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lsp-test- Functional test framework for LSP servers.

Safe HaskellNone




Provides the framework to start functionally testing Language Server Protocol servers. You should import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types alongside this.



type Session = ParserStateReader FromServerMessage SessionState SessionContext IO Source #

A session representing one instance of launching and connecting to a server.

You can send and receive messages to the server within Session via getMessage, sendRequest and sendNotification.

runSession Source #


:: String

The command to run the server.

-> ClientCapabilities

The capabilities that the client should declare.

-> FilePath

The filepath to the root directory for the session.

-> Session a

The session to run.

-> IO a 

Starts a new session.

runSession "hie" fullCaps "path/to/root/dir" $ do
  doc <- openDoc "Desktop/simple.hs" "haskell"
  diags <- waitForDiagnostics
  let pos = Position 12 5
      params = TextDocumentPositionParams doc
  hover <- request TextDocumentHover params


runSessionWithConfig Source #


:: SessionConfig

Configuration options for the session.

-> String

The command to run the server.

-> ClientCapabilities

The capabilities that the client should declare.

-> FilePath

The filepath to the root directory for the session.

-> Session a

The session to run.

-> IO a 

Starts a new sesion with a custom configuration.

data SessionConfig Source #

Stuff you can configure for a Session.




  • messageTimeout :: Int

    Maximum time to wait for a message in seconds, defaults to 60.

  • logStdErr :: Bool

    Redirect the server's stderr to this stdout, defaults to False.

  • logMessages :: Bool

    Trace the messages sent and received to stdout, defaults to False.

  • logColor :: Bool

    Add ANSI color to the logged messages, defaults to True.

  • lspConfig :: Maybe Value

    The initial LSP config as JSON value, defaults to Nothing.

Default SessionConfig Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Session


def :: SessionConfig #

defaultConfig :: SessionConfig Source #

The configuration used in runSession.

fullCaps :: ClientCapabilities #

The whole shebang. The real deal. Capabilities for full conformance to the current (v3.10) LSP specification.


anySessionException :: SessionException -> Bool Source #

A predicate that matches on any SessionException

withTimeout :: Int -> Session a -> Session a Source #

Execute a block f that will throw a TimeoutException after duration seconds. This will override the global timeout for waiting for messages to arrive defined in SessionConfig.


request :: (ToJSON params, FromJSON a) => ClientMethod -> params -> Session (ResponseMessage a) Source #

Sends a request to the server and waits for its response. Will skip any messages in between the request and the response rsp <- request TextDocumentDocumentSymbol params :: Session DocumentSymbolsResponse Note: will skip any messages in between the request and the response.

request_ :: ToJSON params => ClientMethod -> params -> Session () Source #

The same as sendRequest, but discard the response.

sendRequest Source #


:: ToJSON params 
=> ClientMethod

The request method.

-> params

The request parameters.

-> Session LspId

The id of the request that was sent.

Sends a request to the server. Unlike request, this doesn't wait for the response.

sendNotification Source #


:: ToJSON a 
=> ClientMethod

The notification method.

-> a

The notification parameters.

-> Session () 

Sends a notification to the server.

sendResponse :: ToJSON a => ResponseMessage a -> Session () Source #

Sends a response to the server.


To receive a message, just specify the type that expect:

msg1 <- message :: Session ApplyWorkspaceEditRequest
msg2 <- message :: Session HoverResponse

Session is actually just a parser that operates on messages under the hood. This means that you can create and combine parsers to match speicifc sequences of messages that you expect.

For example, if you wanted to match either a definition or references request:

defOrImpl = (message :: Session DefinitionRequest)
         <|> (message :: Session ReferencesRequest)

If you wanted to match any number of telemetry notifications immediately followed by a response:

logThenDiags =
 skipManyTill (message :: Session TelemetryNotification)

message :: forall a. (Typeable a, FromJSON a) => Session a Source #

Matches a message of type a.

anyRequest :: Session FromServerMessage Source #

Matches if the message is a request.

anyResponse :: Session FromServerMessage Source #

Matches if the message is a response.

anyNotification :: Session FromServerMessage Source #

Matches if the message is a notification.

anyMessage :: Session FromServerMessage Source #

Matches any type of message.

loggingNotification :: Session FromServerMessage Source #

Matches if the message is a log message notification or a show message notification/request.

responseForId :: forall a. FromJSON a => LspId -> Session (ResponseMessage a) Source #

Matches a response for a specific id.


Quick helper functions for common tasks. ** Initialization

initializeResponse :: Session InitializeResponse Source #

Returns the initialize response that was received from the server. The initialize requests and responses are not included the session, so if you need to test it use this.


openDoc :: FilePath -> String -> Session TextDocumentIdentifier Source #

Opens a text document and sends a notification to the client.

closeDoc :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session () Source #

Closes a text document and sends a notification to the client.

documentContents :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session Text Source #

The current text contents of a document.

getDocumentEdit :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session Text Source #

Parses an ApplyEditRequest, checks that it is for the passed document and returns the new content

getDocUri :: FilePath -> Session Uri Source #

Gets the Uri for the file corrected to the session directory.

getVersionedDoc :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier Source #

Adds the current version to the document, as tracked by the session.



waitForDiagnostics :: Session [Diagnostic] Source #

Waits for diagnostics to be published and returns them.

noDiagnostics :: Session () Source #

Expects a PublishDiagnosticsNotification and throws an UnexpectedDiagnosticsException if there are any diagnostics returned.

getCurrentDiagnostics :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session [Diagnostic] Source #

Returns the current diagnostics that have been sent to the client. Note that this does not wait for more to come in.


executeCommand :: Command -> Session () Source #

Executes a command.

Code Actions

getCodeActions :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Range -> Session [CAResult] Source #

Returns the code actions in the specified range.

getAllCodeActions :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Session [CAResult] Source #

Returns all the code actions in a document by querying the code actions at each of the current diagnostics' positions.

executeCodeAction :: CodeAction -> Session () Source #

Executes a code action. Matching with the specification, if a code action contains both an edit and a command, the edit will be applied first.


getCompletions :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Position -> Session [CompletionItem] Source #

Returns the completions for the position in the document.


getReferences Source #


:: TextDocumentIdentifier

The document to lookup in.

-> Position

The position to lookup.

-> Bool

Whether to include declarations as references.

-> Session [Location]

The locations of the references.

Returns the references for the position in the document.


getDefinitions Source #


:: TextDocumentIdentifier

The document the term is in.

-> Position

The position the term is at.

-> Session [Location]

The location(s) of the definitions

Returns the definition(s) for the term at the specified position.


rename :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Position -> String -> Session () Source #

Renames the term at the specified position.


getHover :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Position -> Session (Maybe Hover) Source #

Returns the hover information at the specified position.


getHighlights :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> Position -> Session [DocumentHighlight] Source #

Returns the highlighted occurences of the term at the specified position


formatDoc :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> FormattingOptions -> Session () Source #

Applies formatting to the specified document.

formatRange :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> FormattingOptions -> Range -> Session () Source #

Applies formatting to the specified range in a document.


applyEdit :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> TextEdit -> Session VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier Source #

Applys an edit to the document and returns the updated document version.