{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Massiv.Core.List
( LN
, L(..)
, Array(..)
, toListArray
, showArray
, ListItem
, ShapeError(..)
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Foldable (foldr')
import Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Massiv.Core.Common
import Data.Massiv.Core.Scheduler
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Exts
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
data LN
type instance EltRepr LN ix = LN
type family ListItem ix e :: * where
ListItem Ix1 e = e
ListItem ix e = [ListItem (Lower ix) e]
type instance NestedStruct LN ix e = [ListItem ix e]
newtype instance Array LN ix e = List { unList :: [Elt LN ix e] }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Nested LN Ix1 e where
fromNested = coerce
{-# INLINE fromNested #-}
toNested = coerce
{-# INLINE toNested #-}
instance ( Elt LN ix e ~ Array LN (Lower ix) e
, ListItem ix e ~ [ListItem (Lower ix) e]
, Coercible (Elt LN ix e) (ListItem ix e)
) =>
Nested LN ix e where
fromNested = coerce
{-# INLINE fromNested #-}
toNested = coerce
{-# INLINE toNested #-}
instance Nested LN ix e => IsList (Array LN ix e) where
type Item (Array LN ix e) = ListItem ix e
fromList = fromNested
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
toList = toNested
{-# INLINE toList #-}
data L = L
type instance EltRepr L ix = L
type instance NestedStruct L ix e = Array LN ix e
data instance Array L ix e = LArray { lComp :: Comp
, lData :: !(Array LN ix e) }
data ShapeError = RowTooShortError
| RowTooLongError
deriving Show
instance Exception ShapeError
instance Nested L ix e where
fromNested = LArray Seq
{-# INLINE fromNested #-}
toNested = lData
{-# INLINE toNested #-}
instance Nested LN ix e => IsList (Array L ix e) where
type Item (Array L ix e) = ListItem ix e
fromList = LArray Seq . fromNested
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
toList = toNested . lData
{-# INLINE toList #-}
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Ragged L Ix1 e where
isNull = null . unList . lData
{-# INLINE isNull #-}
empty comp = LArray comp (List [])
{-# INLINE empty #-}
edgeSize = length . unList . lData
{-# INLINE edgeSize #-}
cons x arr = arr { lData = coerce (x : coerce (lData arr)) }
{-# INLINE cons #-}
uncons LArray {..} =
case L.uncons $ coerce lData of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (x, xs) -> Just (x, LArray lComp (coerce xs))
{-# INLINE uncons #-}
flatten = id
{-# INLINE flatten #-}
unsafeGenerateM !comp !k f = do
xs <- loopDeepM 0 (< k) (+ 1) [] $ \i acc -> do
e <- f i
return (e:acc)
return $ LArray comp $ coerce xs
{-# INLINE unsafeGenerateM #-}
loadRagged using uWrite start end _ xs =
using $ do
leftOver <-
loopM start (< end) (+ 1) xs $ \i xs' ->
case uncons xs' of
Nothing -> throwIO RowTooShortError
Just (y, ys) -> uWrite i y >> return ys
unless (isNull leftOver) $ throwIO RowTooLongError
{-# INLINE loadRagged #-}
raggedFormat f _ arr = L.concat $ "[ " : L.intersperse "," (map f (coerce (lData arr))) ++ [" ]"]
instance ( Index ix
, Index (Lower ix)
, Ragged L (Lower ix) e
, Elt L ix e ~ Array L (Lower ix) e
, Elt LN ix e ~ Array LN (Lower ix) e
, Coercible (Elt LN ix e) [Elt LN (Lower ix) e]
) =>
Ragged L ix e where
isNull = null . unList . lData
{-# INLINE isNull #-}
empty comp = LArray comp (List [])
{-# INLINE empty #-}
edgeSize arr =
consDim (length (unList (lData arr))) $
case uncons arr of
Nothing -> zeroIndex
Just (x, _) -> edgeSize x
{-# INLINE edgeSize #-}
cons (LArray _ x) arr = newArr
newArr =
arr {lData = coerce (x : coerce (lData arr))}
{-# INLINE cons #-}
uncons LArray {..} =
case L.uncons (coerce lData) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (x, xs) ->
let newArr = LArray lComp (coerce xs)
newX = LArray lComp x
in Just (newX, newArr)
{-# INLINE uncons #-}
unsafeGenerateM Seq !sz f = do
let !(k, szL) = unconsDim sz
loopDeepM 0 (< k) (+ 1) (empty Seq) $ \i acc -> do
e <- unsafeGenerateM Seq szL (\ !ixL -> f (consDim i ixL))
return (cons e acc)
unsafeGenerateM (ParOn wss) sz f = unsafeGenerateParM wss sz f
{-# INLINE unsafeGenerateM #-}
flatten arr = LArray {lComp = lComp arr, lData = coerce xs}
xs =
(unList . lData . flatten . LArray (lComp arr))
(unList (lData arr))
{-# INLINE flatten #-}
loadRagged using uWrite start end sz xs = do
let step = totalElem sz
szL = tailDim sz
leftOver <-
loopM start (< end) (+ step) xs $ \i zs ->
