-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tocqueville Group
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-TQ

-- TODO: Replace 'Empty' with 'Never' from morley
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}

-- | UpgradeableCounter demonstrates the implementation of a simple contract
--   that has upgradeable storage, interface, and implementation.
--   In the first version it stores a Natural and allows to add some value
--   to it or multiply the current value by a certain natural number.
--   The second version changes the type of the stored value to Integer,
--   and instead of providing Mul Natural and Add Natural endpoints, it
--   just allows to increment or decrement the current value.
--   While the contract does not have any advanced functionality, it provides
--   a birds-eye view on all the aspects of the upgradeable contracts concept
--   and serves as an example on how to apply this concept.

module Lorentz.Contracts.UpgradeableCounter
  ( Parameter(..)
  , Storage
  , CounterV0
  , upgradeableCounterContract
  , mkEmptyStorage
  ) where

import Lorentz.Contracts.Upgradeable.Common

type CounterV0 = EmptyContractVersion Empty

upgradeableCounterContract :: UpgradeableContract CounterV0
upgradeableCounterContract :: UpgradeableContract CounterV0
upgradeableCounterContract = UpgradeableContract CounterV0
forall (ver :: VersionKind).
(NiceVersion ver, NiceParameterFull (Parameter ver)) =>
UpgradeableContract ver