manifolds- Coordinate-free hypersurfaces

Copyright(c) Justus Sagemüller 2013
LicenseGPL v3
Maintainer(@) sagemueller $
Safe HaskellNone




This is something of a first attempt at formalising manifolds and continuous mappings thereon. They work (check out for a use case), but aren't very efficient. The interface might well change considerably in the future.



data domain :--> codomain where Source

Continuous mapping.


Continuous :: (Manifold d, Manifold c, v ~ TangentSpace d, u ~ TangentSpace c, δ ~ Metric v, ε ~ Metric u) => (Chart d -> v -> (Chart c, u, ε -> Option δ)) -> d :--> c 


runContinuous :: Chart d -> v -> (Chart c, u, ε -> Option δ)


HasAgent (:-->) Source 
Category (:-->) Source 
Cartesian (:-->) Source 
PreArrow (:-->) Source 
Morphism (:-->) Source 
CartesianAgent (:-->) Source 
EnhancedCat (->) (:-->) Source 
PointAgent CntnFuncValue (:-->) d c Source 
type UnitObject (:-->) = () 
type Object (:-->) t = Manifold t Source 
type AgentVal (:-->) d c = CntnFuncValue d c Source 
type PairObjects (:-->) a b = (FlatManifold a, FlatManifold b, Manifold (a, b)) Source 

const__ :: (Manifold c, Manifold d) => c -> d :--> c Source

flatContinuous :: (FlatManifold v, FlatManifold w, δ ~ Metric v, ε ~ Metric w) => (v -> (w, ε -> Option δ)) -> v :--> w Source

runFlatContinuous :: (FlatManifold v, FlatManifold w, δ ~ Metric v, ε ~ Metric w) => (v :--> w) -> v -> (w, ε -> Option δ) Source

data Chart :: * -> * where Source

A chart is a homeomorphism from a connected, open subset QM of an n-manifold M to either the open unit disk DⁿV ≃ ℝ, or the half-disk Hⁿ = {xDⁿ: x₀≥0}. In e.g. the former case, chartInMap is thus defined ∀ vV : |v| < 1, while 'chartOutMap p' will yield Just x with xDⁿ provided p is in Q, and Nothing otherwise. Obviously, fromJust . chartOutMap . chartInMap should be equivalent to id on Dⁿ, and chartInMap . fromJust . chartOutMap to id on Q.


IdChart :: FlatManifold v => Chart v 
Chart :: (Manifold m, v ~ TangentSpace m, FlatManifold v) => (v :--> m) -> (m -> Maybe (m :--> v)) -> ChartKind -> Chart m 


chartInMap :: v :--> m
chartOutMap :: m -> Maybe (m :--> v)
chartKind :: ChartKind

data ChartKind Source



A MDⁿ chart, for ordinary manifolds


A MHⁿ chart, for manifolds with a rim

type EuclidSpace v = (HasBasis v, EqFloating (Scalar v), Eq v) Source

type Atlas m = [Chart m] Source

class (MetricSpace (TangentSpace m), Metric (TangentSpace m) ~ ) => Manifold m where Source

Associated Types

type TangentSpace m :: * Source


localAtlas :: m -> Atlas m Source


Manifold Double Source 
Manifold () Source 
(FlatManifold v₁, FlatManifold v₂, (~) * (Scalar v₁) (Scalar v₂), MetricSpace (Scalar v₁), (~) * (Metric (Scalar v₁)) , VectorSpace (v₁, v₂), (~) * (Scalar (v₁, v₂)) (Scalar v₁)) => Manifold (v₁, v₂) Source 

type Representsℝ r = (EqFloating r, FlatManifold r, r ~ Scalar r, r ~ Metric r) Source

continuousFlatFunction :: (FlatManifold d, FlatManifold c, ε ~ Metric c, δ ~ Metric d) => (d -> (c, ε -> Option δ)) -> d :--> c Source

cntnFuncsCombine :: forall d v c c' c'' ε ε' ε''. (FlatManifold c, FlatManifold c', FlatManifold c'', ε ~ Metric c, ε' ~ Metric c', ε'' ~ Metric c'', ε ~ ε', ε ~ ε'') => (c' -> c'' -> (c, ε -> (ε', ε''))) -> (d :--> c') -> (d :--> c'') -> d :--> c Source

data CntnFuncValue d c Source




runCntnFuncValue :: d :--> c
CntnFuncConst c 


PointAgent CntnFuncValue (:-->) d c Source 
(Representsℝ r, Manifold d) => Floating (CntnFuncValue d r) Source 
(Representsℝ r, Manifold d) => Fractional (CntnFuncValue d r) Source 
(Representsℝ r, Manifold d) => Num (CntnFuncValue d r) Source 
(FlatManifold v, MetricSpace v, (~) * (Metric v) , FlatManifold (Scalar v), MetricSpace (Scalar v), (~) * (Metric (Scalar v)) , Manifold d) => VectorSpace (CntnFuncValue d v) Source 
(FlatManifold v, Manifold d) => AdditiveGroup (CntnFuncValue d v) Source 
type Scalar (CntnFuncValue d v) = CntnFuncValue d (Scalar v) Source 

