{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Data.Morpheus.Error.Arguments
  ( undefinedArgument
  , unknownArguments
  , argumentGotInvalidValue
  , argumentNameCollision
  ) where

import           Data.Morpheus.Error.Utils               (errorMessage)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Base       (EnhancedKey (..), Position)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Validation (GQLError (..), GQLErrors)
import           Data.Text                               (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                               as T (concat)

    type Experience {
        experience ( lang: LANGUAGE ) : String ,
        date: String

  - required field !?
  - experience( lang: "bal" ) -> "Expected type LANGUAGE, found \"a\"."
  - experience( lang: Bla ) -> "Expected type LANGUAGE, found Bla."
  - experience( lang: 1 ) -> "Expected type LANGUAGE, found 1."
  - experience( a1 : 1 ) -> "Unknown argument \"a1\" on field \"experience\" of type \"Experience\".",
  - date(name: "name") -> "Unknown argument \"name\" on field \"date\" of type \"Experience\"."
argumentGotInvalidValue :: Text -> Text -> Position -> GQLErrors
argumentGotInvalidValue key' inputMessage' position' =
  errorMessage position' text
    text = T.concat ["Argument ", key', " got invalid value ;", inputMessage']

unknownArguments :: Text -> [EnhancedKey] -> GQLErrors
unknownArguments fieldName = map keyToError
    keyToError (EnhancedKey argName pos) =
      GQLError {desc = toMessage argName, positions = [pos]}
    toMessage argName =
        ["Unknown Argument \"", argName, "\" on Field \"", fieldName, "\"."]

argumentNameCollision :: [EnhancedKey] -> GQLErrors
argumentNameCollision = map keyToError
    keyToError (EnhancedKey argName pos) =
      GQLError {desc = toMessage argName, positions = [pos]}
    toMessage argName =
      T.concat ["There can Be only One Argument Named \"", argName, "\""]

undefinedArgument :: EnhancedKey -> GQLErrors
undefinedArgument (EnhancedKey key' position') = errorMessage position' text
    text = T.concat ["Required Argument: \"", key', "\" was not Defined"]