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monad-memo-0.5.3: Memoization monad transformer

Copyright(c) Eduard Sergeev 2011
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Portabilitynon-portable (multi-param classes, functional dependencies)
Safe HaskellNone




Specialization of MemoStateT with Map as a container


MemoT monad transformer

type MemoT k v = MemoStateT (Map k v) k v Source #

Memoization monad transformer which uses Map as a cache container

runMemoT :: Monad m => MemoT k v m a -> Map k v -> m (a, Map k v) Source #

Given an initial cache, compute the result of a memoized computation along with the final state of the cache

evalMemoT :: Monad m => MemoT k v m a -> Map k v -> m a Source #

Given an initial state, compute the result of a memoized computation discarding the final state of the cache

startRunMemoT :: Monad m => MemoT k v m a -> m (a, Map k v) Source #

Compute the result of memoized computation along with the final state of the cache. This function uses empty Map as an initial state

startEvalMemoT :: Monad m => MemoT k v m a -> m a Source #

Compute the result of a memoized computation discarding the final state of the cache. This function uses empty Map as an initial state

Memo monad

type Memo k v = MemoT k v Identity Source #

Memoization monad which uses Map as a cache container

runMemo :: Memo k v a -> Map k v -> (a, Map k v) Source #

Given an initial cache, compute the result of a memoized computation along with the final state of the cache

evalMemo :: Memo k v a -> Map k v -> a Source #

Given an initial state, compute the result of a memoized computation discarding the final state of the cache

startRunMemo :: Memo k v a -> (a, Map k v) Source #

Compute the result of memoized computation along with the final state of the cache. This function uses empty Map as an initial state

startEvalMemo :: Memo k v a -> a Source #

Compute the result of a memoized computation discarding the final state of the cache. This function uses empty Map as an initial state