{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Signature Help Request
-- https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/master/protocol.md#signature-help-request
module Language.LSP.Types.SignatureHelp where

import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Text (Text)
import Language.LSP.Types.Common
import Language.LSP.Types.MarkupContent
import Language.LSP.Types.Progress
import Language.LSP.Types.TextDocument
import Language.LSP.Types.Utils

-- -------------------------------------

data SignatureHelpParameterInformation =
    { -- | The client supports processing label offsets instead of a simple
      -- label string.
      -- @since 3.14.0
      _labelOffsetSupport :: Maybe Bool
  deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelpParameterInformation

data SignatureHelpSignatureInformation =
    { -- | Client supports the follow content formats for the documentation
      -- property. The order describes the preferred format of the client.
      _documentationFormat :: Maybe (List MarkupKind)
      -- | Client capabilities specific to parameter information.
    , _parameterInformation :: Maybe SignatureHelpParameterInformation
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelpSignatureInformation

data SignatureHelpClientCapabilities =
    { -- | Whether signature help supports dynamic registration.
      _dynamicRegistration :: Maybe Bool
      -- | The client supports the following 'SignatureInformation'
      -- specific properties.
    , _signatureInformation :: Maybe SignatureHelpSignatureInformation
      -- | The client supports to send additional context information for a
      -- @textDocument/signatureHelp@ request. A client that opts into
      -- contextSupport will also support the '_retriggerCharacters' on
      -- 'SignatureHelpOptions'.
      -- @since 3.15.0
    , _contextSupport :: Maybe Bool
    } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelpClientCapabilities

-- -------------------------------------

makeExtendingDatatype "SignatureHelpOptions" [''WorkDoneProgressOptions]
  [ ("_triggerCharacters", [t| Maybe (List String) |])
  , ("_retriggerCharacters", [t| Maybe (List String) |])
deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelpOptions

makeExtendingDatatype "SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions"
  [ ''TextDocumentRegistrationOptions
  , ''SignatureHelpOptions
  ] []
deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelpRegistrationOptions

-- -------------------------------------

data ParameterInformation =
    { _label         :: Text
    , _documentation :: Maybe Text
    } deriving (Read,Show,Eq)
deriveJSON lspOptions ''ParameterInformation

-- -------------------------------------

data SignatureInformation =
    { _label         :: Text
    , _documentation :: Maybe Text
    , _parameters    :: Maybe (List ParameterInformation)
    } deriving (Read,Show,Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureInformation

data SignatureHelp =
    { _signatures      :: List SignatureInformation
    , _activeSignature :: Maybe Int -- ^ The active signature
    , _activeParameter :: Maybe Int -- ^ The active parameter of the active signature
    } deriving (Read,Show,Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelp

-- -------------------------------------

data SignatureHelpTriggerKind = SHTKInvoked
                              | SHTKTriggerCharacter
                              | SHTKContentChange
  deriving (Read,Show,Eq)

instance ToJSON SignatureHelpTriggerKind where
  toJSON SHTKInvoked          = Number 1
  toJSON SHTKTriggerCharacter = Number 2
  toJSON SHTKContentChange    = Number 3

instance FromJSON SignatureHelpTriggerKind where
  parseJSON (Number 1) = pure SHTKInvoked
  parseJSON (Number 2) = pure SHTKTriggerCharacter
  parseJSON (Number 3) = pure SHTKContentChange
  parseJSON _          = mempty

-- | Additional information about the context in which a signature help request
-- was triggered.
data SignatureHelpContext =
    { -- | Action that caused signature help to be triggered.
      _triggerKind :: SignatureHelpTriggerKind
      -- | Character that caused signature help to be triggered. This is
      -- undefined when @triggerKind !==
      -- SignatureHelpTriggerKind.TriggerCharacter@
    , _triggerCharacter :: Maybe String
      -- | 'True' if signature help was already showing when it was triggered.
      -- Retriggers occur when the signature help is already active and can be
      -- caused by actions such as typing a trigger character, a cursor move, or
      -- document content changes.
    , _isRetrigger :: Bool
      -- | The currently active 'SignatureHelp'.
      -- The '_activeSignatureHelp' has its @SignatureHelp.activeSignature@
      -- field updated based on the user navigating through available
      -- signatures.
    , _activeSignatureHelp :: Maybe SignatureHelp
  deriving (Read,Show,Eq)
deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelpContext

makeExtendingDatatype "SignatureHelpParams"
  [ ''TextDocumentPositionParams
  , ''WorkDoneProgressParams
  [ ("_context", [t| Maybe SignatureHelpContext |])
deriveJSON lspOptions ''SignatureHelpParams