case uncons zs of
Nothing -> throwIO RowTooShortError
Just (y, ys) -> do
_ <- loadRagged using uWrite i (i + step) szL y
return ys
unless (isNull (flatten leftOver)) $ throwIO RowTooLongError
{-# INLINE loadRagged #-}
raggedFormat f sep (LArray comp xs) =
(\s y -> raggedFormat f s (LArray comp y :: Array L (Lower ix) e))
(coerce xs)
unsafeGenerateParM ::
(Elt LN ix e ~ Array LN (Lower ix) e, Index ix, Monad m, Ragged L (Lower ix) e)
=> [Int]
-> ix
-> (ix -> m e)
-> m (Array L ix e)
unsafeGenerateParM wws !sz f = do
res <- sequence $ unsafePerformIO $ do
let !(k, szL) = unconsDim sz
divideWork wws k $ \ !scheduler !chunkLength !totalLength !slackStart -> do
loopM_ 0 (< slackStart) (+ chunkLength) $ \ !start ->
scheduleWork scheduler $ do
res <- loopDeepM start (< (start + chunkLength)) (+ 1) [] $ \i acc ->
return (fmap lData (unsafeGenerateM Seq szL (\ !ixL -> f (consDim i ixL))):acc)
return $! sequence res
when (slackStart < totalLength) $
scheduleWork scheduler $ do
res <- loopDeepM slackStart (< totalLength) (+ 1) [] $ \i acc ->
return (fmap lData (unsafeGenerateM Seq szL (\ !ixL -> f (consDim i ixL))):acc)
return $! sequence res
return $ LArray (ParOn wws) $ List $ concat res
{-# INLINE unsafeGenerateParM #-}
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Construct L Ix1 e where
getComp = lComp
{-# INLINE getComp #-}
setComp c arr = arr { lComp = c }
{-# INLINE setComp #-}
unsafeMakeArray Seq sz f = runIdentity $ unsafeGenerateM Seq sz (return . f)
unsafeMakeArray (ParOn wss) sz f = LArray (ParOn wss) $ List $ unsafePerformIO $
withScheduler' wss $ \scheduler ->
loopM_ 0 (< sz) (+ 1) (scheduleWork scheduler . return . f)
{-# INLINE unsafeMakeArray #-}
instance ( Index ix
, Ragged L ix e
, Ragged L (Lower ix) e
, Elt L ix e ~ Array L (Lower ix) e
) =>
Construct L ix e where
getComp = lComp
{-# INLINE getComp #-}
setComp c arr = arr {lComp = c}
{-# INLINE setComp #-}
unsafeMakeArray = unsafeGenerateN
{-# INLINE unsafeMakeArray #-}
unsafeGenerateN ::
( Ragged r ix e
, Ragged r (Lower ix) e
, Elt r ix e ~ Array r (Lower ix) e )
=> Comp
-> ix
-> (ix -> e)
-> Array r ix e
unsafeGenerateN Seq sz f = runIdentity $ unsafeGenerateM Seq sz (return . f)
unsafeGenerateN c@(ParOn wss) sz f = unsafePerformIO $ do
let !(m, szL) = unconsDim sz
xs <- withScheduler' wss $ \scheduler ->
loopM_ 0 (< m) (+ 1) $ \i -> scheduleWork scheduler $
unsafeGenerateM c szL $ \ix -> return $ f (consDim i ix)
return $! foldr' cons (empty c) xs
{-# INLINE unsafeGenerateN #-}
toListArray :: (Construct L ix e, Source r ix e)
=> Array r ix e
-> Array L ix e
toListArray !arr =
unsafeMakeArray (getComp arr) (size arr) (unsafeIndex arr)
{-# INLINE toListArray #-}
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Ragged L ix e, Show e) => Show (Array L ix e) where
show arr = " " ++ raggedFormat show "\n " arr
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Ragged L ix e, Show e) =>
Show (Array LN ix e) where
show arr = show (fromNested arr :: Array L ix e)
showN :: (String -> a -> String) -> String -> [a] -> String
showN _ _ [] = "[ ]"
showN fShow lnPrefix ls =
(["[ "] ++
L.intersperse (lnPrefix ++ ", ") (map (fShow (lnPrefix ++ " ")) ls) ++ [lnPrefix, "]"])
instance ( Ragged L ix e
, Source r ix e
, Show e
) =>
Show (Array r ix e) where
show = showArray (showsTypeRep (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy r)) " ")
showArray ::
forall r ix e. (Ragged L ix e, Source r ix e, Show e)
=> String
-> Array r ix e
-> String
showArray tyStr arr =
"(Array " ++ tyStr ++
showComp (getComp arr) ++ " (" ++
(show (size arr)) ++ ")\n" ++
show (makeArray (getComp arr) (size arr) (evaluateAt arr) :: Array L ix e) ++ ")"
where showComp Seq = "Seq"
showComp Par = "Par"
showComp c = "(" ++ show c ++ ")"
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} OuterSlice L Ix1 e where
unsafeOuterSlice (LArray _ xs) = (coerce xs !!)
{-# INLINE unsafeOuterSlice #-}
outerLength = length . (coerce :: Array LN Ix1 e -> [e]). lData
{-# INLINE outerLength #-}
instance Ragged L ix e => OuterSlice L ix e where
unsafeOuterSlice arr' i = go 0 arr'
go n arr =
case uncons arr of
Nothing -> errorIx "Data.Massiv.Core.List.unsafeOuterSlice" (outerLength arr') i
Just (x, _) | n == i -> x
Just (_, xs) -> go (n + 1) xs
{-# INLINE unsafeOuterSlice #-}
outerLength = length . (coerce :: Array LN ix e -> [Elt LN ix e]) . lData
{-# INLINE outerLength #-}