cntnFnValsFunc :: (FlatManifold c, FlatManifold c', Manifold d, ε ~ Metric c, ε ~ Metric c') => (c' -> (c, ε -> Option ε)) -> CntnFuncValue d c' -> CntnFuncValue d c Source

cntnFnValsCombine :: forall d c c' c'' ε ε' ε''. (FlatManifold c, FlatManifold c', FlatManifold c'', Manifold d, ε ~ Metric c, ε' ~ Metric c', ε'' ~ Metric c'', ε ~ ε', ε ~ ε'') => (c' -> c'' -> (c, ε -> (ε', (ε', ε''), ε''))) -> CntnFuncValue d c' -> CntnFuncValue d c'' -> CntnFuncValue d c Source

midBetween :: (VectorSpace v, Fractional (Scalar v)) => [v] -> v Source

(.:) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d Source

just :: a -> Option a Source

nothing :: Option a Source

class (RealFloat (Metric v), InnerSpace v) => MetricSpace v where Source

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type Metric v :: * Source


metric :: v -> Metric v Source

metricSq :: v -> Metric v Source

(|*^) :: Metric v -> v -> v Source

metricToScalar :: v -> Metric v -> Scalar v Source


MetricSpace () Source 
MetricSpace Source 
(RealFloat r, MetricSpace r, (~) * (Scalar (Complex r)) (Metric r)) => MetricSpace (Complex r) Source 
(MetricSpace v, MetricSpace (Scalar v), MetricSpace w, (~) * (Scalar v) (Scalar w), (~) * (Metric v) (Metric (Scalar v)), (~) * (Metric w) (Metric v), (~) * (Metric (Scalar w)) (Metric v), RealFloat (Metric v)) => MetricSpace (v, w) Source 

Index / ASCII names

Linear manifolds

data ZeroDim k Source

A single point. Can be considered a zero-dimensional vector space, WRT any scalar.



isoAttachZeroDim :: (WellPointed c, UnitObject c ~ (), ObjectPair c a (), Object c (ZeroDim k), ObjectPair c a (ZeroDim k), PointObject c (ZeroDim k)) => Isomorphism c a (a, ZeroDim k) Source

type ℝ² = (, ) Source

type ℝ³ = (ℝ², ) Source


data S⁰ Source

The zero-dimensional sphere is actually just two points. Implementation might therefore change to ℝ⁰ + ℝ⁰: the disjoint sum of two single-point spaces.

newtype Source

The unit circle.




φParamS¹ :: Double

Must be in range [-π, π[.

data Source

The ordinary unit sphere.




ϑParamS² :: !Double

Range [0, π[.

φParamS² :: !Double

Range [-π, π[.

Projective spaces

data ℝP² Source

The two-dimensional real projective space, implemented as a unit disk with opposing points on the rim glued together.




rParamℝP² :: !Double

Range [0, 1].

φParamℝP² :: !Double

Range [-π, π[.


newtype Source

The “one-dimensional disk” – really just the line segment between the two points -1 and 1 of 'S⁰', i.e. this is simply a closed interval.




xParamD¹ :: Double

Range [-1, 1].

data Source

The standard, closed unit disk. Homeomorphic to the cone over 'S¹', but not in the the obvious, “flat” way. (And not at all, despite the identical ADT definition, to the projective space 'ℝP²'!)




rParamD² :: !Double

Range [0, 1].

φParamD² :: !Double

Range [-π, π[.


type ℝay = Cℝay ℝ⁰ Source

Better known as ℝ⁺ (which is not a legal Haskell name), the ray of positive numbers (including zero, i.e. closed on one end).

data CD¹ x Source

A (closed) cone over a space x is the product of x with the closed interval 'D¹' of “heights”, except on its “tip”: here, x is smashed to a single point.

This construct becomes (homeomorphic-to-) an actual geometric cone (and to 'D²') in the special case x = 'S¹'.




hParamCD¹ :: !Double

Range [0, 1]

pParamCD¹ :: !x

Irrelevant at h = 0.

data Cℝay x Source

An open cone is homeomorphic to a closed cone without the “lid”, i.e. without the “last copy” of x, at the far end of the height interval. Since that means the height does not include its supremum, it is actually more natural to express it as the entire real ray, hence the name.




hParamCℝay :: !Double

Range [0, ∞[

pParamCℝay :: !x

Irrelevant at h = 0.

Utility (deprecated)

type Endomorphism a = a -> a Source

(^) :: Num a => a -> Int -> a infixr 8 Source

(^.) :: s -> (forall f. Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s) -> a infixl 8 Source

type EqFloating f = (Eq f, Ord f, Floating f) Source