{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module Codec.Lzip ( compress
                  , compressWith
                  , decompress
                  , CompressionLevel (..)
                  -- * Low-level bindings
                  , module Codec.Lzip.Raw
                  ) where

import           Codec.Lzip.Raw
import           Control.Exception     (bracket)
import           Control.Monad         (void)
import           Data.Bits             (shiftL)
import qualified Data.ByteString       as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy  as BSL
import           Data.Functor          (($>))
import           Data.Int              (Int64)
import           Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free, mallocBytes)
import           Foreign.Ptr           (Ptr, castPtr)
import           System.IO.Unsafe      (unsafeDupablePerformIO)

data CompressionLevel = Zero
                      | One
                      | Two
                      | Three
                      | Four
                      | Five
                      | Six
                      | Seven
                      | Eight
                      | Nine

data LzOptions = LzOptions { _dictionarySize :: !Int
                           , _matchLenLimit  :: !Int

encoderOptions :: CompressionLevel -> LzOptions
encoderOptions Zero  = LzOptions 65535 16
encoderOptions One   = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 20) 5
encoderOptions Two   = LzOptions (3 `shiftL` 19) 6
encoderOptions Three = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 21) 8
encoderOptions Four  = LzOptions (3 `shiftL` 20) 12
encoderOptions Five  = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 22) 20
encoderOptions Six   = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 23) 36
encoderOptions Seven = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 24) 68
encoderOptions Eight = LzOptions (3 `shiftL` 23) 132
encoderOptions Nine  = LzOptions (1 `shiftL` 25) 273

-- | This does not do any error recovery; for that you should use
-- [lziprecover](https://www.nongnu.org/lzip/lziprecover.html).
-- Doesn't work on empty 'BSL.ByteString's
{-# NOINLINE decompress #-}
decompress :: BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString
decompress bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do

    let bss = BSL.toChunks bs
        -- TODO: this might be silly: does it force everything into memory
        -- prematurely?
        sz = maximum (BS.length <$> bss)

    let setup = do
            decoder <- lZDecompressOpen
            maxSz <- lZDecompressWriteSize decoder
            let bufMax = fromIntegral maxSz
            buf <- mallocBytes sz
            pure (decoder, buf, bufMax)

    let cleanup (decoder, buf, _) =
            lZDecompressClose decoder *>
            free buf

    res <- bracket
        (\(decoder, buf, bufMax) -> loop decoder bss bufMax (buf, sz) mempty)

    pure (BSL.fromChunks res)

        loop :: LZDecoderPtr -> [BS.ByteString] -> Int -> (Ptr UInt8, Int) -> [BS.ByteString] -> IO [BS.ByteString]
        loop decoder bss maxSz (buf, bufSz) !acc = do
            bss' <- case bss of
                [bs'] -> if BS.length bs' > maxSz
                    then do
                        let (bs'', rest) = BS.splitAt maxSz bs'
                        BS.useAsCStringLen bs'' $ \(bytes, sz) ->
                            lZDecompressWrite decoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz) $> [rest]
                        BS.useAsCStringLen bs' $ \(bytes, sz) -> do
                        void $ lZDecompressWrite decoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz)
                        void $ lZDecompressFinish decoder
                        pure []
                (bs':bss') -> if BS.length bs' > maxSz
                    then do
                        let (bs'', rest) = BS.splitAt maxSz bs'
                        BS.useAsCStringLen bs'' $ \(bytes, sz) ->
                            lZDecompressWrite decoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz) $> rest:bss'
                        BS.useAsCStringLen bs' $ \(bytes, sz) ->
                            lZDecompressWrite decoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz) $>
                [] -> pure []

            res <- lZDecompressFinished decoder
            if res == 1
                then pure acc
                else do
                    bytesRead <- lZDecompressRead decoder buf (fromIntegral bufSz)
                    bsActual <- BS.packCStringLen (castPtr buf, fromIntegral bytesRead)
                    loop decoder bss' maxSz (buf, bufSz) (acc ++ [bsActual])

-- | Defaults to 'Nine'
{-# NOINLINE compress #-}
compress :: BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString
compress = compressWith Nine

{-# NOINLINE compressWith #-}
compressWith :: CompressionLevel -> BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString
compressWith level bstr = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do

    let bss = BSL.toChunks bstr
        sz = fromIntegral (BSL.length bstr)
        delta = sz `div` 4 + 64

    let setup = do
            encoder <- lZCompressOpen (fromIntegral $ dictionarySize sz) (fromIntegral matchLenLimit) (fromIntegral memberSize)
            newBytes <- mallocBytes delta
            pure (encoder, newBytes)

    let cleanup (encoder, newBytes) =
            lZCompressClose encoder *>
            free newBytes

    res <- bracket
        (\(encoder, newBytes) -> loop encoder bss (newBytes, delta) 0 mempty)

    pure (BSL.fromChunks res)

        loop :: LZEncoderPtr -> [BS.ByteString] -> (Ptr UInt8, Int) -> Int -> [BS.ByteString] -> IO [BS.ByteString]
        loop encoder bss (buf, sz) bytesRead acc = do
            bss' <- case bss of
                [bs] -> BS.useAsCStringLen bs $ \(bytes, sz') -> do
                    void $ lZCompressWrite encoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz')
                    lZCompressFinish encoder $> []
                (bs:bss') -> BS.useAsCStringLen bs $ \(bytes, sz') ->
                    lZCompressWrite encoder (castPtr bytes) (fromIntegral sz') $> bss'
                [] -> pure []
            bytesActual <- lZCompressRead encoder buf (fromIntegral sz)
            res <- lZCompressFinished encoder
            bsActual <- BS.packCStringLen (castPtr buf, fromIntegral bytesActual)
            if res == 1
                then pure (acc ++ [bsActual])
                else loop encoder bss' (buf, sz) (bytesRead + fromIntegral bytesActual) (acc ++ [bsActual])

        memberSize :: Int64
        memberSize = maxBound

        -- saves memory
        dictionarySize = max (fromIntegral lZMinDictionarySize) . min (_dictionarySize $ encoderOptions level)
        matchLenLimit = _matchLenLimit opts
        opts = encoderOptions level