module Control.Functor.Composition.Traversable (Traversable (..)) where

import "morphisms" Control.Morphism ((.), identity)

import Control.Functor.Applicative (Applicative)
import Control.Functor.Composition ((:.:))
import Control.Functor.Covariant (Covariant)
import Control.Functor.Pointable (Pointable)

{- |
> Let f :: (Applicative t, Applicative g) => t a -> u a
> Let p :: (Pointable t, Pointable g) => t a -> u a

> When providing a new instance, you should ensure it satisfies the four laws:
> * Naturality of traversing: g . traverse f ≡ traverse (g . f)
> * Naturality of sequencing: f . sequence = sequence . comap f
> * Preserving point: p (point x) ≡ point x
> * Preserving apply: f (x <*> y) ≡ f x <*> f y

class Covariant t => Traversable t where
        {-# MINIMAL (->>) #-}
        -- | Infix version of 'traverse'
        (->>) :: (Pointable u, Applicative u) => t a -> (a -> u b) -> (u :.: t) b

        -- | Prefix version of '->>'
        traverse :: (Pointable u, Applicative u) => (a -> u b) -> t a -> (u :.: t) b
        traverse f t = t ->> f
        -- | The dual of 'distribute'
        sequence :: (Pointable u, Applicative u) => (t :.: u) a -> (u :.: t) a
        sequence t = t ->> identity