Purely functional weight balanced trees, aka trees of bounded balance.
- J. Nievergelt and E.M. Reingold, "Binary search trees of bounded balance", Proceedings of the fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, pp 137-142, 1972.
- S. Adams, "Implementing sets efficiently in a functional language", Technical Report CSTR 92-10, University of Southampton, 1992. http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/adams/BB/
- S. Adam, "Efficient sets: a balancing act", Journal of Functional Programming, Vol 3, Issue 4, pp 553-562.
- Y. Hirai and K. Yamamoto, "Balancing Weight-Balanced Trees", Journal of Functional Programming. Vol 21, Issue 03, pp 287-307. http://mew.org/~kazu/proj/weight-balanced-tree/
- M. Strake, "Adams' Trees Revisited - Correct and Efficient Implementation", TFP 2011. http://fox.ucw.cz/papers/bbtree/
- data WBTree a
- type Size = Int
- size :: WBTree a -> Size
- empty :: WBTree a
- singleton :: a -> WBTree a
- insert :: Ord a => a -> WBTree a -> WBTree a
- fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> WBTree a
- toList :: WBTree a -> [a]
- member :: Ord a => a -> WBTree a -> Bool
- delete :: Ord a => a -> WBTree a -> WBTree a
- deleteMin :: WBTree a -> WBTree a
- deleteMax :: WBTree a -> WBTree a
- null :: Eq a => WBTree a -> Bool
- union :: Ord a => WBTree a -> WBTree a -> WBTree a
- intersection :: Ord a => WBTree a -> WBTree a -> WBTree a
- difference :: Ord a => WBTree a -> WBTree a -> WBTree a
- join :: Ord a => WBTree a -> a -> WBTree a -> WBTree a
- merge :: WBTree a -> WBTree a -> WBTree a
- split :: Ord a => a -> WBTree a -> (WBTree a, WBTree a)
- minimum :: WBTree a -> a
- maximum :: WBTree a -> a
- valid :: Ord a => WBTree a -> Bool
Data structures
Creating sets
insert :: Ord a => a -> WBTree a -> WBTree aSource
Insertion. O(log N)
insert 5 (fromList [5,3]) == fromList [3,5]
insert 7 (fromList [5,3]) == fromList [3,5,7]
insert 5 empty == singleton 5
fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> WBTree aSource
Creating a set from a list. O(N log N)
empty == fromList []
singleton 'a' == fromList ['a']
fromList [5,3,5] == fromList [5,3]
Converting to a list
toList :: WBTree a -> [a]Source
Creating a list from a set. O(N)
toList (fromList [5,3])
toList empty
member :: Ord a => a -> WBTree a -> BoolSource
Checking if this element is a member of a set?
member 5 (fromList [5,3])
member 1 (fromList [5,3])
delete :: Ord a => a -> WBTree a -> WBTree aSource
Deleting this element from a set. O(log N)
delete 5 (fromList [5,3]) == singleton 3
delete 7 (fromList [5,3]) == fromList [3,5]
delete 5 empty == empty
deleteMin :: WBTree a -> WBTree aSource
Deleting the minimum element. O(log N)
deleteMin (fromList [5,3,7]) == fromList [5,7]
deleteMin empty == empty
deleteMax :: WBTree a -> WBTree aSource
Deleting the maximum
deleteMax (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b"), (7,"c")]) == fromList [(3,"b"), (5,"a")]
deleteMax empty == empty
null :: Eq a => WBTree a -> BoolSource
See if the set is empty.
Data.Set.WBTree.null empty
Data.Set.WBTree.null (singleton 1)
Set operations
union :: Ord a => WBTree a -> WBTree a -> WBTree aSource
Creating a union set from two sets. O(N + M)
union (fromList [5,3]) (fromList [5,7]) == fromList [3,5,7]
intersection :: Ord a => WBTree a -> WBTree a -> WBTree aSource
Creating a intersection set from sets. O(N + N)
intersection (fromList [5,3]) (fromList [5,7]) == singleton 5
difference :: Ord a => WBTree a -> WBTree a -> WBTree aSource
Creating a difference set from sets. O(N + N)
difference (fromList [5,3]) (fromList [5,7]) == singleton 3
Helper functions
join :: Ord a => WBTree a -> a -> WBTree a -> WBTree aSource
Joining two sets with an element. O(log N)
Each element of the left set must be less than the element. Each element of the right set must be greater than the element.
merge :: WBTree a -> WBTree a -> WBTree aSource
Merging two sets. O(log N)
Each element of the left set must be less than each element of the right set.
split :: Ord a => a -> WBTree a -> (WBTree a, WBTree a)Source
Splitting a set. O(log N)
split 2 (fromList [5,3]) == (empty, fromList [3,5])
split 3 (fromList [5,3]) == (empty, singleton 5)
split 4 (fromList [5,3]) == (singleton 3, singleton 5)
split 5 (fromList [5,3]) == (singleton 3, empty)
split 6 (fromList [5,3]) == (fromList [3,5], empty)
minimum :: WBTree a -> aSource
Finding the minimum element. O(log N)
minimum (fromList [3,5,1])
minimum empty
*** Exception: minimum