mu-rpc- Protocol-independent declaration of services and servers.
Safe HaskellNone



Libraries can define custom annotations to indicate additional information not found in the Package itself. For example, GraphQL has optional default values for arguments.



data RpcAnnotation domain serviceName methodName argName where Source #

Annotations proper.


AnnPackage :: domain -> RpcAnnotation domain serviceName methodName argName

Annotation over the whole package.

AnnService :: serviceName -> domain -> RpcAnnotation domain serviceName methodName argName

Annotation over a service.

AnnMethod :: serviceName -> methodName -> domain -> RpcAnnotation domain serviceName methodName argName

Annotation over a method.

AnnArg :: serviceName -> methodName -> argName -> domain -> RpcAnnotation domain serviceName methodName argName

Annotation over an argument.

type family AnnotatedPackage domain (sch :: Package serviceName methodName argName tyRef) :: [RpcAnnotation domain serviceName methodName argName] Source #

This type family links each schema to its corresponding annotations from one domain.

type family GetPackageAnnotation (anns :: [RpcAnnotation domain s m a]) :: domain where ... Source #

Find the annotation over the package in the given set. If the annotation cannot be found, raise a TypeError.


GetPackageAnnotation '[] = TypeError ('Text "cannot find package annotation") 
GetPackageAnnotation ('AnnPackage d ': rs) = d 
GetPackageAnnotation (r ': rs) = GetPackageAnnotation rs 

type family GetPackageAnnotationMay (anns :: [RpcAnnotation domain s m a]) :: Maybe domain where ... Source #

Find the annotation over the package in the given set. If the annotation cannot be found, return Nothing

type family GetServiceAnnotation (anns :: [RpcAnnotation domain s m a]) (snm :: s) :: domain where ... Source #

Find the annotation over the given service in the given set. If the annotation cannot be found, raise a TypeError.


GetServiceAnnotation '[] snm = TypeError ('Text "cannot find service annotation for " :<>: 'ShowType snm) 
GetServiceAnnotation ('AnnService snm d ': rs) snm = d 
GetServiceAnnotation (r ': rs) snm = GetServiceAnnotation rs snm 

type family GetServiceAnnotationMay (anns :: [RpcAnnotation domain s m a]) (snm :: s) :: Maybe domain where ... Source #

Find the annotation over the given service in the given set. If the annotation cannot be found, return Nothing


GetServiceAnnotationMay '[] snm = 'Nothing 
GetServiceAnnotationMay ('AnnService snm d ': rs) snm = 'Just d 
GetServiceAnnotationMay (r ': rs) snm = GetServiceAnnotationMay rs snm 

type family GetMethodAnnotation (anns :: [RpcAnnotation domain s m a]) (snm :: s) (mnm :: m) :: domain where ... Source #

Find the annotation over the given method in the given service. If the annotation cannot be found, raise a TypeError.


GetMethodAnnotation '[] snm mnm = TypeError ((('Text "cannot find method annotation for " :<>: 'ShowType snm) :<>: 'Text "/") :<>: 'ShowType mnm) 
GetMethodAnnotation ('AnnMethod snm mnm d ': rs) snm mnm = d 
GetMethodAnnotation (r ': rs) snm mnm = GetMethodAnnotation rs snm mnm 

type family GetMethodAnnotationMay (anns :: [RpcAnnotation domain s m a]) (snm :: s) (mnm :: m) :: Maybe domain where ... Source #

Find the annotation over the given method in the given service. If the annotation cannot be found, return Nothing


GetMethodAnnotationMay '[] snm mnm = 'Nothing 
GetMethodAnnotationMay ('AnnMethod snm mnm d ': rs) snm mnm = 'Just d 
GetMethodAnnotationMay (r ': rs) snm mnm = GetMethodAnnotationMay rs snm mnm 

type family GetArgAnnotation (anns :: [RpcAnnotation domain s m a]) (snm :: s) (mnm :: m) (anm :: a) :: domain where ... Source #

Find the annotation over the given argument in the given method in the given service. If the annotation cannot be found, raise a TypeError.


GetArgAnnotation '[] snm mnm anm = TypeError ((((('Text "cannot find argument annotation for " :<>: 'ShowType snm) :<>: 'Text "/") :<>: 'ShowType mnm) :<>: 'Text "/") :<>: 'ShowType anm) 
GetArgAnnotation ('AnnArg snm mnm anm d ': rs) snm mnm anm = d 
GetArgAnnotation (r ': rs) snm mnm anm = GetArgAnnotation rs snm mnm anm 

type family GetArgAnnotationMay (anns :: [RpcAnnotation domain s m a]) (snm :: s) (mnm :: m) (anm :: a) :: Maybe domain where ... Source #

Find the annotation over the given argument in the given method in the given service. If the annotation cannot be found, return Nothing


GetArgAnnotationMay '[] snm mnm anm = 'Nothing 
GetArgAnnotationMay ('AnnArg snm mnm anm d ': rs) snm mnm anm = 'Just d 
GetArgAnnotationMay (r ': rs) snm mnm anm = GetArgAnnotationMay rs snm mnm anm