metrics- High-performance application metric tracking

Safe HaskellNone






newtype Snapshot Source

A wrapper around a *sorted* vector intended for calculating quantile statistics.




fromSnapshot :: Vector Double

A sorted Vector of samples.


quantile :: Double -> Snapshot -> DoubleSource

Calculate an arbitrary quantile value for a Snapshot. Values below zero or greater than one will be clamped to the range [0, 1]

size :: Snapshot -> IntSource

Get the number of elements in a Snapshot

median :: Snapshot -> DoubleSource

Calculate the median value of a Snapshot

get75thPercentile :: Snapshot -> DoubleSource

Calculate the 75th percentile of a Snapshot

get95thPercentile :: Snapshot -> DoubleSource

Calculate the 95th percentile of a Snapshot

get98thPercentile :: Snapshot -> DoubleSource

Calculate the 98th percentile of a Snapshot

get99thPercentile :: Snapshot -> DoubleSource

Calculate the 99th percentile of a Snapshot

get999thPercentile :: Snapshot -> DoubleSource

Calculate the 99.9th percentile of a Snapshot

takeSnapshot :: PrimMonad m => MVector (PrimState m) Double -> m SnapshotSource

A utility function for snapshotting data from an unsorted MVector of samples.

NB: this function uses unsafeFreeze under the hood, so be sure that the vector being snapshotted is not used after calling this function.