{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies
           , FlexibleInstances      #-}
-- |
-- Module      : SO3
-- Description : Showcase
-- Copyright   : (c) Felix Springer, 2019
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : felixspringer149@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : POSIX
-- This is a definition of the SO(3), useful to load into GHCi.

module LieExample.SO3 ( Vector (..)
                      , crossProduct
                      ) where

import Lie.LieAlgebra

-- | Vector in ℝ³
data Vector = V Double Double Double
              deriving Eq

-- | Crossproduct, which returns orthogonal vectors where the length is the area of the
-- parallelogram spanned by the input vectors
crossProduct :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector
crossProduct (V a b c) (V d e f) = V (b * f - c * e)
                                     (c * d - a * f)
                                     (a * e - b * d)

instance Show Vector where
  show (V a b c) =  "(" ++ show a
                 ++ " " ++ show b
                 ++ " " ++ show c
                 ++ ")"

instance LieAlgebra Vector Double where
  (|+|) (V a b c) (V d e f) = V (a + b)
                                (c + d)
                                (e + f)

  (|*|) alpha (V a b c)       = V (alpha * a)
                                  (alpha * b)
                                  (alpha * c)

  (|.|) = crossProduct

  basis = [ V 1 0 0
          , V 0 1 0
          , V 0 0 1

  trace f = sum $ zipWith euclideanScalarproduct transformedBasis basis
    where transformedBasis = map f basis
          euclideanScalarproduct :: Vector -> Vector -> Double
          euclideanScalarproduct (V a b c) (V d e f) = a * d + b * e + c * f