libhbb- Backend for text editors to provide better Haskell editing support.

Safe HaskellNone




searchFunctionBindingM :: GhcMonad m => FilePath -> BufLoc -> Maybe BufLoc -> m FunBindInfoSource

This function takes a file name and the location that is of interest and searches out the value or function binding for the name that stands at this location. The returned value contains all informations that are needed to inline the function definition or describe how to inline it (smart-inline).

If the name refers to a name that is not part of the module graph (because it has been loaded by a library for example) this function will fail.

searchFunctionBindingForNameM :: GhcMonad m => (Name, BufSpan, FilePath) -> m FunBindInfoSource

This version to search a function binding takes a Name and some details about it.



:: GhcMonad m 
=> (Name, BufSpan, FilePath)

informations about the Name instance, its location and the file

-> b

neutral result

-> (b -> b -> b)

function to join 2 results

-> (BufLoc -> GenericQ b)

generic query (special cases) for the result, produced by mkQ for example...

-> m (SearchedTokenInfo b) 

This is a generic function that takes informations about a Name and queries the renamed AST according to the parameters.



:: GhcMonad m 
=> FilePath

The file where the token occurred

-> BufSpan

The location of the token to consider

-> m WhatIsAt 

This function is responsible to detect what kind of thing is located at the passed location (the token).

data WhatIsAt Source


ThereIsAnExternalName Name

Names are used for value- and function bindings as well as function parameters. External names refer to things outside of the module graph (external libraries for example)

ThereIsAnIEDeclToExtern Name

(I)mport/(E)xport declaration that points to another compilation unit (package).

ThereIsAnIEDeclFor WhatIsAt

(I)mport/(E)xport declaration that points to the thing stored as first parameter.

ThereIsANameFor WhatIsAt

Names are just pointers to other things. When such a name is discovered, another run of WhatIsAt is triggered which searches for the thing that is at the location pointed to by this name. This can only be a binding (ThereIsABinding) or a function parameter (ThereIsAFunParameter).

ThereIsABinding (LHsBindLR Name Name)

The token pointed to a binding.

ThereIsAFunParameter (LPat Name)

Function parameters are of type (LPat Name) at the location where they are defined.

ThereIsATypeSigFor WhatIsAt

The location specified points to a function or value bindings signature.


There is something that is currently not supported (e.g. a type declaration).



:: Int

Length of the function name (determined by the lexer)

-> HsBindLR Name Name

The actual binding

-> [RealSrcSpan]

A list with one name for each match of the function (or [] if this is a pattern binding or infix declaration)

This function extracts the RealSrcSpan elements of a function binding. The problem is that a function binding may contain several entry points of which each has its own src-span attached. Each of these spans will be contained by the result list produced by this function.

This is the heading myfunction in myfunction x = x * x.



:: (GhcMonad m, Typeable a) 
=> (a -> BufLoc -> Maybe BufSpan)

Tells how to extract the span of an a. If the a element is at the BufLoc specified then the according BufSpan is returned. Note that the results are sorted by the end location of the BufSpan that is returned here. So if this function returns weird data then the sorting of the results is not warranted.

-> FilePath

The filename of the module to be considered.

-> BufLoc

The required start-location of the tokens.

-> m [a]

A sorted list of results.

Parses the renamed AST of the module and returns all elements that start at the passed location sorted by length in increasing oder.

data SearchTokenException Source

These are exceptions searchFunctionBinding(M) may throw.

Each exception can be converted to a meaningful string. Moreover searchFunctionBinding is throwing internal errors via error (exception ErrorCall must be catched).

data LexingFailReason Source

This type holds possible return values of getVariableIdUsingLexerAt.



data SearchedTokenInfo a Source




printFun :: forall b. Outputable b => b -> String

GHC internally uses Outputable for things that may be printed to the user for example. As the printing functions depend on the DynFlags used at compilation they can't be used any more when the GHC run has finished. So printFun uses a closure to save the DynFlags in a curried function to make it possible for clients to get a string representation of a GHC internal data type.

occSpan :: RealSrcSpan

This is the Src-Span covering the full function name the searchFunctionBinding function has determined (the function gets passed only a certain point in a file pointing to a (part) of the function name)

name :: Name

The name that was at the location that has been passed to searchFunctionBinding(M). In the case of inlining the name is what is to be replaced by the function definition. This name is completely enclosed by occSpan.

result :: a

The type of the result is determined by the GenericQ a passed as parameter.

type FunBindInfo = SearchedTokenInfo (LHsBindLR Name Name, Maybe (LSig Name))Source

data BufSpan Source

A BufSpan is simply defined by two times a BufLoc.


BufSpan BufLoc BufLoc

BufSpan startLoc endLoc


Eq BufSpan 
Data BufSpan 
Show BufSpan 
Typeable BufSpan 

data BufLoc Source

This is just the combination of a line number and a column number.


BufLoc Int Int

BufLoc line column


Eq BufLoc 
Data BufLoc 
Ord BufLoc 
Show BufLoc

BufLocs are shown by separating the line and the column number by a colon.

Typeable BufLoc