lsql-csv- A tool for CSV files data querying from the shell with short queries.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module contains the definition of Symbol, SymbolMap and helper functions.



data Symbol Source #

Data type for single named column (Symbol)

data SymbolMap Source #

Datatype containing Map for aliases of symbols and list of all tables

(-->) :: SymbolMap -> String -> Symbol Source #

Lookup for Symbol (NamedColumn) in SymbolMap

(==>) :: SymbolMap -> String -> Column Source #

Lookup for Symbol (NamedColumn) in SymbolMap returning Column

getSymbolMap :: [Table] -> SymbolMap Source #

Generates SymbolMap out of list of Table

symbolList :: SymbolMap -> [String] Source #

Returns list of name aliases of all columns

getTables :: SymbolMap -> [Table] Source #

Returns list of Tables out of SymbolMap