{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}

module Data.Morpheus.Validation.Document.Validation
  ( validatePartialDocument
  ) where

import           Data.Maybe

-- Morpheus
import           Data.Morpheus.Error.Document.Interface  (ImplementsError (..), partialImplements, unknownInterface)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Base       (Location (..))
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Data       (DataField (..), DataFullType (..), DataOutputField,
                                                          DataOutputObject, DataType (..), Key, RawDataType (..),
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Validation (Validation)
import           Data.Morpheus.Validation.Internal.Utils (isEqOrStricter)

validatePartialDocument :: [(Key, RawDataType)] -> Validation [(Key, DataFullType)]
validatePartialDocument lib = catMaybes <$> traverse validateType lib
    validateType :: (Key, RawDataType) -> Validation (Maybe (Key, DataFullType))
    validateType (name, FinalDataType x)              = pure $ Just (name, x)
    validateType (name, Implements interfaces object) = asTuple name <$> object `mustImplement` interfaces
    validateType _                                    = pure Nothing
    asTuple name x = Just (name, x)
    mustImplement :: DataOutputObject -> [Key] -> Validation DataFullType
    mustImplement object interfaceKey = do
      interface <- traverse getInterfaceByKey interfaceKey
      case concatMap (mustBeSubset object) interface of
        []     -> pure $ OutputObject object
        errors -> Left $ partialImplements (typeName object)  errors
    mustBeSubset :: DataOutputObject -> DataOutputObject -> [(Key, Key, ImplementsError)]
    mustBeSubset DataType {typeData = objFields} DataType {typeName, typeData = interfaceFields} =
      concatMap checkField interfaceFields
        checkField :: (Key, DataOutputField) -> [(Key, Key, ImplementsError)]
        checkField (key, DataField {fieldType = interfaceTypeName, fieldTypeWrappers = interfaceWrappers}) =
          case lookup key objFields of
            Just DataField {fieldType, fieldTypeWrappers}
              | fieldType == interfaceTypeName && isEqOrStricter fieldTypeWrappers interfaceWrappers -> []
              | otherwise -> [(typeName, key, UnexpectedType {expectedType, foundType})]
              where expectedType = showWrappedType interfaceWrappers interfaceTypeName
                    foundType = showWrappedType fieldTypeWrappers fieldType
            Nothing -> [(typeName, key, UndefinedField)]
    getInterfaceByKey :: Key -> Validation DataOutputObject
    getInterfaceByKey key =
      case lookup key lib of
        Just (Interface x) -> pure x
        _                  -> Left $ unknownInterface key