context :: Context

-- | initialize all parameters
initialize :: DType a => Symbol a -> Config a -> IO (Session a)
initialize sym config = do
    let spec1 = M.difference (_cfg_placeholders config) (_cfg_initializers config)
        spec2 = _cfg_initializers config
        dinit = _cfg_default_initializer config
        cxt   = _cfg_context config
    placeholder  <- mapM (\shp -> makeEmptyNDArray shp cxt False) spec1
    inp_with_shp <- inferShape sym placeholder
    args <- M.traverseWithKey (init_with_random_normal placeholder spec2 dinit) inp_with_shp
    return $ Session args cxt
    init_with_random_normal placeholder spec2 dinit inp shp = do
        case M.lookup inp placeholder of
            Just in_arg -> do
                nullarg <- MXI.nullNDArrayHandle
                return $ Parameter in_arg (A.NDArray nullarg)
            Nothing -> do
                arg_in <- case M.lookup inp spec2 of
                    Just cinit -> cinit (_cfg_context config) shp
                    Nothing    -> dinit (_cfg_context config) shp
                arg_gr <- makeEmptyNDArray shp (_cfg_context config) False
                return $ Parameter arg_in arg_gr

-- | bind the symbolic network with actual parameters
bind :: (DType a, MonadIO m) => Symbol a -> Bool -> TrainM a m (Executor a)
bind net train_ = do
    args <- use sess_param
    Context{..} <- use sess_context
    exec_handle <- liftIO $ do
        names <- listInputs net
        nullarg <- MXI.nullNDArrayHandle
        -- the parameters to bind should be arranged in the same order as the names
        let arg_num = fromIntegral (M.size args)
            arg_in  = map (A.getHandle . _param_in) $ map (args M.!) names
            arg_gr  = if train_ 
                        then map (A.getHandle . _param_grad) $ map (args M.!) names
                        else replicate (M.size args) nullarg
            arg_gr_req = replicate (M.size args) 1

        checked $ mxExecutorBind (S.getHandle net) deviceType deviceId
                                            arg_num arg_in arg_gr arg_gr_req 
                                            0 []
    return $ E.Executor exec_handle

-- | single step train. Must provide all the placeholders.
fit :: (DType a, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Optimizer a -> Symbol a -> M.HashMap String (NDArray a) -> TrainM a m ()
fit opt net datAndLbl = do
    shps <- liftIO $ inferShape net datAndLbl
    modifyT . traverseOf sess_param $ M.traverseWithKey $ \k p -> do
        let ishp = shps M.! k
        case M.lookup k datAndLbl of
            Just a  -> liftIO $ update_param (Left a) p
            Nothing -> do
                (_, pshp1) <- liftIO $ ndshape (_param_in p)
                (_, pshp2) <- liftIO $ ndshape (_param_grad p)
                when (ishp /= pshp1 || ishp /= pshp2) (throwM $ MismatchedShape k)
                return p
    exec <- bind net True
    liftIO $ do 
        checked $ mxExecutorForward (E.getHandle exec) 1
        checked $ mxExecutorBackward (E.getHandle exec) 0 []
        -- forward/backward are asynchronised operation in mxnet, in a
        -- sense that only opcodes are pushed onto an internal execution 
        -- stack, and there is a executor running in a separate thread.
        -- It is possible that an OOM of CPU memory occurs, if 'fit' are 
        -- called so fast that too many opcodes and data on the stack, 
        -- as described in issue #1
        checked $ mxNDArrayWaitAll
    cxt <- use sess_context
    modifyT . traverseOf sess_param  $ M.traverseWithKey $ \ k v -> do
        if (not $ M.member k datAndLbl)
            then do new_in <- liftIO $ opt cxt (_param_in v) (_param_grad v) 
                    -- must evaluate the new parameter to WHNF
                    -- otherwise, the old _param_in is retained.
                    -- if context is GPU, then OOM will soon 
                    -- occur, as described in issue #2
                    return $! v {_param_in = new_in}
            else return v

-- | forward only. Must provide all the placeholders, setting the data to @Just xx@, and set label to @Nothing@.
-- Note that the batch size here can be different from that in the training phase.
forwardOnly :: (DType a, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Symbol a -> M.HashMap String (Maybe (NDArray a)) -> TrainM a m [NDArray a]
forwardOnly net dat = do
    shps <- liftIO $ inferShape net (M.map fromJust $ M.filter isJust dat)
    modifyT . traverseOf sess_param $ M.traverseWithKey $ \k p -> do
        let ishp = shps M.! k
        case M.lookup k dat of
            Just a -> liftIO $ update_param (maybe (Right ishp) Left a) p 
            Nothing -> do
                (_, pshp) <- liftIO $ ndshape (_param_in p)
                when (ishp /= pshp) (throwM $ MismatchedShape k)
                return p
    exec <- bind net False
    liftIO $ do
        checked $ mxExecutorForward (E.getHandle exec) 0
        -- for the same reason in 'fit'.
        checked $ mxNDArrayWaitAll
        getOutputs exec

update_param :: DType a => Either (NDArray a) [Int] -> Parameter a -> IO (Parameter a)
update_param (Left a) p = do
    src_cxt <- A.context a
    src_shp <- snd <$> A.ndshape a
    dst_cxt <- A.context (_param_in p)
    dst_shp <- snd <$> A.ndshape (_param_in p)
    case (src_cxt == dst_cxt, src_shp == dst_shp) of
        (True , True) -> return $ p {_param_in = a}
        (False, True) -> do
            MXI._copyto' (A.getHandle a) [A.getHandle (_param_in p)] :: IO ()
            return p
        _ -> do
            a_copy <- makeEmptyNDArray src_shp dst_cxt False
            MXI._copyto' (A.getHandle a) [A.getHandle a_copy] :: IO ()
            return $! p {_param_in = a_copy}    
update_param (Right src_shp) p = do
    dst_cxt <- A.context (_param_in p)
    dst_shp <- snd <$> A.ndshape (_param_in p)
    if src_shp == dst_shp 
        then return p
        else do
            dummy <- makeEmptyNDArray src_shp dst_cxt False
            return $! p {_param_in = dummy}

getContext :: Monad m => TrainM a m Context
getContext = use sess_context

-- | Possible exception in 'TrainM'
data Exc = MismatchedShape String
    deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception Exc

-- | modify the state within the inner monad
-- thanks to lens, we can modify the first field of the state with following 
-- combinator:
-- modifyT . traverseOf _1
--  :: (Field1 s s a b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> StateT s m ()
modifyT :: Monad m => (s -> m s) -> ST.StateT s m ()
modifyT func = do
    s0 <- ST.get
    s1 <- ST.lift $ func s0
    ST.put s1