{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Data.KindID.Class
-- License     : MIT
-- Maintainer  : mmzk1526@outlook.com
-- Portability : GHC
-- This module contains the type-level mechanisms that are used to define
-- custom 'Data.KindID.KindID'-ish identifier types.
module Data.KindID.Class
  -- * Prefix
  , ToPrefix(..)
  -- * Helpers
  , LengthSymbol(..)
  , IsLowerSymbol(..)
  , IsLowerChar(..)
  , LSUH(..)
  , ILSUH(..)
  ) where

import           Data.Type.Bool
import           Data.Type.Equality
import           Data.Type.Ord
import           GHC.TypeLits

-- | A constraint for valid prefix 'Symbol's.
type ValidPrefix prefix = ( KnownSymbol prefix
                          , LengthSymbol prefix < 64
                          , IsLowerSymbol prefix ~ 'True )

-- | The length of a 'Symbol' as a 'Nat'.
type family LengthSymbol (prefix :: Symbol) :: Nat where
  LengthSymbol prefix = LSUH (UnconsSymbol prefix)

-- | Length Symbol Uncons Helper.
type family LSUH (uncons :: Maybe (Char, Symbol)) :: Nat where
  LSUH 'Nothing        = 0
  LSUH ('Just '(c, s)) = 1 + LengthSymbol s

-- | Is a type-level 'Char' lower case?
type family IsLowerChar (ch :: Char) :: Bool where
  IsLowerChar ch = Compare '`' ch == 'LT && Compare ch '{' == 'LT

-- | Is a 'Symbol' lower case?
type family IsLowerSymbol (prefix :: Symbol) :: Bool where
  IsLowerSymbol prefix = ILSUH (UnconsSymbol prefix)

-- | Is Lower Symbol Uncons Helper.
type family ILSUH (uncons :: Maybe (Char, Symbol)) :: Bool where
  ILSUH 'Nothing        = 'True
  ILSUH ('Just '(c, s)) = IsLowerChar c && IsLowerSymbol s

-- | A class that translates any kind to a 'Symbol'. It is used to translate
-- custom data kinds to a 'Symbol' so that they can be used as
-- 'Data.KindID.KindID' prefixes.
-- For example, suppose we have the following data structure that represents the
-- prefixes we are going to use:
-- > data Prefix = User | Post | Comment
-- Then we can make it an instance of 'ToPrefix' like this:
-- > instance ToPrefix 'User where
-- >   type PrefixSymbol 'User = "user"
-- >
-- > instance ToPrefix 'Post where
-- >   type PrefixSymbol 'Post = "post"
-- >
-- > instance ToPrefix 'Comment where
-- >   type PrefixSymbol 'Comment = "comment"
-- Now we can use Prefix as a prefix for 'Data.KindID.KindID's, e.g.
-- > do
-- >   userID <- genKindID @'User -- Same as genKindID @"user"
-- >   postID <- genKindID @'Post -- Same as genKindID @"post"
-- >   commentID <- genKindID @'Comment -- Same as genKindID @"comment"
class ToPrefix a where
  type PrefixSymbol a :: Symbol

-- | The 'PrefixSymbol' of a 'Symbol' is the 'Symbol' itself.
instance ToPrefix (a :: Symbol) where
  type PrefixSymbol a = a