{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}

-- | `defunctionalize` traverses the query to:
--      1. "normalize" lambda terms by renaming binders,
--      2. generate alpha- and beta-equality axioms for
--   The lambdas and redexes found in the query.
--   NOTE: `defunctionalize` should happen **BEFORE**
--   `elaborate` as the latter converts all actual `EApp`
--   into the (uninterpreted) `smt_apply`.
--   We cannot elaborate prior to `defunc` as we need the
--   `EApp` and `ELam` to determine the lambdas and redexes.

module Language.Fixpoint.Defunctionalize
  ( defunctionalize
  , Defunc(..)
  , defuncAny
  ) where

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import           Data.Hashable
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc            (fM, secondM, mapSnd)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Sanitize (symbolEnv)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types        hiding (allowHO)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Config
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Visitor   (mapMExpr)
-- import Debug.Trace (trace)

defunctionalize :: (Fixpoint a) => Config -> SInfo a -> SInfo a
defunctionalize cfg si = evalState (defunc si) (makeInitDFState cfg si)

defuncAny :: Defunc a => Config -> SymEnv -> a -> a
defuncAny cfg env e = evalState (defunc e) (makeDFState cfg env emptyIBindEnv)

-- | Expressions defunctionalization --------------------------------------------------------
txExpr :: Expr -> DF Expr
txExpr e = do
  hoFlag <- gets dfHO
  if hoFlag then defuncExpr e else return e

defuncExpr :: Expr -> DF Expr
defuncExpr = mapMExpr reBind
         >=> mapMExpr (fM normalizeLams)

reBind :: Expr -> DF Expr
reBind (ELam (x, s) e) = ((\y -> ELam (y, s) (subst1 e (x, EVar y))) <$> freshSym s)
reBind e               = return e
shiftLam :: Int -> Symbol -> Sort -> Expr -> Expr
shiftLam i x t e = ELam (x_i, t) (e `subst1` (x, x_i_t))
    x_i          = lamArgSymbol i
    x_i_t        = ECst (EVar x_i) t

-- normalize lambda arguments [TODO: example]

normalizeLams :: Expr -> Expr
normalizeLams e = snd $ normalizeLamsFromTo 1 e

normalizeLamsFromTo :: Int -> Expr -> (Int, Expr)
normalizeLamsFromTo i   = go
    go (ELam (y, sy) e) = (i + 1, shiftLam i y sy e') where (i, e') = go e
                          -- let (i', e') = go e
                          --    y'       = lamArgSymbol i'  -- SHIFTLAM
                          -- in (i' + 1, ELam (y', sy) (e' `subst1` (y, EVar y')))
    go (EApp e1 e2)     = let (i1, e1') = go e1
                              (i2, e2') = go e2
                          in (max i1 i2, EApp e1' e2')
    go (ECst e s)       = mapSnd (`ECst` s) (go e)
    go (PAll bs e)      = mapSnd (PAll bs) (go e)
    go e                = (i, e)

-- | Containers defunctionalization --------------------------------------------

class Defunc a where
  defunc :: a -> DF a

instance (Defunc (c a), TaggedC c a) => Defunc (GInfo c a) where
  defunc fi = do
    cm'    <- defunc $ cm    fi
    ws'    <- defunc $ ws    fi
    -- NOPROP setBinds $ mconcat ((senv <$> M.elems (cm fi)) ++ (wenv <$> M.elems (ws fi)))
    gLits' <- defunc $ gLits fi
    dLits' <- defunc $ dLits fi
    bs'    <- defunc $ bs    fi
    ass'   <- defunc $ asserts fi
    -- NOPROP quals' <- defunc $ quals fi
    return $ fi { cm      = cm'
                , ws      = ws'
                , gLits   = gLits'
                , dLits   = dLits'
                , bs      = bs'
                , asserts = ass'

instance (Defunc a) => Defunc (Triggered a) where
  defunc (TR t e) = TR t <$> defunc e

instance Defunc (SimpC a) where
  defunc sc = do crhs' <- defunc $ _crhs sc
                 return $ sc {_crhs = crhs'}

instance Defunc (WfC a)   where
  defunc wf@(WfC {}) = do
    let (x, t, k) = wrft wf
    t' <- defunc t
    return $ wf { wrft = (x, t', k) }
  defunc wf@(GWfC {}) = do
    let (x, t, k) = wrft wf
    t' <- defunc t
    e' <- defunc $ wexpr wf
    return $ wf { wrft = (x, t', k), wexpr = e' }

instance Defunc SortedReft where
  defunc (RR s r) = RR s <$> defunc r

instance Defunc (Symbol, SortedReft) where
  defunc (x, sr) = (x,) <$> defunc sr

instance Defunc (Symbol, Sort) where
  defunc (x, t) = (x,) <$> defunc t

instance Defunc Reft where
  defunc (Reft (x, e)) = Reft . (x,) <$> defunc e

instance Defunc Expr where
  defunc = txExpr

instance Defunc a => Defunc (SEnv a) where
  defunc = mapMSEnv defunc

instance Defunc BindEnv   where
  defunc bs = do dfbs <- gets dfBEnv
                 let f (i, xs) = if i `memberIBindEnv` dfbs
                                       then  (i,) <$> defunc xs
                                       else  (i,) <$> matchSort xs
                 mapWithKeyMBindEnv f bs
    -- The refinement cannot be elaborated thus defunc-ed because
    -- the bind does not appear in any contraint,
    -- thus unique binders does not perform properly
    -- The sort should be defunc, to ensure same sort on double binders
    matchSort (x, RR s r) = ((x,) . (`RR` r)) <$> defunc s

-- Sort defunctionalization [should be done by elaboration]
instance Defunc Sort where
  defunc = return

instance Defunc a => Defunc [a] where
  defunc = mapM defunc

instance (Defunc a, Eq k, Hashable k) => Defunc (M.HashMap k a) where
  defunc m = M.fromList <$> mapM (secondM defunc) (M.toList m)

type DF    = State DFST

data DFST = DFST
  { dfFresh :: !Int
  , dfEnv   :: !SymEnv
  , dfBEnv  :: !IBindEnv
  , dfHO    :: !Bool        -- ^ allow higher order thus defunctionalize
  , dfLams  :: ![Expr]      -- ^ lambda expressions appearing in the expressions
  , dfRedex :: ![Expr]      -- ^ redexes appearing in the expressions
  , dfBinds :: !(SEnv Sort) -- ^ sorts of new lambda-binders

makeDFState :: Config -> SymEnv -> IBindEnv -> DFST
makeDFState cfg env ibind = DFST
  { dfFresh = 0
  , dfEnv   = env
  , dfBEnv  = ibind
  , dfHO    = allowHO cfg  || defunction cfg
  -- INVARIANT: lambads and redexes are not defunctionalized
  , dfLams  = []
  , dfRedex = []
  , dfBinds = mempty

makeInitDFState :: Config -> SInfo a -> DFST
makeInitDFState cfg si
  = makeDFState cfg
      (symbolEnv cfg si)
      (mconcat ((senv <$> M.elems (cm si)) ++ (wenv <$> M.elems (ws si))))

-- | Low level monad manipulation ----------------------------------------------
freshSym :: Sort -> DF Symbol
freshSym t = do
  n    <- gets dfFresh
  let x = intSymbol "lambda_fun_" n
  modify $ \s -> s {dfFresh = n + 1, dfBinds = insertSEnv x t (dfBinds s)}
  return x

-- | getLams and getRedexes return the (previously seen) lambdas and redexes,
--   after "closing" them by quantifying out free vars corresponding to the
--   fresh binders in `dfBinds`.