{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Database.MSSQLServer.Query.RpcResponseSet ( RpcResponseSet (..)
                                                 , RpcResponse (..)
                                                 , RpcResultSet (..)
                                                 , RpcResult (..)
                                                 , RpcOutputSet (..)
                                                 ) where

import Control.Applicative((<$>))
import Database.Tds.Message
import Database.MSSQLServer.Query.Row
import Database.MSSQLServer.Query.Only
import Database.MSSQLServer.Query.TokenStreamParser
import Database.MSSQLServer.Query.Template

import Control.Monad(forM)
import Language.Haskell.TH (runIO,pprint)

class RpcResultSet a where
  rpcResultSetParser :: Parser a

instance RpcResultSet () where
  rpcResultSetParser = noResult

instance (Row a) => RpcResultSet [a] where
  rpcResultSetParser = listOfRow

-- [MEMO] using Template Haskell
forM [2..30] $ \n -> do
  dec <- rpcResultSetTupleQ n
--  runIO $ putStrLn $ pprint dec
  return dec
--instance (RpcResult a1, RpcResult a2) => RpcResultSet (a1, a2) where
--  rpcResultSetParser = do
--    !r1 <- rpcResultParser :: (RpcResult a1) => Parser a1
--    !r2 <- rpcResultParser :: (RpcResult a2) => Parser a2
--    return  (r1,r2)

class RpcResult a where
  rpcResultParser :: Parser a

instance RpcResult () where
  rpcResultParser = noResult

instance Row a => RpcResult [a] where
  rpcResultParser = listOfRow

rvTypeInfo :: ReturnValue -> TypeInfo
rvTypeInfo (ReturnValue _ _ _ _ _ ti _) = ti

rvRawBytes :: ReturnValue -> RawBytes
rvRawBytes (ReturnValue _ _ _ _ _ _ rb) = rb

class RpcOutputSet a where
  fromReturnValues :: [ReturnValue] -> a

instance RpcOutputSet () where
  fromReturnValues [] = ()
  fromReturnValues _ = error "fromReturnValues: List length must be 0"

instance (Data a) => RpcOutputSet (Only a) where
  fromReturnValues [r1] = Only d1
      !d1 = fromRawBytes (rvTypeInfo r1) (rvRawBytes r1)
  fromReturnValues _ = error "fromReturnValues: List length must be 1"

-- [MEMO] using Template Haskell
forM [2..30] $ \n -> do
  dec <- rpcOutputSetTupleQ n
--  runIO $ putStrLn $ pprint dec
  return dec
--instance (Data a1, Data a2) => RpcOutputSet (a1,a2) where
--  fromReturnValues [r1,r2] = (d1,d2)
--    where
--      !d1 = fromRawBytes (rvTypeInfo r1) (rvRawBytes r1)
--      !d2 = fromRawBytes (rvTypeInfo r2) (rvRawBytes r2)
--  fromReturnValues _ = error "fromReturnValues: List length must be 2"

-- (RpcOutputSet a, RpcResultSet b) => 
data RpcResponse a b = RpcResponse Int a b
                   deriving (Show)

rpcResponseParser :: (RpcOutputSet a, RpcResultSet b) => Parser (RpcResponse a b)
rpcResponseParser = p
    p = do
      rss <- rpcResultSetParser
      _ <- many $ satisfy $ not . isTSReturnStatus
      TSReturnStatus ret <- satisfy isTSReturnStatus
      _ <- many $ satisfy $ not . isTSReturnValue
      rvs <- many $ satisfy isTSReturnValue
      _ <- many $ satisfy $ not . isTSDoneProc
      _ <- satisfy isTSDoneProc

      let rvs' = (\(TSReturnValue rv) -> rv) <$>  rvs
      return $ RpcResponse (fromIntegral ret) (fromReturnValues rvs') rss

    isTSReturnStatus :: TokenStream -> Bool
    isTSReturnStatus (TSReturnStatus{}) = True
    isTSReturnStatus _ = False

    isTSReturnValue :: TokenStream -> Bool
    isTSReturnValue (TSReturnValue{}) = True
    isTSReturnValue _ = False

    isTSDoneProc :: TokenStream -> Bool
    isTSDoneProc (TSDoneProc{}) = True
    isTSDoneProc _ = False

class RpcResponseSet a where
  rpcResponseSetParser :: Parser a

instance (RpcOutputSet a1, RpcResultSet b1) => RpcResponseSet (RpcResponse a1 b1) where
  rpcResponseSetParser = rpcResponseParser

-- [MEMO] using Template Haskell
forM [2..30] $ \n -> do
  dec <- rpcResponseSetTupleQ n
--  runIO $ putStrLn $ pprint dec
  return dec
--instance (RpcOutputSet a1, RpcResultSet b1, RpcOutputSet a2, RpcResultSet b2) => RpcResponseSet (RpcResponse a1 b1, RpcResponse a2 b2) where
--  rpcResponseSetParser = do
--    !r1 <- rpcResponseParser
--    !r2 <- rpcResponseParser
--    return (r1,r2)